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Everything posted by bickster

  1. So not exceptionally dull then?
  2. C'mon pull your....can't be bothered
  3. Heart attack brought on by cheeseburger constipation?
  4. It depends how you define easiest.It’s easiest because it’s a well drilled machine comparatively to other Local Authorities and a driver can get licensed relatively quickly. On the flip side, they have far stricter criteria than a lot of local authorities. For example any more than 6 points on a driving licence and you will not get licensed. More than 3 points and you get interviewed before a licence will be granted. Go over 6 points at any point and the licence is revoked. That’s he strictest criteria I’ve ever come acrossThey are also very strict on the vehicle side, even minor scratches must be fixed before a vehicle is licensed- again, strictest I've come across. It doesn’t matter which local authority a driver is licensed by, every driver in the country goes through an Advanced DBS check Wolves do not have a topography test, they really are an anachronism in this day and age but some LAs and older taxi drivers think they are an essential skill, they aren't they are a very shit memory test and nothing more. They do have a one day course teaching (and they use qualified teachers) drivers licensing law and their regulatory requirements, it isn’t easy to pass, many fail.Fail three times and you can’t retry for 6 months. Never come across that before either. You'll find a lot of people talking crap about Wolves Licensing,.Ignore it, it’s utter bollocks. It’s easier to get licensed if you fit the criteria. They, however are strict criteria and it’s much easier to lose that licence. The ease is in Wolves efficiency
  5. I'm a dickhead, should have been a three. Third word contained the same correct letter in the wrong place as the second guess - rushing for you Wordle 572 4/6
  6. Same here on the Haarland TC, last week was the end of the quarter for my money league and I had no chance of the quarterly prize. Gw20 is the start of a new quarter so considering the boost as an eartly leg up this quarter
  7. If it was a tourist tax, Blackpool wouldn't be a shithole
  8. I think it's the smell of inflated prices
  9. I'd say that one was far more common.
  10. We now have a fair few cars licensed by Wolverhampton Council. So that means every year they have to be driven down to Wolves for compliance testing by the council. That isn't my job thankfully nor is it what cheers me up. I started calling these regular trips down to Wolves, the Yam Yam Express shortly after they started. Slowly but surely this has now stuck and it is ingrained in company talk. What are you up to tomorrow mate? I'm on the Yam Yams is now heard a lot. Brings a smile everytime I hear it.
  11. It's funny, that's the exact phrase every Royal Correspondent in the media seemed to be using last week. It's like it came from somewhere originally and everyone copied it
  12. bickster

    Energy Bills

    **Not Shocked** **Double Not Shocked** (soz )
  13. bickster

    Energy Bills

    Well that would depend if you have a variable time tariff
  14. Sorry, that is horrendous. Even before Rod opens his mouth, it pretty much has everything that was bad about 80s music production in mainstream music all there. Even the opening drum fill makes me want to cry
  15. bickster

    Energy Bills

    Insulating Render is also an option but your house may not be suitable for that either
  16. Depends. Most likely candidate is India. A deal may have been done. You send them back for maintenance, that gives India plausible deniability (even though India actually manufactures them), Russia then uses them and reduces even further the price India pays for oil. But it still isn't a good look to other export markets
  17. Gimme an R, gimme a U,.......
  18. As if by magic, a T-90 story appears today. Ukraine captured a T-90S, the export variant. It's not the first instance of an S export variant, destroyed ones have already been seen These tanks have a different configuration to the ones the Russians use. Russia doesn't export some of it's tech. It indicates that EITHER Russia is running out of tanks or has a much reduced capability of repairing those that are damaged or mechanically compromised. On paper Russia should still have a good number of T-90 but clearly something is up as they are now using the export variant. These will either be an order that isn't getting delivered or tanks that were sent back to Russia for servicing and now aren't going back to their owners. Either way, someone's military is going short Although this was released today, you'd have to imagine that this capture was some time ago, as the location is stated as Kherson oblast and the front line (The Dnipro river) hasn't moved since the liberation of Kherson City.
  19. Glad you didn't put that in Music Chat. I lasted 45 seconds
  20. It's a modern Main Battle Tank, its a generation above anything Russia had at the start of the campaign. The most modern tank the Russians used here was the T-90 but even that is just an upgraded T-72 It's targeting and sensor equipment is just miles ahead of the T-90 In the last few months the T-90 doesn't get seen that often in Ukraine, so most of the tanks the Russians are using are further generations behind the Leopard 2 (and Challenger 2 that the UK might send)
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