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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Coming from someone who is "shocked" that people listen to the radio
  2. SPotify's alogos are shite for picking music you might like. In the many years I've been on it, it still plays rap music with vocoder vocals at me every week, doesn't matter how many times I skip this shit. It's problem is that it deals in genres and its genres are wank I like early period Bowie, it doesn't stop it playing risible shite after Scary Monsters at me I like the last three Talk Talk albums, which are completely different to the first two Pop vs Post rock. It's My Life....... For all they claim, it's shite
  3. The swastika department were sacked but they left it with the catch all button on.
  4. And the conversation will go like this. Russia leaves the whole of Ukraine including Crimea and we'll relax the following sanctions. We will then relax the following sanctions when you've agreed to pay the following reparations to Ukraine (SHould you fail to pay, they'll be reinstated) We will relax the following sanctions when time has passed and we believe Ukraine's security isn't at risk or similar, you get the picture
  5. It really isn't, the turnout is too low. You can't tell if Labour has gained Tory votes or if more Tories stayed at home compared to Labour. And stay away Tories may not stay away at the next General Election
  6. Whilst I agree about the next election, the Chester result isn't an indication of much at all
  7. It's the Tory Party putting itself on a war footing over two years in advance of the next time they have to go to the country. That in itself is somewhat unusual I think. It could be an indication that they are going to put the MPs out and about in the constituencies for the next two years for a hearts and minds campaign to regain support. It won't work. Johnson has to say he's standing even if there's the remotest chance he will, it's not like he'll face any kind of punishment for later deciding he's not (He'll get hammered if he does imo)
  8. But that is what the article does, it says he's wrong without offering an opinion. Thats what fact checking articles do.
  9. This is what infects my ears every day at work. same songs every day. One might get the impression that Beck only ever released Loser if you listen to this station.
  10. Its a fact checking article, its not there to provide a balanced view on immigration, its there to counter Farage's lies. It's not the article to pick for a balanced view on immigration
  11. It seems like half the constituency didn't know either, turnout was about 50% of normal. It was never going to be much of an indicator seat. It's hard to say if the Tory drop is as result of Torys staying away or actually switching
  12. Russia still estimated to be losing 500-700 men a day most days. Those are still high numbers
  13. If you and the missus have separate accounts its cheaper to have a family account. Just putting it out there.
  14. It does, it's called a family account, costs about £8 more (iirc you get up to 6 logins)
  15. Amateurs, if only they'd included the word scene, they'd have got around that
  16. It's a 3 CD compilation, there are lots more on there. I'd be interested to know which ones you've heard of. It's not my era so an awful lot of them mean nothing to me.
  17. It is appropriately where we traditionally send criminals. It's only right and proper
  18. It's a pet peeve of mine when I'm out working "Where are you from" From a complete stranger as an opening gambit to a conversation its just a f***ing rude question, regardless of any racial issue. Add the race element in and yes, it's racism, especially in the way it was done in this instance Even without the race element it's othering. Get to know someone a bit first before you ask the question because it shouldn't be what defines a brief meeting. If that question is one of the first asked, I don't want to get to know you.
  19. Yep thats in a longer list coming later As is this but I'd also didn't show up in my database so that needs addressing
  20. I agree. I looked at what I bought this year and its predominantly back catalogue
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