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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Yes you would, in that specific circumstance where there is a video and the person being kicked can be seen to be already incapacitated. It is disproportionate, goes beyond any self defence argument and therefore crosses the line.
  2. Do you realise how the law works in this country? I'm really not sure you do Anyone doing that to someone else would get jail time, a police officer will be treated more harshly because of their position in society and in the interests of public trust in the service. With added responsibility comes harsher punishment once the trust has been betrayed. The media will have absolutely nothing to do with it but what the people sharing that video have done is make it harder to form an unbiased jury.
  3. None of that is remotely relevant, none of that excuses a volley to the jaw and a stamp on the head of an already tazered subject on the floor. There’s really not much difference between what happens here and Dalian Atkinsons unlawful killing except, the lad on the floor didn’t die. There is no excuse for what happened, it is not proportionate, there is no threat from the subject at the time it happens. If there was continued threat the officer with the Tazer can re-energise it, he doesn’t because there is no need. This man should not be a police officer, certainly shouldn’t be carrying a fire arm and will end up with jail time. The Police have had access to this video from the off and the officer is under criminal investigation. It’s not the Police's role to be judge and jury and deal out justice. Once the lad is under control from the tazer, the officers duty is to safeguard the now vulnerable target not what he did. The same also applies to what he did following that to the clearly compliant lad who was sat down with his hands behind his head. Nothing excuses that officers actions.
  4. So the limpics, for all the odd sports and competitions in it I doubt they'll ever beat this for being strange. Town Planning… and yes that is a Gold medal for Liverpool in 1932
  5. Didn’t take long for me to start calling them Razorshite, encapsulated everything that was wrong with landfill indie So many better albums in 2004, some you’ve mentioned but also, Mark Lanegan - Bubblegum, Nick Cave - Lyre of Orpheus / Abatoir Blues, Sonic Youth - Sonic Nurse, The Killers - Hot Fuss, PJ Harvey - Uh Huh Her, Interpol - Antics, hell even the pariah Morrissey released his best solo album - You are the Quarry. There’s others that aren’t really my cup of tea by the likes of Green Day, Keane that are still better than Razorshite. Yeah I wasn’t a fan
  6. Martin Phillipps, leader of New Zealand seminal Indie Band The Chills has passed away. RIP I only bought a compilation of their early stuff a couple of months ago because this was on it
  7. Yesterday I went to Lidl They had some Bank's Amber Bitter I'd really forgotten how nice that is
  8. He’s going to jail, nothing in the new bits of video change that.
  9. My other purchase yesterday, more speculative but recommended by Bob Earth Tongue - Great Haunting On In The Red Records so that should give you an indication of the territory it’s in. It’s at the heavier end of the Ty Segall canon (he’s not involved). It self describes as a demonic deep dive into occult psychedelic rock. Earth Tongue are a two piece from New Zealand
  10. Wand - Vertigo First album for 5 years (I think) Love this band, this is the third record of theirs I own and there’s no unifying sound between them but the singer sounds a bit like a Thom Yorke (Who?) It’s very much Alt Rock but they really should get more attention. I get Radiohead vibes but others always look at me blank when I say it. Not as complicated as Radiohead but still in that vein. Theres another thing that’s great about this, there is only one vinyl version and one CD. That’s it, no coloured vinyl no special editions nothing, here’s the album, on black wax, get on with listening to it.
  11. That is exactly what it is. He was no more there than you nor I. He has no special access to any information. Most of what your pal says was in the pulblic domain as speculation from the off. Something happened on the plane involving the older lady. Something then happened when they landed in The terminal. The police got involved. The rest is simply rumour and heresay Oh and given that GMPs response to this was to initially try to control the narrative around the female officer being assaulted including telling already proven false narratives, being a police officer and hearing rumours makes it even less reliable. GMP already have a history of telling porkies to cover up wrongdoing as evidence by the Baird Report released only last week. GMP have serious issues on a par with the Met
  12. I decided to watch the opening ceremony. I was curious to watch it after reading comments on Twitter It was magnificent because it seems to have triggered every f***ing knobhead this side of the Moskva River
  13. Yeah we invented the zoo of bollocks to keep it all in one place
  14. Intelligent debate and discussion generally uses facts as the basis of any argument Who cares about facts anyway, can’t be letting pesky things like the truth getting in the way of wild speculation and other horseshit now can we
  15. I just looked to see what was currently on iPlayer and it appears I have a choice of… Posh slave boat racing racing in water with a condom in your head Generally mincing about and cock batting
  16. People in possession of actual facts? What you’ve posted is gossip but have attempted to dress it up as meaningful and insightful. It is neither.
  17. He's British innit, His dad wouldn't have downed the tools he made over a little drizzle To be fair to him, unlike all the others he is wearing a Team GB waterproof over his suit. Brits are prepared for the weather
  18. What sport is this? How do they score the winner?
  19. A boo da soup Rodney a boo da soup
  20. Watched much classic French cinema?
  21. I await the inclusion of Rollerball
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