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Everything posted by bickster

  1. I'm reading the sequel which is Shagging an American Far Right Grifter and Giving Her Pots of Cash Whilst Living with My Future Wife and Mother of My Latest Future Maintenance Payments. There May Also be a Japanese Violinist in here too.
  2. Seems right, I always had you down for Creepy Inbred Malevolence
  3. Thats some fall from grace, virtual ever present before the WC to cya! right after it
  4. Maybe we should do a poll if it would help you make up your mind?
  5. Here's a dilemma. Who do you believe? Boris Johnson says Putin threatened to kill him with a missile strike. Russia obviously denies this. Tough one.
  6. Even though I was an Indie DJ at the time and part of that baggy scene I never wore the clothes. It looked silly then just as it will look silly again
  7. I can't see any reports of that. I can see a report of Israel hitting a weapons convoy crossing from Syria into Iraq but the only reports of Iranian drone manufacturing sites being hit are the one's we already know about from the other day.
  8. You are using a completely incorrect yardstick MRS BROWNS BOYS will ALWAYS be the nadir of BBC comedic output
  9. Pretty much every party claiming to be Marxist I've ever come across is devoted to the political ideas of Lenin, Stalin (not so much these days) or Trotsky with only one exception the now former RCP who time has shown to be devotees of that well known Marxist Ayn Rand There has never been a communist state of any note just based on the works of Marx and Engels without reference to the triumvirate of Russian scum (I'll acccept Mao on the other side of the world but he's no better)
  10. That video is from a Russian blogger, so helpful of him to do a Battle Damage Assessment for the Ukrainians
  11. Not a fan of fives Wordle 589 5/6
  12. The Ramones say hi Not only that if we're on about totally over-rated the bands, the f***ing Beatles say hi too
  13. I believe the story goes something like this Moderna made a huge profit during Covid, Sunaks hedge fund owns a large amount of shares in Moderna. Moderna's second vaccine (the booster one) was known to be less effective than its iinitial one, yet HM Gov still bought millions of doses and that made Sunak Richer It's something like that anyway that the likes of Carol Vordeman are pushing out of the Twitty socials
  14. And we're right back to this morning and the linear political scale being useless
  15. That really wasn't your argument about the intent of communism
  16. How many stories do you think the Tory Party feed to the Guardian and the Independent? Do you honestly think they'll stop feeding stories to the Times and The Scum? In the latter two cases, they are more likely to do as they are told It really isn't, there are still very good investigative journalists working in the media today. Whether that be TV or Print. There is a lot of embedded journalism, in the political realm it is, however, nowhere near saturated with it. You really are doing a disservice to the likes of George Monbiot, Carole Cadwaladr, Nick Davies, Jonathan Calvert, Heather Brook, Paul Lewis, David Leigh..... It's a fairly big list tbh
  17. Good / Bad is a personal decision, it's not really relevent apart from to the individual No-one said it was, just that they had more in common than they don't Intent doesn't really matter anywhere near as much as actions. Stalin was better than Hitler because his heart was once in the right place doesn't really cut it as an argument to my way of thinking
  18. Its also a fair point though the linear scale allows extremes but that in itself presents other problems
  19. In what sense? What could be done to them in revenge for this? Can we expect this revenge to be exacted at some point now that the media have actually forced Sunak to sack Zahawi? They didn't have complete confidence that they'd win, because all they had as evidence were whistleblower accounts and nothing definite / official that what they believed had happenned actually did occur. WIth hindsight we now know they'd have won because any judge would have instructed HMRC to release to the court the actions that had been taken or were being considered at the time etc but back then, no one could have had that confidence
  20. The outlets that those journalists work for could have continued to print the allegations and ended it in court. They'd have to be sure to win though otherwise it would be very expensive. They clearly didn't have that confidence
  21. The SNP are caught by their own policies there. They support giving the vote at 16 (because it likely means more votes for them), it's then hard for them to argue that you are an adult to be able to vote but not an adult when it comes to making decisions about your own body and mind
  22. There is no mechanism for this apart from the ballot box When you say threatened reporters, you mean threatened in a legal sense (as in a solicitor sending a cease and desist letter) not in a physical sense, there's nothing illegal in that either The Tory Party, if they were serious about tackling this, should have permanently removed the whip from him, kicked him out of the party and forced him to stand as an independent at the next election but they didn't
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