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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Erm, I use Ear Planes on flights and like f*** am I taking those out to be polite. Why would I want to ruin the first few hours of landing with weird spacey hearing, popping in my ears and minor pain I'm perfectly capable of responding to a question even though they are in Also, there are a lot of people on flights who really don't like flying and listening to music and ignoring what is going on around them is their way of coping, not sure why it's such an issue for other people to criticise their coping techniques.
  2. They'd be on the list too in the following order Golden Ginger Chocolate
  3. Even you will have heard of them. Robert Palmer and Elkie Brooks in their band Vinegar Joe
  4. I presume they were better than their respective solo outputs?
  5. They can use the Kingy shit to test the equipment for the real event the following week
  6. Sorry, I meant side 3, Side 4 is the garbage live side Curtain Call was just one of the most bonkers tracks I'd ever heard in 1980. I'm surprised it hasn't worn out tbh. That there is the first ever Prog-punk track Could actually be my funeral song. Thanks for coming now listen to this and just leave at the end of it
  7. I am currently collecting wood to make your Wicker Man
  8. Specifically Side 3. Those who know, know. The Damned, The Black Album Though I might hit side 2 for History of the World because I just realised that someone else other than the Damned Produced and played synth on that track
  9. I nearly punched her lights out on a TV prog the first time
  10. Today has been something of an easy listening day. This morning before work it was Scott Walker.... And now this evening it's Johnny Mathis The version of Light My Fire on the Johnny Mathis album is great Two albums that cost me very little at all I'll need something with some pace next
  11. Ben White out for Lisandro Martinez Mitrovic out for Nketiah That is my transfer activity this week
  12. They are really my equivalent of crack
  13. Yeah I have two of those already but not paying as much interest as that one
  14. But the Govt have already done it TWICE! WHy on earth do you think they can't do it again? How do the energy extractors volunteer to help, legally? They can't, the board of directors have a fiduciary duty to do the best by their shareholders. If the energy companies did anything they'd get sued to high heaven for giving away other peoples money. That is how company law works. Which is absolutely why its on the government. If the government acts, the shareholders can't do a thing
  15. David Vance is a loonball Ulster Unionist that event your standard loonball Ulster Unionists can't stomach. This is the man that got banned from Twitter for his racism towards black men in a reply to Marcus Rashford over feeding families in the pandemic. He's a word removed
  16. Nah, they are the mutts nuts. CHoc Caramel Digestives are quality Possibly a reason I needed to lose weight
  17. Clearly Plain Hob Nobs are a tribute to Nicola Sturgeon and there is absolutely no way I want to eat that
  18. Shell and the other extraction companies do not set the prices, the prices are dictated by the market, an actual market in an exchange in the Netherlands. It's not like a corner shop where they can charge lower and higher prices as they see fit It's not a case of sticking up for Shell et al, it understanding how it works. This has been explained numerous times and sometimes specifically in response to you It is then down to the Government to hit them with a windfall tax if the money should be coming back in to help with the energy crisis. Just like the government already did and just like Labour are saying they should continue doing AIm your gun of displeasure at the profits in the right place - The Government.
  19. Clearly this will be unpopular. Normal Hob Nobs far are better than their chocolate coated dwarven relatives that clearly smoked to much in the factory as they never reached maturity
  20. It wouldn't shock me, you lot are joyless souls with no sense of achievement
  21. You said current account, not saving account
  22. You were doing so well, too
  23. Why would anyone pay interest on a current account? There must be benefits that would justify paying interest on it. Both my current accounts pay me, albeit tiny amounts, of interest each month
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