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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Its very similar to people who get in a cab and say "Can I have Hanover Street." I dunno, how rich are you
  2. Just started looking at the list, I'm up to J, there's some stuff I'd like, like the Morriconne stuff and a few others but I can't help but notice a whole heap of scraping the barrel bollocks. I'm not a huge fan of live albums anyway but... Jesus Jones live? WHo the f*** wants that? Haircut 100 LIVE - come back Jesus Jones, Haircut 100 frickin live, have they edited out the 16 year old girls screaming at Nick in 1982? And that would be the best bit The Selecter Live at the NEC in 1980 There's an album by Landscape, one hit wonders Landscape Einstien a Go Go. Seriously is there ANYONE who even remembers them fondly, that one will be stuck in those sections of Record shops called the RSD section (I know at least 2 record shops have them) Forever! and I've stopped ranting because there is a Liminanas & David Menke soundtrack to a film called Thatcher's not dead which has just gone into the must have list, oh and The Orb &Lee Scratch Perry But seriously a good number of those releases would polute landfill
  3. Do people actually do this still? Never done it, never had the need. My relations with my record shop of choice are that good
  4. Probe are seriously considering not taking part this year because the prices are getting silly
  5. They aren't anti-putins as such, just people who have displeased their glorious leader in some way But the answer is lots, I'd imagine there might be a few we haven't heard about. The FSB really does operate like the maffia at times It really won't make much difference where you live, they'll just throw you out of the top floor of a high rise mental institution FWIW, the female one today may actually be a genuine suicide as it has a level of planning never seen before. She jumped off her ex-husbands apartment block after phoning him to tell him what she was going to do. If it was the FSB they wouldn't do that, it sends a message that it was an actual suicide which is counter to the message they'd want.
  6. As I remember the question at the time, it was so easy to actually avoid giving an answer that I could have done it but he chose not to do that
  7. It wasn't just that his heart wasn't in it, it was the places in the back of beyond that he chose to campaign. Campaign in this instance is amble about a run down ghost town centre chatting to people and the famous stupid response to Andrew Marr
  8. That is the second this week. Maj. Gen. Vladimir Makarov, 72 found dead in a church, apparently a suicide too
  9. There was a whole Labour Leave organisation - Kate Hoey, Frank Field, Graham Stringer, Roger Godsiff.... They were allowed to campaign for Leave and the organisation was affiliated to the Labour Party If Labour had a policy, there was certainly no compulsion on their MPs to campaign for that policy
  10. Not Liverpool behaviour that tbh, they'd have gone through the drive-thru on the way home in a cab if it was Liverpool
  11. Can she really be that stupid? It wasn't Labour Policy, Labour specifically didn't have a policy on the referendum hence Labour MPs campaigning for both sides
  12. Guardian If Corbyn's overriding goal was to defeat the Conservative Party at the next election, he could just not stand. So it can't be THAT overriding Also, there is no denial of choice, they can vote for him as an independent candidate if he went down that route What he's actually doing here must really cheer Starmer up no end. No more will the Tories be able to go on about the dangers of Corbyn and Labour. He's actually playing this how Starmer wants him to in the run up to selections and the next election, Starmer will be able to prove to the entire country that Corbyn is no longer associated with the Labour Party. Starmer refusing to allow Corbyn to stand, will only improve Starmer's standing with the wider populace. If Corbyn was capable of stepping outside his bubble, he'd see that. If Corbyn does go Independent, he will automatically be expelled from the Labour Party, he knows that
  13. No not really, that was about parodying real people. Sir Michael Take is not real.
  14. This is a well known satirical account. (Mikey Take)
  15. And Michael Heseltine if you believe Elizabeth Oakshite and Richard Louse
  16. Why does it? Some people don't want to be found, some people are never found
  17. Yes, they share some of the blame but more in their comms manner than anything. They were definitely the spark for the frenzy but investigation wise, there's no evidence they've done anything wrong
  18. He always was, he spoke more about how wonderful he was more than the case and buggered off after two days when there was nothing to find, the police with the same type of equipment were days ahead of him and his story changed by the hour
  19. That is exactly what it is. There's no evidence of a struggle, no blood, no ransom demand, nothing. She's a missing person and like you say, there are plenty reported every day. Unless of course.... the dog
  20. Have you ever thought they had to do that because... well quite frankly the media / social media nutters and grifters like Peter the sonar knob have turned the whole thing into a shit show
  21. Suicide is a crime that never gets prosecuted. You either die or its absolutely in no ones interests to prosecute. The only people that deal with suicides are coroners courts For there to be a crime scene, there must at least be evidence of a crime that needs preservation. There is none. They have her phone, there's no signs of a struggle that we know of, what would be the point? They even chose not to interview the dog
  22. I'm rather sceptical of the claim, I don't see how the figure is possible
  23. It is suspected that there is already an informal agreement if you look at the Labour / LibDem actions in the by-elections so far this parliament. Labour hardly made an effort in North Shropshire, which was hugely significant because they were the traditional second place party, the same was also true in Tiverton and Honiton Also as @ml1dchcorrectly pointed out the other day, given the current state of the polling, Labour will find it increasingly hard to find seats they shouldn't be targeting that allow the LibDems to beat the Tories in a particular seat. There will be some but not many. Dominic Raab's Esher seat is one of them iirc but on the other hand, Jacob Rhys-Mogg's seat isn't
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