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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Probably not that one, Stalin didn't skimp on the concrete. The other one posted was a much more modern building so probably
  2. France isn't so much any more. France is sending more Caesars and has approved other countries sending them too. They are also going to send MBTs (Leclercs) to Ukraine. France is now actively putting pressure on Germany
  3. This isn't the problem. I've had a rant about coloured vinyl before but that's more of a personal preference. Normally an album will be released and have about 3 variants but most people generally only buy one but when you get an act like TS and the fans are obsessive, they try and buy every sodding version and the longer than goes on, the more they'll rinse the fans. This is what blocks the pressing plants
  4. Folklore is a good example of this nonsense. In all there are 24 different variants of the vinyl album Discogs
  5. The colour of the vinyl usually or just different covers. It's rarely if ever different tracks on the same format these days. That is it. Completists want every variant, they probably don't play them
  6. I don't really think she'll alienate the Indie Kids or anyone really I don't think there's any antipathy towards her or her music, there are far far far worse acts out there. Her stuff is a bit vanilla for me because I don't think she has a very distinctive voice but it doesn't offend me. My only gripe with TS is the sheer amount of product she releases and re-releases in various variants etc which does have a detrimental effect on the growth of other acts. As that picture I posted shows there are people out there that buy every single variant and if there was an unlimited supply of pressing plants, I'd be fine with all that too, each to their own but that isn't the situation. It's not just TS, it's the major labels too. Some of the back catalogue that gets pumped out that very few are interested in is baffling. The music industry never learns lessons
  7. No, of course it won't get that far but if other countries put boots on the ground the likelihood of it happening increase dramatically which is why they won't and which is why it won't happen. Or one of the reasons, there are plenty of others too
  8. Not a rumour any more, confirmed this week I have the last Big Red Machine album, which I'm not really a fan of, I know she's on there somewhere but I couldn't really tell you which songs she's on
  9. Escalted to World War level, the war will benefit less and last longer
  10. Because it's cheap debt and she'll be paying back less than £50 a month on that wage. The debt gets wiped after 30 years, if she stays at that income level, she'll only pay back about £20k of the debt. If she's out of work at any point or her wage drops below the threshold she'll stop paying until it rises again. There is a likelihood that she'll never pay the full amount so why pay it off, it's cheaper not to
  11. It's don't actually think it's Sholtz, it's his coalition partners, the left in the coalition are the pro-Russian ones putting the blocks on everything but he needs them to stay in power, he's having to walk a tightrope to keep the coalition together
  12. Because then they'd have to prosecute people everytime someone shares as photo of themselves or their friends on social media not wearing a setbelt in the rear of a vehicle It's a zero point offence, the standard first time fine is about £60. It probably costs more to prosecute than they collect
  13. yep and I also wonder when the last time Lancashire Police prosecuted a rear seatbelt offence
  14. Huge one. David Crosby gone at 81 Lots of musicians aren't upset
  15. This because I noticed it had Kick Out The Tories by the Newtown Neurotics on it, a band I'd completely forgotten about until I heard a track on the radio t'other day. Even the Sisters of Mercy tracks are the proto-goth sisters with the drum machine and Ben Gunn who I was, a couple of years later in Uni and on the Ents Ctte with me (probably when I bought this record) I think I probably bought this because it was a) cheap and b) had the Three Johns on it Oh and this is one of those records that despite being 38 years old is still in the cellophane
  16. I really don't read it tbh because he's a clearing in the woods
  17. Has it occurred to you that it’s probably her who sent the tweet
  18. Do t forget all the tax payer subsidised food and booze in the workplace
  19. He's also pointing out that he's underpaying his staff with our money
  20. One less AA system to take to Ukraine and given Russian contruction in general a risk to the residents
  21. Yeah but this is also one of the reasons pressing plants are at capacity. TS is a resource hog
  22. This person is "super excited" to be getting their first record player set up. She has been collecting vinyl for two years but can now finally play it Look closely at just how many Taylor Swift albums she has.
  23. Yeah but Noel plays guitar like he was a fan of Kraftwerk
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