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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Oh the other thing with Badenoch is she is closely associated with Gove (he's running her campaign) and the Johnsonites in the party hate her because of that and Mad Nad's seemingly every day has something else to say about Gove / Cummings to constantly remind them that Badenoch is their enemy
  2. There is definitely an element of this. I keep mentioning death and all that, even the point you've raised there is an extinction level event because they have so few MPs and it takes two election cycles for any new ones (of which there are much fewer than normal) to get "known" potentially even longer in opposition. Just count how many leaders they went through from 1997 to 2010. 4 it took and even then they only had a coalition after a global financial meltdown. Cameron wasn't even an MP in 1997, He didn't get elected until 2001 If all that plays out again in a similar timescale - the way of the dinosaurs!
  3. It's a good question, I just put it down to... being thick (see Cleverly) Stride, Cleverley and Patel will be gone after round 1. Not one of them will reach the first threshold I see the real battle in all of this being between Jenrick and Badenoch and I think Jenrick will win because there will be an awful lot of grassroots members telling their new MP that he's the one to go for. but whoever wins between Badenoch and Jenrick will win, no doubts about it.
  4. Patel - not even sure why she's standing. No chance Stride - was against Brexit, not a prayer of winning not sure what his game is by doing so Jenrick - current favourite with the membership Badenoch - The intelligent nutter, former favourite with the membership Cleverley - I think he's standing because his ego won't let him not stand. No chance Tugendhat - Why this man is popular is beyond me, he's started to talk tough, which really doesn't suit him as he has the personality of something caught by a trawler but he does appear to have support So on the left you'll have Tugendhat and Stride - Tugendhat will win out of those two In the middle you have Cleverly who is trying to appeal to both sides (this will not work) And on the right you have three nutters, Patel will lose first then its between Badenoch and Jenrick, I have a sneaking feeling Jenrick might win the right over. Badenoch doesn't make friends easily whereas Jenrick, has let plenty of friends build and extend their properties and makes friends easily My prediction, Jenrick will win over Tugendhat when it goes to the members
  5. Not sure she beats every contender though I can see Jenrick beating her because he's just throbby enough and not erm...
  6. Another one Kevin Rowland has killed
  7. You say that like its a bad thing? Inheritance tax in the grand scheme of things brings in a relatively small amount of money into the exchequer. I think approx about £6bil so even if they doubled it (which they won't) it still won't be anywhere near filling the black hole Taking Capital Gains Tax to be level with income tax might actually be the way they go. (and from an ideological POV rightly so)
  8. Auto correct I did spot it but couldn't be arsed, I end up editing so many posts because autocorrect is an imbecile I just decided to be Dem for a short time
  9. All Tomorrow’s Parties you say… Pascale Comelade, Ramon Prats, Lee Ronaldo
  10. It’s obvious when a tazer has been deployed. See the whole thread I posted above.
  11. I think there wider party probably do subscribe to her world view. Her problem is getting to the final two or indeed getting nominated. It’s not her views that the MPs even, don’t like it’s just that she’s considered totally toxic by the MPs. They’ll just vote for the already corrupt Jenrick instead.
  12. Not it’s not, it depends on the injuries sustained and their long term prognosis. The boundary between ABH and GBH is all to do with the injury and not the method of attack. From what is in the public domain, we can’t determine that
  13. So Sue Ellen isn’t standing for the Tory Leadership because she’s been branded as “mad bad and dangerous” by her own party. She claims she had the 10 signatures required but has chosen not to stand (of course she did) because she can’t win because the party don’t want to accept that she’s right and they are wrong
  14. Ah the left wing version of “here comes the, there's no money so there going to have to be tax rises”
  15. This most intelligent thread on the issue just about sums up the situation perfectly.
  16. There are as yet unknown incidents not involving the police that went before this too
  17. See my previous post in reply to you.
  18. So Ezri Konsa can be an astronaut
  19. This didn’t happen in an airport terminal, it happened in a car park at the airport (T2West possibly?) after they’d left he terminal building because they were returning to the UK not on an outbound flight (or possibly meeting someone off the flight - the mother perhaps)
  20. Cool, I'd never heard of them but the similarities to his heavier material are quite clear. I'm liking it a lot.
  21. PC Benjamin Monk was sentenced to 8 years for manslaughter
  22. He’s absolutely not a threat, he’s sat down, compliant with what he’s been told to do by officers, hands behind head. It is excessive force.
  23. It’s the difference between Abh / Gbh. If the charge was ABH I agree, first offence - civilian, no jail time. But if the cyst on the brain is proven to be correct and as a result of the attack, we're in GBH territory
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