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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Not particularly true in the UK. Shy Tory syndrome has only affected 2 general elections in modern politics. (lets define that as Thatcher coming to power for ease of argument)
  2. No, it absolutely will not, their predicted share of the vote has dropped well below the level where that is the case. It will actually work against them. A 23% share of the vote gives them a tad over 7% of the seats
  3. The scale of the predicted defeat is way beyond 1997 levels which was 418 (Lab) / 165 (Con) / 46 (LibDem). In 1997 the Tory share of the vote in polling was spot on, around 30-32% they are currently nearly 10 points below that The current predictions have no modern precident, to describe it as a collapse does not do it justice. Labour could be in power longer than Blair / Brown as a credible opposition will need to form and it's quite possible given the current demographics that it will not be the Conservative Party as we know it today because a lot of their voters to put it bluntly may actually be dead before they get a shot at power again. The Tory party has been facing an age timebomb for some while and their policies currently are actually going to kill more of their voters EDIT: There is also a very good argument that the Tories have only been in power so long because of the collapse of the LibDems post 2010 and even at current projections, the LibDems aren't getting anywhere near close to the amount of seats they won then, they haven't recovered yet and show no signs of doing so
  4. Yep, given the risk averse nature of the US towards presidential visits, this is huge and a big FU to Putin that they felt safe in letting him visit. The timing is also imprtant as it runs up to the anniverary of the large scale invasion by RUssia
  5. Imagine a situation where they aren't the second largest party in government. Right now, that is perfectly possible Electoral Calculus The current predictions are a much bigger defeat than 1997. They are in fact in unprecidented territory. There really may be no more Conservative Party as we know it. All sorts of mental switches have been flicked and it really is very hard to turn them back. You may be witnessing the death of the Tory Party. Right now things aren't going to get better for them, only worse. It is also worth noting that this large scale poll does not give a scale of Tory defeat that some of the other current polling suggests, it's pretty much in the middle ground Call the popcorn manufacturers. This will be a period of British politics that will be studied for centuries
  6. Well being called in would give him the gravitas of being some sort of expert. Being called in would mean his presence was wanted. It would also indicate a lack of ulterior motive for his actions.
  7. He wasn't called in to do anything, he volunteered himself. And that’s a huge difference.
  8. Solid 50 pts this week, not tearing up any trees but now to figure out how best to navigate the next week. Current thinking is Salah in for KDB and Adama in for Almiron but and I should just be able to field an 11 with 6 players in double games and no chips used Adama will be straight out again the following week I think
  9. bickster

    Soft drinks

    Are they softer though like they used to be? I guess I'll have to find a BandM and test
  10. Right so I bought some records in London, as well as the above. This is my first choice when I've got home. A band I own nothing by previously but are always coming up on the spotify algos for me and I do quite like what it throws at me and last week, there was a new track on my Release Radar playlist, which was the first track on this new album. That is the only track I've heard prior to putting it on. Definitely in Sonic Youth territory without the extreme Thurston Moore experimentation Yo La Tengo - This Stupid World EDIT: So this is a double album and and at the end of side 2 there is a closed groove on the last track that sounds very similar to the noise my turntable makes when its been playing for a while and the motor is a bit hot. Also as much as it's a double, it only advertises three sides. There is however a fourth, an untitled instrumental If the creative use of guitar feedback is a thing you like, this album may well be up your street. I'm sticking with my Sonic Youth comparison but parts of this do head into Slowdive (Souvlaki) territory territory too. I'd like to see these live I think
  11. There's no point in being charitable to him, from the off he was critical of the Police Investigation. He caused much of the internet frenzy. Absolute self-serving charlatan
  12. Is that really true? I think suicide CAN be a perfectly rational decision in certain circumstances
  13. I found one of my long term wants in London this weekend. Currently listening to it on Spotify on the train home but £12 second hand in Rough Trade of all places. Im not a huge fan of the band but these Dub sessions I always wanted since I bought a compilation of Richard Norris’ Dub Remixes and one of the tracks was on it Jagwar Ma- The Time and Space Machine Dub Sessions
  14. I hope he paw prints are still on the back of her coat
  15. It’s like you didn’t read past the first sentence of the post
  16. Oh never underestimate the ability of the most left leaning 5-10% of the population to cut their own noses off to spite their face. Principals have always been more important that realpolitik to them. Entrenched ideas run rampant.
  17. I saw him support Bill Ryder-Jones not long before Xmas, really good.Then you get back home and look him up and realise who he’s worked with, the amount of instruments he plays and the stuff he’s produced and it kinda shocks you because he’s such a talent but no-one (relatively) has ever heard of him.
  18. Just a thought, a McDonalds car park isn’t a public highway and there’s no way they spotted him actually on the highway with a doughnut on their mind
  19. Yep, looked at his account, the phrase citizen journalist rings enough alarm bells, then I don’t think I even had to scroll much. A highlight was calling Castro a giant amongst men and in the same sentence calling Jens Stoltenburg a little girl. Im not sure whopper does him justice tbh
  20. Japanese nonsense. Pain in the arse
  21. Right, I've found a genuine, what RSD started out as and should be release Snapped Ankles - covers EP. On the list Sonic Boom / Silver Apples EP on the list New York Noise - Soul Jazz comp, on the lsit (I often buy a SJ comp from RSD but there's no real need for them to be RSD releases) But here's another one that peeves me even though I want it. Psyche France 8, it's the 8th release in a series of French Psyche compilations, it really doesn't need to be anywhere near RSD, the first 7 weren't Does Beggars Banquet really need to be a RSD release? Nobody bought the Stewart Copeland Klark Kent album when he releaed it at the peak of The Police's fame, who would want that now? The RIch Kids - Ghosts of Princes in Towers, an album that is only of interest because of who was in the band, I already have a copy of this, it's majorly dull, no-one needs to buy that (Glen Matlock/ Midge Ure / Rusty Egan and Produced by Mick Ronson) so dull they split up
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