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Everything posted by bickster

  1. I need a copy of that methinks, I'm rather low on Sparks
  2. Thats down to Labour when in power to prove the doubters wrong Also worth thinking about, if the polls are currently correct, the Tory Party will be so short of MPs they won't really be an effective opposition and a good number of their current "big Guns" will have disappeared from view. What will remain of the Tory Party will be a lot of the safe seat for life nonentities that the Tory Party is full to the brim with and a few names. The well known names casualty list will be huge Go to https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/userpoll.html and put in your desired figures for each party, then select, display seats that have changed hands and just go down the list of MPs that will be predicted to lose, some absolutely huge names in there from the front and back benches I get my poll figures from Mark Packs poll tracker -> https://www.markpack.org.uk/155623/voting-intention-opinion-poll-scorecard/ I used the figures from the latest poll (Techne) which has the following prediction 25/46/9/5/8 (Con/Lab/Lib/Grn/Ref) and put those figures in the above. You get the result in seats of 115/441/18/1/0 plus the Regional/Indies A Labour majority of 230 with almost 4 times the seats of the Tories Just a selection box of the casualties when you put those figures in: Andrew Bowie Graham Brady Boris Johnson Kwasi Kwarteng Theresa Coffey Penny Mordaunt Mad Nad JRM Andrew Bridgen Andrew Mitchell Anne-Marie Trevelyan George Eustice IDS Alister Jack CHris Grayling Ben Bradley Liam Fox Shaun Bailey Grant Shapps Esther McVey And that really is just a selection I picked out on a quick glance The scale of the Tory defeat may well be absolutely unprecedented
  3. Which one? Duran Duran or ex-Leeds Utd?
  4. Opening that second front from Belarus. Bear this in mind (there's another tweet above these)
  5. Don't think this got reported here, from last night. They never seem to learn any lessons from their previous failures
  6. Hmm as the late entries are coming in a reminder that entries close tonight at midnight.
  7. Isn't it The Weeknd So in my head it automatically annoys me and the brain says ignore
  8. I see the Russia Eastern Orthodox Xmas 36 hour ceasefire they announced was well observed. Not Fire Station shelled in Kherson Constant shelling in Bakhmut Air Raid sirens across Ukraine
  9. It's not just DM journalists, it's most if not all of the outlets that have a Royal Correspondent. The BBC output in particular is very biased, I've just been in the car and the report was about Harry throwing hand grenades and how as much as he wants reconciliation, he isn't going to get it. There was absolutely no attempt to put the alternative side to the debate, it's all about "just as King Charles is trying to establish himself after his mother's death", the coverage is VERY slanted and it's not just the BBC, it's most UK media outlets. The Royal Correspondents are a little clique of journalists that get fed by the RF, if they go against the RF line too much, they stop getting fed and their use diminishes. There are always two sides to a story and the Royal Correspondents only ever tell one side because their careers depend on them doing just that. Don't ever expect balanced journalism from the Royal Soap Columns in the media
  10. It's an economic union not a defence alliance. It has very little military aid it can give
  11. Nonsense, Some European leaders maybe but most have been on point from the start.
  12. The NRA donated heavily to BOTH parties most of the time
  13. Not wanting to get involved in this whole debate to be honest but how many interviews do you reckon a top football manager does in a month? You're saying it like 32 interviews is a lot, for public interest figures whose story has been rumbling for a lot of months, 32 interviews seems like a rather small amount
  14. In France, they aren't taxis that you pay at the end of the journey. So even if what you are saying is illegal (big if), the crime isn't occuring in UK juristiction, so quite frankly is utterly irrelevant. Regardless of what Sue Ellen and the Daily Heil say
  15. There are also a very large amount of cross-border families that are still able to communicate with each other
  16. Oh sorry, crossed wires there. I think that one is illegal under UK law but legal under International law. That is we've passed a law that is contrary to International law. Another battle to be decided later but UK Govt will lose but that was never the point.
  17. No that isn’t what happened. The courts decided the government could make the decision to send people to Rwanda (or wherever), it didn’t rule whether that was legal or not. That is a decision or another day and another court.
  18. The Ukrainian OC split from the Russian (mother) OC many months ago. Since then the Russian OC in Ukraine has been shut down due to their acting as agents of Russia and I also seem to recall there was some sort of poll conducted about whether to follow the OC Xmas tradition or the Western Xmas tradition, the OC didn’t win. The Ukrainian OC is very much on the side of Ukraine
  19. He's been on 4 yellows since GW14 and as Spurs have played 18, he only has one game to go.
  20. Darwin is only the 4th biggest current out behind Trossard, Toney & Salah. Kane is the 5th biggest IN behind Rashford, Shaw, Mitro and Odegaard So you may get away with it without further price rises / falls. I was glad I got rid of Darwin before the first drop tbh and with Mitro still on the rise (went up again today) I'll make money out of that deal if he goes up again which he might given the fluidity in strikers right now
  21. Because you and I are paying for them, the soap opera you must subscribe to by law It's obscene
  22. Aren't they a bit late with this story line? I thought the soaps saved this shit up for Xmas to boost the ratings The more you talk about it, the more you enable them. Our taxes pay for this f***ing soap opera
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