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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Another compilation from the archive. This time Hicks From The Sticks from 1980 A compilation of post-punk, some of these bands went on to have some success, some split up and their members had success elsewhere and others just faded away into the void I love a good obscure post-punk compilation. A lot of what is on here is really archival material for the forgotten
  2. This looks like a forlorn hope, the Tory members are undoubtedly the most politically & economically unaware members of any political party in the UK.
  3. You can still do it on SNCF apparently, although cars and passengers don't travel on the same train (Auto train)
  4. You booked your ticket, turned up and your car was loaded onto the low loader rail truck You then travelled on the train, took your car with you but didn't have to drive it all the way to Scotland and arrived as fresh as a BR Ham Sandwich made the day beforeetc. The bit about being such good value might actually be a downright lie That maxi might have rusted completely by the time it got to Scotland
  5. Having just watched it, I'm not sure much was actually cut out
  6. They've started issuing 70 year old WW2 artillery to the mobilised
  7. Railway Supply And given how much the Russian military is reliant on the railways for logistics, this month old story is bigger news than it appears
  8. That would suit @maqroll
  9. I think this time I'll be booking the next day off work and will have a good stock of red wine and nibbles in There may even be popcorn
  10. Well it'll keep him in the news as he's high on the losing his seat list.. He only has a 6K majority
  11. The longer this goes on, MPs will realise that they are going to be out of a job soon, or many of them anyway. Now, given the absolute shit show that we have, many of those MPs will know that they will find it hard to actually get a job after their defeat. Those cushy directorates / advisory jobs will just not be there such is the level of hatred for them. They know this. A lot of them may draw the conclusion that it is better to be responsible for bringing the shitshow down than it is to just meekly sit it out. How they do that and how they pull it off I don't know but don't assume that sitting it out to the bitter end will be the only endgame in town
  12. Rule Number 1 for Number 2's at work Unless actually turtling always check the supplies situation.
  13. Long thread from a Belarusian journalist (obviously an opposition journo not a Luka stooge) on why the Belarusian "Mobilisation Readiness Exercise" and the 9,000 Russian troops being sent to Belarus is nothing but a bluff
  14. Here is a thread that explains what has been going on in the Tory Party for decades and why pinning this all on Truss is a huge mistake.
  15. Had my latest booster yesterday, no side effects apart from the standard sore arm I was going to ask about getting the flu jab at the same time, I didn't have to bother asking, it was straight up asked at the outset if I wanted it at the same time. Also I was literally in and out in 5 or 6 minutes, totally efficient system at the chemist I went to.
  16. In name only, they wrote the book together, they awere co-conspiritors and it's highly likely that Kwarteng had the greater input into the crackpot ideology. She's as much his boss as Tony Blair was Gordon Brown's Next you'll be suggesting that she's Jeremy Hunt's boss too The point here is that it isn't just Truss. Pinning this all on Truss is a huge mistake
  17. He wasn't following her order's either. She didn't need to tell him what to do
  18. Yes, it does, it's not her plan. She just put her name to it. She's not leading this. It was also as much Kwarteng's plan as hers.
  19. And Hunt is as big an economically illiterate weasel as Truss. The main plank of his policy, for which he managed to persuade 18 whole MPs to back him in his very poor most recent (out in the first round) Leadership bid was to reduce Corporation Tax to 15%, that's more f***witted than Truss and Kwarteng's plan. He is no saviour of the Tory Party. They will not unite around him, nor I suspect will they around any single figure. In some respects, right now, the One Nation Tories need to realise their party is deader than a dead thing and that their best chances of a political rebirth is as a completely new party. Their party has been had off by a bunch of disaster capitalists.
  20. This bit isn’t true, it was their (and Dominic Raab, Priti Patel +1) plan. They even wrote it all down in a book. Britain Unchained I’m pointing this out because it’s currently being portrayed by Truss and many quarters of the media as Truss’ plan. It’s no more her plan than it is many others. Those many others are often based in one building. 55 Tufton Street. The home of an awful lot of brexiteering climate denying think tanks with VERY shady funding Truss and Kwarteng taking over the leadership of the Tory Party and the country was the final piece in the jigsaw of a plan that has been many years in the making. The economic nutters had literally captured the Tory party. The party needs to lose as heavily as the current polling suggests to rid itself of its beasts and demons. Hopefully this has killed the Party if not for good for some many years to come. But one thing is for sure, this isn’t just mad Lizzy’s plan. It is the plan of a lot of shady individuals and Truss is just the willing figurehead. Don’t think getting rid of Truss will be the end, the Tories need to do much much more than that
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