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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Amazing how many Musk Fanbois don't realise that labour laws in other parts of the world, particularly the EU, are a bit different to the USA
  2. I have no idea of the source nor do I care, such a stupid map deserves to be seen
  3. Another one worth following for the replies
  4. Well at that stage for me it was one of two and I chose the most obvious as choosing the most obscure buggered me up the other day and guess what, it bugger me up again
  5. Talking of Black Sea ports on the Russian mainland...
  6. He's looking at the Jan 6th Incitement and the stolen documents specifically. There are other cases against Trump ongoing too aren't there like the NYC Tax Fraud case?
  7. I did the Guiness Storehouse one morning before work when I was working in Dublin, it would have been rude not to given I was working about 200 yards up the road. I quite enjoyed it, the smells were glorious and the pint of Guiness in the tower was very good. Great spot for minesweeping pints of Guiness as all the people who didn't like Guiness had one sip and left them. Must have had 4 pints before going in for the last day babysitting the staff I'd been training. The best pint of Guiness I had was in McCanns Bar just opposite where I was working, it was the closest pub to the Storehouse gate iirc, that was a magnificent pint
  8. Maybe reading and looking at a map might help stop you talking nonsense. The Russians have other Black Sea Ports on their mainland, not the Northern Sea of Azov ports. The ones on their mainland on the Black Sea Like I said. Crimea is only strategically important if you want to attac Ukraine
  9. There’s a great video out there of Russians setting up in the field. Their accommodation amounted to a gazebo with plastic wrap around the four poles. I’m out at the min and on my phone otherwise I’d post it
  10. This is funny. The Nitter thread won't embed and the reddit post has a swear in it so I'll just have to link to the Nitter (there's a video on it) https://nitter.net/JohnB_Schneider/status/1593416172191580160#m But essentially the Russians left behind a decoy S-300 battery when they left Kherson They then wasted a loitering suicide drone on blowing it up (thinking it was real obviously) now it's in Ukraine held territory
  11. There's one of him today on a railway bridge, the accuracy of the missile is highy impressive EDIT: Found it
  12. My favourite from my last SAC was the person taking the course telling me If I'm doing 20 MPH I should be in second gear I just asked him which ancient gearbox he was basing that on, no answer
  13. YouGov polling In other words it's nearly a 2:1 ratio of Britons who believe that leaving the EU was wrong and nearly 1 in 5 people who voted for Brexit think it was the wrong decision. The Labour Party need to wise up, they are pandering to a shrinking demographic
  14. They do so little enforcement these days it hardly matters tbh. I'm convinced 99% of the fixed position speed cameras are turned off. I haven't seen one flash for years, the only ones that seem to work are the Speed on Green ones at traffic lights but they haven't got many of those. Even the mobile unit ones are few and far between and they are still in fixed positions. I haven't had any points for years, strangely since my last get bored by a factually incorrect motorcycle instructor for half a day's scam money and that was a good five years ago now, before that I was on 9 points for nearly three years. The speed awareness course did not change my behaviour one bit
  15. It was alway interpreted here that 35 was over the leeway because the speed would most likely be 35.01 or above The Stupid thing here is also that the Speed Awareness Course is cheaper than the fine
  16. Why is Crimea strategically important? Serious question because strategically it isn't important, it's important for resources, it has oil and gas offshore but strategically Russia has other Black Sea ports with Naval Bases. Losing Crimea doesn't lose them access to anything It's only strategically important if you want to attack Ukraine
  17. Well as I think that was me and only me, It's nice that you ignored ALL the other reasons I also said were reasons they were overvalued, it was one part of quite a few reasons.
  18. It's a clickbait parody. "X Photos of Jennifer Lawrence that will make you..." is a very common clickbait headline
  19. It's the completely different reactions of the women to the men that I find interesting. Absolute shock, disbelief and horror from the women. Hilarity from the men
  20. Tin foil hat stuff Dem, sorry but it really is
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