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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Well no, various Reddit subs about them but not specifically bad ones
  2. You’d be surprised what the House of Saud already own. Saudi were big investors in twitter before Musk bought all the shares
  3. Funny that none of them seemed to complain loudly when Teresa May was elected unopposed so it didn't go to the membership, the very first time these new rules were in effect All that changed was the threshold for nominations What is this nonsense about the grassroots taking back control of the party. The grassroots of the Tory Party has never had control, they've always been the playthings of the parliamentary party I especially liked the bit about taking the party back to the centre-right but its the brainchild of Brexiteer Bannerman and has the support of goosestepping Patel All power to the though, they just cause yet another division but this time between the people with power and those that put posters in their windows
  4. Warrington Runcorn New Town Development Plan - People and Industry. His first album from last year, he's just relesed his third CD with two bonus tracks not on the vinyl. Limited edition of 200. There are far more vinyl copies of this than CDs Ambient Electronics, some might call it Synthwave but it's really library music
  5. 'merica Yes those are roast potatoes and refried beans, the sausages look like they could be fired out of a HIMARS and that looks like breaded ham heated on a grill for some reason and that reason isn't obvious as they have typical American incinerated streaky bacon there too
  6. Here's a Canadian attempt. Why do they all think cheese is a fryup item?
  7. Could even be aioli, which puts the salad cream questions on a back burner
  8. Name it, its a plate of protein and sugar and mayo goes with carbs
  9. Still trying to figure out what the mayo is meant to go with
  10. New Leftfield album - This is What We Do They are back after a long hiatus apparently, strange that this seems to ignore the fact they released an album in 2015 (it was rather poorly recieved,) Sounding good so far, mostly quite downtempo but the modulated phat bass sounds are wonderful
  11. He's had a few, too few to mention
  12. It even the worst crime on that plate pot of spunk from the previous nights group bandage session?
  13. I was a word removed before for driving out of the city centre with no lights on, must have been five miles before I realised
  14. If you look closely at the rear of the plate, there is an actual sausage, it is cast amidst some undefinable purple mush Most perplexing is the physallis sat in the tomato ketchup
  15. Apparently there is someone in Berlin serving this as a Full English Breakfast At least @Xelawould be happy
  16. Say bye bye, you clearly have two accounts
  17. Back in the dark ages, you shared your telephone line with another house. Only one of you could be on the phone. If you were on the phone, they couldn't make a call
  18. Back in the 70s, as soon as we'd had our evening meal and the washing up was done, my mother was straight on the phone to talk to some friend or relative, never off the thing, on there for hours. I'd have to go around and knock on my mates doors to see if they wanted to hang out It was a party line too, so the other houses phone bill must have been miniscule
  19. The Guy Hamper Trio featuring James Taylor - All the Poisons in the Mud Yet another of Wild Billy Childish's incarnations, this time WBC does Booker T (as you'd imagine with James Taylor in there) I've always been a sucker for that Stax blues Hammond Organ thing
  20. Pffft, where do these people get off pushing these crap films that no-one has heard of and telling us they are great Must be obscure for a reason If Caddyshack isn't in the list, the list is worthless And why so much obscure French, German, Italian, Japanese and even Russian films It's even got that Japanese rip off of the Magnificent Seven in it, yet ignores the masterpiece itself Music snobs wouldn't do this thats for sure
  21. Phillip Madoc's ex-wife Ruth has died at 79
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