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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Gid Coe had a session by these on tonight and it really grabbed my attention. Criminally under-rated band Yeah Yeah Noh - Cutting The Heavenly Lawn Of Greatness...Last Rites For The God Of Love I used to know the bass player on this album, Ade, he pitched up in Liverpool after this and was in a band called The Australians. He was a bit of a prick tbh. Anyway, he wasn't the talent. This is great.
  2. Fear not the crème eggs were found. The police cracked the case really quickly. Units were scrambled and fortunately they didn’t have to bring in the soldiers. It boiled down to good deteggtive work and a local man was arrested
  3. This is a bit like the people that go into the Shed Appreciation Topic and tell the shed enthusiasts how to put their sheds up with little experience (*Yes we don't have a shed appreciation topic - read into that what you will)
  4. Daim, I was going to have picnic of puns too
  5. Talk about praising someone whilst you kick them in the nuts
  6. He'll be able to do anything he wants after the next election
  7. Look, what goes on in the shed, stays in the shed
  8. I suspect this is propaganda. They know exactly where the Ukraine forces are. They are in those trenches 800m away, they are on the high ground, they are everywhere you'd expect them to be Wagner also don't have conscripts They are sending wave after wave because it's all they know how to do and all they have the capability of doing. If it was just to do as the report you read said, they wouldn't be wasting all the tanks and IFVs that also get blown up on each wave. In places like Bakhmut they know exactly where Ukraine's troops are. If they haven't found out in the last 6 months then they'll never find out
  9. No clue, that's your field not mine I'm investigating the use of balloons as taxis
  10. More relevant in here than the Ukraine topic I think It's all the rage these days
  11. They've got to find the debris first and they weren't exactly downed in accessible places. The US aren't going to make announcements about it until they are sure
  12. So the USAF are shooting dogs out of the sky? Bastards
  13. One or two will be, but most aren't
  14. So, I found out who the protesters were and it's not pretty Patriotic Alternative, currently the largest Fascist (literal) organisation in the UK. Once the openly Nazi terrorist group National Action became a proscribed organisation, many of it's members joined Patriotic Alternative Absolute Nazi nutjobs, Hitler hero worship, gay hating, jew hating, Anti-vax with associations to David Duke himself Previous Home Secretaries would have proscibed them by now
  15. This has absolutely no relevance to this topic
  16. I love a good compilation (its my inner DJ) and Bob STanley and Pete Wiggs are masters of the art English Weather "The autumnal sound of Britain and the turn of the 70s, looking out through wet window panes to a new decade with a mixture of melancholy and optimism for what might come next. WIth The B***les gone and the the pound sinking, a new and distinctive sound emerges, led by flutes and mellotrons" Includes Caravan, Van Der Graaf Generator, John Cale, Camel, Daevid Allen and more. Hippy shit, the good hippy shit
  17. Was this because of the typo? Though I can't understand how you made it because the W is nowhere near the B
  18. Brian Jonestown Massacre - Tepid Peppermint WOnderland: A Retrospective Part 2
  19. The aliens thing was a joke. Why are people even commenting on it?
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