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Everything posted by bickster

  1. 148 Challenger 3 currently under contrct to be built in Telford
  2. When Laura the Tory ends up asking you why you've come on the programme when you knew what the topic was and know nothing says it all
  3. Agreed but when the story broke this week, it took a number of days before it broke properly as the media were still being wary. People were complaining that the BBC wasn’t covering it, when in fact it was most outlets weren’t covering it. It was only when the Scum put their head above the trenches that the others followed suit by reporting that the Scum was reporting. I agree that others like the Guardian and the Indie etc had been tracking and researching the story for a while and had all been threatened by Zahawi's solicitors. That wasn’t what I was talking about, I was just referring to this week's events
  4. Definitely blue on blue, it has all the hallmarks. Zahawi tried to use the law to hide his tax affairs - as much as we all knew about it it wasn't widely reported because well you work it out, then The Scum broke cover and the rest reported the Scum story (Murdoch = Team Boris) Why pick on Zahawi? Because he's the splitter. Formerly Team Johnson who changed his mind in hours of publicly supporting Johnson to become a Rishi cheerleader. Two birds one stone Lo and behold, the Johnson / £880k loan / DG BBC story breaks. Retaliation baby. And then the seatbelt moment just adds to the fun I look forward to the sequel of all sequels, new Tory Leader Coup IV May to Johnson, Johnson to Truss, Truss to Sunak and the forthcoming Sunak to ? Just wait until someone proposes changing the rules to the 1922 ctte for the St Petersberg CruiserAurora moment It's implausible but it might just happen because this lot are completely off the rails
  5. It’s not Sholz, it’s a combination of his weak coalition, which does have a considerable amount of more pro-Russian cooperation parties and current public sentiment towards donating tanks and Germany's post WWII history. The West Germans have had a strong anti-nuclear / anti-conflict politics for a long time and it’s hard for them to shake and those from the former East Germany still have a lot of Russian ties. Sholz is a product of all that and he doesn’t have the strength of personality to persuade those against sending the Leopards that they are wrong. He's a weak leader in a difficult situation not a shill, that he’s managed to get Germany weaned off Russian gas so quickly is how’s he's not a shill but sending the tanks may just be beyond him.
  6. Nah, Germans in polling are against sending tanks
  7. He's the only one with the financial muscle and the troop numbers to defeat the official Russian military When Putin goes, it's hard to see it not being a shitshow Civil War The Russian military will want to regain power that they've lost to the likes of Wagner and the FSB I can't see there being a peaceful transference of power
  8. There's a biiger chance of him becoming the next Putin Unlike all the others vying for the throne they imagine will be vacated. Wagner has money outside of the Rublezone. They own gold mines in Central African Republic, that is expected to generate a billions dollars in profit for Wagner, this year alone
  9. There are certain acts that have large followings in certain cities / regions. A lot of the time it’s their hometown Right now in Liverpool there’s a guy called Jamie Webster, his last gig was at the Arena on the docks. He’s huge with the Liverpool fans, he'll be booked to play the fan parks at away European games. He couldn't fill a toilet in any other town or city But sometimes, it's not a hometown band. Deacon Blue spring to mind. After the hits dried up, outside of Scotland they couldn’t pull the skin off a rice pudding except for in Liverpool where they’d sell out 2,000 capacity venues for years after, they couldn’t manage that in London Lindisfarne in Newcastle is another example Thats just what the Courteeners are
  10. Irony much You realise at the time you are talking about Russia had already invaded Ukraine, annexed Crimea and had troops on the ground in the Donbas. They’d already broken the Minsk Agreement. Ukraine and NATO already held a joint exercise in Ukraine in the Autumn of 2021. 4,000 Ukraine troops and 2,000 NATO, which sounds like a massive massive threat to Russia except they were held at the same time as the ZAPAD exercises jointly held between Belarus and Russia. The ZAPAD exercises involved 200,000 troops and given the size of Belarus’ military, the vast majority of those troops were Russian. So which one was the threat again? No reading all of the above just made me realise what rubbish you’ve swallowed and believed without looking at it objectively You can discus what you want here but when you’re spouting nonsense that is demonstrably untrue and then evading questions that pick you up on your factual errors, expect to be challenged in those opinions. Also, if a 6,000 troops exercise in Ukraine triggered the second Russian Invasion of this war why did none of the joint NATO / Finland exercises held in Finland trigger a Russian invasion of Finland?
  11. Another problem for Sholz along with his coaltion Russian shills is that public opinion polls are only 42% in favour and 48% against Germany supplying Leopard 2 to Ukraine
  12. So the PM gets a fixed-penalty notice for the rear seatbelt offence (£100 fine) He's currently looking down the back of the sofa
  13. It makes no sense at all because it is demonstrably not true
  14. What arming of Ukraine? Which weapons were sold to Ukraine prior to either 2014 or the 2022 invasion?
  15. Agreed but for some reason, I seem to get far less ads if I cast from my iPad to my firestick than if I select a video direct in-App on the firestick, which is just odd I don't get any ads at all on my PC in firefox but that is because I have a Youtube extension which blocks the ads but I installed it for greater functionality But anyway yes, the Ad attack is getting silly. It's all to try and get you to subscribe
  16. I'm not sure about sound quality but longevity may be an issue. Vinyl is clear in its native form, it becomes black because of the hardening agent, coloured vinyl doesn't have the hardening agent is my understanding but I could be wrong. I do tend to dismiss anything the audiophile community say though because they will be complaining about minute differences in the main that are only detectable on high end kit
  17. Ukraine has been testing this new Sonechko attack drone
  18. Careful, you're in danger of going full on gammon there
  19. Macron requested it yesterday I think, so bureaucracy next I think but the will is definitely there now
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