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Everything posted by bickster

  1. The official argument for not going to the members is that there will only be one candidate. It won't even be going to the MPs to vote on. Remember nominations are not votes (Corbyn would never have been elected Labour leader were in not for the likes of David Lammy and Emily Thornberry nominating him even though they had no intention of voting for him)
  2. Don't get me wrong, I welcome the Tory members not getting a say but only because of the reaction it will have amongst the membership. It's yet another piece in the death spiral of the party
  3. Not disagreeing with that, though I suspect many members won't be happy as a result
  4. And as for the membership.... They couldn't possibly let facts get in the way of their opinions.... Yep, they'll all be out on the knocker campaigning in the next General Election
  5. Definitely looking like a coronation and not an election then. Most of the Johnson backers appear to be switching to Sunak, So far only Fabricant and Lee Anderson have jumped to Mordaunt.
  6. Planes need servicing regularly They've lost a fair few in action which will reduce any rotation in aircraft for regular servicing They are being sanctioned which means parts that need replacing probably won't be I imagine we might see more of this tbh
  7. The Throbber that is Christopher Chope is calling for a General Election because the Tory Party is ungovernable. So much for the idea that the party will unify behind a new leader. So that’s Mad Nad and Chope with the knives out for Sunak before he’s even become leader
  8. You can think that if you want. You won’t be right though. Nick Boles left Policy Exchange years ago. It was also set up by Michael Gove and Francis Maud Policy Exchange produced a policy paper called Clean Brexit, which advocated a Clean Break from the EU and walking away from talks if necessary. It was pretty much Theresa May's operating manual for the negotiations .It’s Policy Exchange that are behind all the “Freedom of Speech on Campuses” nonsense that has been a central plank in the Culture War too. Policy Exchange have had far far far too much influence on UK government since the Tories returned to power. Cameron and Osbourne weren't centrists either, they were the Austerity Twins which was a policy borne of ideology not pragmatism Sunak is a right wing, small government, low taxation disciple and a Brexiteer. The reputation he's garnered through Johnson forcing his hand to “deliver furlough” is utterly false. It was widely reported at the time that he didn’t want to do the furlough scheme Sunak is the most ideological of the three (now two) candidates. Johnson was the populist and probably the most pragmatic. Mordaunt is just another empty vessel
  9. Not so sure about that. Better than Truss yes but I think the markets are fully aware of what his medium term policy agenda is and I'm not sure they'll like that so much. He's very much in the clean Brexit, Policy Exchange camp (where he used to work). You know that thing that if you strip away Covid and Ukraine, has really f***ed the economy. He's still a right wing, small government, low taxation throbber at the end of the day. He just knows he needs to balance the books first and how he achieves that none of us will like as he'sliekly to want to do it much faster than most of us would like him to The NHS really isn't safe in his hands, nor are lots of other local and national government jobs
  10. This is next to impossible unless you want to hand a victory to Putin Also, tackling inflation in the eyes of the Tory Party is keeping your pay low or even axing your job
  11. Right, how strong is the ABS faction of the Tory party AND how many of the Sunak nominees were ABJs
  12. Careful what you wish for. His campaign slogan always seems to be missing a bit He got furlough done (even though he didn’t want to)
  13. Stupid party full of stupid MPs with even more stupid members and you expect them not to have stupid rules?
  14. Sobriety out of the window again Or… desperation in plain sight Way to go in attempting to pull the party together there Nads, keep up the great work
  15. Guido Fawkes has the current scores on the doors as Sunak: 150 Johnson: 75 Mordaunt: 28 So that leaves 104 unknowns by their reckoning but remember these are only nominations and not votes. There will be a considerable number of MPs who don't want to be involves in nominating anyone. If Johnson had the hundred in the bag, he'd have absolutely declared by now. Mordaunt is hanging on for either Johnson to collapse (and hope to get the ABS nominations) or some horse trading for a cabinet post and her actually nominating Johnson
  16. Nu album by Goat - Oh Death It's Goat and on first listen, it sounds just like Goat
  17. Some of them, most definitely. The SNP's record on race issues isn't particularly great either I think there is definitely an argument that it is. But this is the Tory Topic not the Tartan Tory topic
  18. Nah, the is classic Johnson the ROman Emperor stuff. He knows if he cn get 100 MPs he's pretty much PM again, regardless of how many MPs Sunak gets In his mind, he'll just bullshit past the Inquiry etc and he's imortal with the genius touch The one who is up to games at this point is Mordor with her in it to win it, she's trying to play Kingmaker, her interview this morning showed her up to be the absolute empty vessel that we all knew. Exxentially in a leadership race and no commented everything because she hasn't got a plan to lead, just a plan to improve her profile and get a better job. The idea that ERG Mordor is a unity candidate is also palpably stupid Personally, I suspect at this stage the odds favour a Sunak Coronation tomorrow
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