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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Yeah all that playing out was great in the 70s and early 80s, we got our exercise from being legged by the National Front for having mates that were black and Asian. The Newton Road is one f***er of a hill to run up when being chased by Nazis But it was the best of times
  2. bickster

    Energy Bills

    You realise we live in a market economy?
  3. The article on Vice that wikipedia founder tweeted is an interesting read on the Musk / Twitter feud. TL:DR - Musk is taking absolute bollocks to suit his agenda
  4. Since Musk has taken over Twotter, what appears in our company account timeline is very different. Today its the American Actress and the English Prince. I couldn't give a f***, neither could the company. Now we do follow a few news outlets so you expect it from those sources and its all usually ignorable but its the sheer volume of tweets from sources we don't follow that are now in our timeline makes it pretty useless as a tool
  5. Yes exactly, NATO is a convenient excuse for Russia. Finland will be no more of a threat to Russia inside or outside of NATO. But the ideas and freedoms of "The West" are the threat and that threat is to the regime in charge and not the people Though the Ukraine Invasion isn't just about that threat either, it's like an awful lot of imperialist wars and invasions - a land grab for resources Amongst many other drivers too
  6. You just want to score twice on the same day!
  7. It's a Putin narrative that has been pushed by left wing Russian shills for some considerable time. In the UK it usually starts with the likes of Galloway and Milne and filters down to the masses. It's been said for so long now, many believe it to be a universal truth without ever questioning it.
  8. Guaranteed it was the new branch of SuperCigski that started it. Notch another one up to sanctions buster Phillip Morris.
  9. Nope that’s the MP for Sutton Coldfield, right party, different word removed
  10. They appear to have removed the section with Mr Compo Beardface from the article now they've found some people that will be genuinely inconvenienced, no wait that bit still isn't true. The first person now is a student who is going home a week early from Uni because she was due to leave on the 16th, the Theology and Religion Student (yep there's the whole bag on nothing course) is now going to miss a whole week of Uni rather than go home on the 15th... It's not good for her degree!
  11. So Cairo looks like Barcelona, it's very Gaudi
  12. Is this the one we knew about but wasn’t suspended because his name wasn’t made public or another one?
  13. It has been a while since I've had this on. I don't know why, it's a great album. It's the soundtrack to a film but you wouldn't really know it. I've never seen the film, though I might try and rectify that Garage Psychedelic Rock with a hint of Spaghetti Western The Liminanas - The World We Know
  14. Russia is the threat. There is no other credible way to interpret the situation
  15. Your are becoming dangerously close to those people that dip toast in their tea
  16. I always go for the low birth weight ones as they won't affect me /Bill Hicks
  17. Can you eat it by holding the bun and taking a bite? I very much doubt it A victory of style over substance. It's just not practical AND... And... it seems to be served on a piece of wood, which is especially dumb considering you are going to have to separate the elements in some way just to be able to take a bite. How long before that delicious looking egg is all over your face and shirt?
  18. Just to add in to that.... who then also rented Aintree Racecourse as a venue for one of their delivery sites AND used it as a vaccination Centre, different building Evidence... two pricks in my arm So it's not just PPE and TESTING, they are also mired in Vaccination contracts too
  19. Is it still March 2022 in Australia? I'm unsure of your news source but NATO itself cannot do anything, no member state has been attacked and it is a defensive alliance. USA and most of it's NATO partners are doing a hell of a lot, UK included (and even Australia). China are not sabre rattling at all, in fact if you listen to what has gone on behind the scenes via back channels, it is supposedly China that has told Putin in no uncertain terms that Nukes are off the table The Western countries apart from a select few are solidly behind Ukraine. Even France appeared to be pulling in the right direction until Macron went into Dickhead mode again the other day. Understand this, There will be no WW3 out of the Ukraine War, there will be no nukes used. Russia will eventually lose. Russia does not have limitless supplies of war machinery and an awful lot of it is spent, hell they've even killed most of the battle hardened troops they had If China is watching this with interest in regards to a response from the west, they will not be planning to attack Taiwan anytime soon. Taiwan has better weapons than Ukraine, it already has Patriots for example. CHina will also see that "The West" has thrown an awful lot of ordnance, training, advice and intelligence Ukraine's way and will be just as likely to do that to Taiwan. China will also note how shite Russia's equipment is as China has actually bought some of it. Oh and China doesn't have any battle hardened troops in the first place, the last time they fought any kind of meaningful land battle was 1984
  20. Having to send the entire company an email about how to spot a phishing email because the company dickhead clearly hasn't read it the previous three times it has been sent.
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