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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Mobile FIrefox's insisence on opening a new homepage tab every time I open the App is similar, if I want a new tab I'll just press the plus, now you're making me close tabs all the time grrrr
  2. You've got a social media video thing going on haven't you
  3. My point is that no party should be putting forward motions like this to serve a single purpose, even in the knowledge that it would fail, just in case it doesn't. The wording of the motion is awful and could have dire future consequences should it actually pass. They, in putting in the motion are not putting the good of the country first, which is what they've accused the Tories of. How can you have such an open ended rule about law breaking. Every Government action that ends up in court, names the relevant minister and they are deemed to have broken the law if the government loses in court. And that happens to every party in power, its a part of a functioning democracy, I agree that the Tories aren't thinking of the country, it's obvious but by the same token neiother are the LibDems in tabling that bollocks
  4. See, you were doing really well but then your otherwise well constructed argument fell apart like a Liz Truss premiership I was agreeing with you, yep, yep, yep, get the f*** out of here
  5. I think most people by now think of Truss as just a symptom, what has gone on since is just the disease taking hold further. Once the Time for a Change switch has been flicked in the voting publics mind, it is REALLY hard to flick the switch in the opposite direction
  6. I'd be more likely to post a Bob Dylan song in this thread Just to be clear. I don't like any Beatles songs, nor Queen, nor Elvis
  7. Disagree, it depends where he plays. He plays wide when Darwin Nunez starts and thats where he rarely gets returns. Picking Salah is a gamble that Nunez doesn't start. Midweek, he got three points, played out wide again. Last weekend played up front, got a return. Playing Salah imo is a gamble based on Darwin Nunez not playing. Now Nunez also after a slow start due to injury and suspension seems to be getting his act together and in my mind, that means lots more of Salah out wide With respect to KDB, unless you have Foden in your team already, there is no point, just get Foden instead. Even now with Foden's price rapidly shooting up, there is still over £3.5mil in value to be saved. Foden's price went up last night and is predicted to rise again tonight so be quick to make that decision. EDIT: I also think Nunez or Firmino are better options points wise and pts per £ wise than Salah if you don't have them
  8. No, that’s is changes on their last poll which was fieldwork done on 11th -12 th October annoying it doesn’t say when this fieldwork was done
  9. Do not confuse attempts at lack of bias by certain media platforms as an indication of anything. Vox Pops are always ridden with agendas
  10. Trossard Out - Foden in yesterday before his price rise and before tonights predicted price rise too. Currently 8 of my first choices are predicted to rise tonight Still got plenty of money to burn (£4mil)
  11. Laughed my head off in the car when that happened as the person I most want to beat this year only had Bailey left to play
  12. nah. Flock of Seabats had a few decent electronic pop hits. I Ran was the breakthrough but Telecommunication and Space Age Love Song were alright too. Most of it was drivel though
  13. Did turning it off and on then giving it a stern clout not work?
  14. Just to point out what I've been saying about Johnson. Polling the general public
  15. A weekend is a long time in politics, especially this weekend. She's not out of it yet
  16. Penelope Mordor becomes the first to officially launch a bid for leadership
  17. And you can absolutely guarantee that every single one of them will be asked that question... repeatedly
  18. Also, If anything it is the MSM that are pushing the Boris agenda right now not socials. Most of those, I suspect, are pushing it in the grand old newspaper tradition of build them to smash them down. There is still lots of Johnson dirt they've accumulated over the years that they just haven't used yet. (The obvious Telegraph / Spectator etc outlets are excluded from this)
  19. That is possibly true, I'll concede that but I also dislike the use of parliamentary motions that get involved in party politics and should they pass would produce an absolute shit show in every government moving forward. Making laws to prove a point in the hope it fails and not considering the consequences of it actually passing should be left in the councils of the Student Unions where they belong This is the same party that were calling the Tories out only.... *checks* ... today for not putting the good of the country first.
  20. This is demonstrably not true, especially with reference to group 3 No General Election since 1997 has had a greater % turnout than 1997 - 71.48% 1997 was the lowest election turnout since 1935 (71.1%) Your claim that group 3 tended not to vote now do vote can only be true if groups 1 and 2 have really approached zero and we all know that isn't true without any research. We haven't gained a voting public we're losing them. It peaked in 1950 with 83.9% and was generally falling slowly until 1992 at which point it began to plummet for two election cycles (59.4% was its nadir in 2001). It then started to recover but even now we're only back in the mid-60% range. Non voters have massively increased Social Media also affects those that rail against its effects
  21. I don't think they've thought this through the grandstanding berks
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