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Everything posted by bickster

  1. I think these reds are jumping up and down on the bed shouting Vlad I love you
  2. In all seriousness though, please don't go back and edit your posts for substitutions, I might miss them for the spreadheet as I have started making next years now Just make a post about what the substitution is
  3. Was that what the Norwich fans sang to him when he played upfront for them?
  4. New rule: Only one substitution per season
  5. 100 points to you, puts you on 108
  6. You know the Engels airbase, the one that is closer to Moscow than Ukraine that keeps being attacked by presumably Ukraine... In those attacks there were always comments from Russias asking what the air defence was doing (this is pretty much true for any attack on targets deep inside Russian territory) Well today, Russia proved without doubt that the Engels Airbase does indeed have working Air Defence (S-300 probably) because they shot down one of their own Su-27 They have claimed it was thought to be another drone, when asked why they didn't recognise their own aircraft, the answer was "It was cloudy" So the next question is... what was their IFF system doing? (Identification Friend or Foe)
  7. That is all GP do now anyway, that and prescribe antibiotics (and play golf )
  8. It's like it's a compulsion with him, He must have caught it from his sponsor, Vladimir Putin George Santos owned no rental properties Still the bigger mystery, that fellow Putin shill Tulsi Gabbard didn't even touch on (unsurprisingly) is where did he get all his money from? He went from earning $55,000 per year to a multimillionaire almost over night Don't be fooled by Gabbard, she's trying to bury him before the really awkward questions start to be asked. She's not doing that for America
  9. If any of you know the Killing Joke song Requiem, this will not be what you were expecting One of my favourite dub versions ever, there is no reggae involved
  10. Nearly everyone in the 80s Manchester music scene has a Nico story A great deal of them aren't very complimentary and most of them revolve around her being an aloof needy pain in the arse. These days they tend to downplay them because she's now a dead legend but at the time they were less reverential in their telling of the stories
  11. There are an awful lot of really strange people with logic fails replying to those tweets
  12. There is no other invading army in Belarus, certainly not one capable of doing much. They haven't mobilised, they have 4,500 active troops on their border (the whole border) and about 3,500 in reserve. There are also 9,000 Russian troops there The Ukraine / Belarus border is now double fenced with minefields. Belarus has given Russia an awful lot of its spare mechanised armour. Ukriane have a number of battalions of troops dedicated to defending this border There are far less troops and supplies in Belarus now than there were in February, Ukraine is far better prepared and armed than it was then and you can't just walk over the border any more Ukraine isn't scared of what can come across the ground from Belarus, not only that but there are huge doubts as to whether the Belarus army would actually invade. So far they've refused and those 9,000 Russian troops are more likely there to quell any rebellion than invade. Just like they did a few years back during the last attempt to overthrow Lukashenko when he stole the last election. But yes, I also doubt the Russian narrative. Absolutely smells of false flag.
  13. Well here's the odd way to connect these two posts. John Lydon was the step father to Ariane Forster AKA Ari Up of The Slits and the New Age Steppers. Ari was German by birth, English was her second language. After the Slits split she eventually relocated to Jamaica So then her accent became this really odd Germano-English-Patois Avert your ears...
  14. If the Russians say something, usually the opposite is true
  15. It was amazing that she lived so long considering the amount of heroin she took in her lifetime
  16. Only time I ever see people going on about him is when you have a moan in here about them going on about him You are part of the problem and not the solution
  17. Also useful for when a drone spots people to make sure they are on the wrong side
  18. Cancel coming on and conceding was just perfect 92 points for the week for me
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