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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Doesn't really matter, the damage was already done. Yet another act of complete self-harm
  2. An attempt to achieve terminal velocity is my only thought It was a monumentally stupid decision. To save face on a defeat inflicted in the commons by it's own party they've now managed to make themselves look even more of a party in disarray. They've now further angered the internal opposition And they were attempting to break a manifesto pledge, which their grassroots supporters liked I really don't see how Truss survives this now, she obviously has zero credibility within her own party and she's managed to rile them further. When one of her fellow Britannia Unchained authors stands up and says he's breaking the whip and is prepared for the consequences, the writing really is on the wall
  3. HAHAHAHAH Sue Ellen is about to be relieved of her duties as Home Secretary EDIT: 43 days she lasted
  4. That's what whips are there for. They'll remove the whip from the MP and they become an Independent. William Wragg if he had a brain should have got together with enough like minded MPs (and it is likely that there are many on this issue) and collectively threatened to all vote against the Government and see if they had the balls to remove the whip from the lot of them. Hell it may even have removed their majority if the party had the balls to go through with it (which they obviously wouldn't) If he felt that the issue was that important, that is what he'd have done. He didn't and neither did the many others, that tells you all you need to know
  5. The fracking thing is a complete red herring. It will not mean the re-introduction of fracking in the UK Given the current political climate and the timescale and expense involved in recovering any meaningful product from the ground, no company is going to invest in fracking right now because it currently looks like the next government will be Labour and Labour will abandon it in the first weeks of power. This is just more grandstanding by the Tories but it does make people like William Wragg look like a tit and the Tory Party to be the shambles that it is so the debate in itself does serve a meaningful purpose, it just isn't the one they want
  6. Scramjet stands for Supersonic Combustion Ramjet The cartoon character got his name from a type of jet engine
  7. Define Hypersonic missile. If we're talking goes above Mach 5 then yes Russia has the Kinzhal, which has been used already in Ukraine. There is, however, nothing modern about this weapon, it is a platform that began development in the 1980s Russia also has the Iskander, which is used extensively (or was) in Ukraine, this is also technically a hypersonic platform. Neither of them are really what people are referring to as proper Hypersonic missiles. Proper Hypersonic missiles fall into two camps HGVs (Hypersonic Glide Vehicles) and cruise missiles using scramjet engines Russia reportedly has one experimental HGV platform but the HGV's are essentially ICBMs in their initial launch phase into orbit so are very detectable in that phase. No country in the world has demonstrated a working scramjet hypersonic cruise missile
  8. Given, in particular Braverman's record and legal knowledge added to those of previous incumbents of her position, I'd be amazed if this new law wasn't picked apart and deemed illegal by the judiciary in a test case probably brought to the courts in part by everyone's favourite fox clubber (and saviour of chickens).
  9. Yep, I only realised that was him when I read his wiki. Tried to take an unaccredited person into a conference meeting and when told he couldn't by security staff, he played the "don't you know who I am card" (which is funny enough in context of this conversation)
  10. Alternatively, there is no cream. Apart from the obvious outcasts the party is chock full of people you have never heard of, some of them have been MPs for a considerable time. (Go to https://members.parliament.uk/members/Commons and select COnservative Party to see all 357 of them listed) Sir Peter Bottomley is the father of the house but in his 47 year parliamentary career, he has never risen above Under-Secretary and the last time he held such a position was 32 years ago (in the Thatcher years). You've probably only heard of him because he is married to Virginia Bottomley. The Tory party is absolutely full of people like Peter Bottomley. Ever heard of Sir Geoffrey Clifton-Brown? IO certainly haven't, He's been an MP since 1992 and in those 30 years has never held a serious government position, not once (His best attempts were as a PPS and a whip). He's a talentless berk whose only political skill is walking through the right lobby as per instructions from the whips. These are your typical Tory MPs. There is no cream
  11. Having to decipher corporate bullshit and translate it into a form of language taxi drivers will respond to So translating from overly wordy bullshit to dumbed down bullshit whilst remaining within a professionally written framework And its specifically all of my own making for seeking out a partnership with a new card processing solution to recommend to our fleet of drivers
  12. I'm one of them too. Forced to play him. I got three CS in that game
  13. This is a man that cost himself 18 points in GW10 by captaining Salah over Haaland (and as a result lost the £50 prize for the first quarter of the season) He's also had some amazing luck, like forgetting to change his team so Ward was benched, who subsequently got a CS
  14. The person currently leading our work league has used all his chips, every single one, by GW12 I predict he won't win
  15. Looks totally different on a phone, looks and works just like an App
  16. Anybody elese using the FPLGamewwek Dashboard? I find it very useful for keeping a track on everyone's standings in the leagues especially in the live gameweek. It adds the bonus points live and the -4s. It's easy to see what chips your rivals have already used etc (as you'll see in the screenshot, a rival of mine is showing as -2 for the GW because he's used 2 transfers above the limit and currently only scored 6. It is also my favourite price and the ads aren't too annoying
  17. The Scottish Green Party have completely disassociated themselves with the UK Green Party in a row over trans abuse
  18. -4s kick in at the end of the game week Though if you use FPLGameweek dashboard they show live It does the same with bonus points too
  19. My -4 paid off. Webster in for James. 6pts for 2 points I wouldn't have got
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