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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Not whilst retaining enough stock to protect their own borders too. Only the US has lots of spare kit. Everyone else is mainly cobbling together equipment from reserves. Those reserves need to be modified, maintained, have equipment removed etc before it can be sent The Challenger 2s we'll be sending will be from the stock that isn't going to be updated to Challenger 3 but we need to keep enough CH2s to defend UK interests and maintain a path to the Ch3 upgrades It really isn't as simple as, we've got loads of kit, just send it to Ukraine.
  2. I get its original purpose, it's gone well beyond that now. It's does more harm than good now IMO
  3. Another cheapo 2nd hand purchase from the weekend. Modern Eon - Early 80s post-punk from Liverpool. Modern Eon are much lauded for their early single Euthenics, they never really became famous in any way but my mate Joe was a founding member but left before this was recorded to join The Passage and another mate of ours, Bob Wakelin who passed away a few years ago is on this, he later became a very well known comic book artist (Marvel) and video game cover artist (Ocean and Imagine) Alix the main singer / songwriter of the band later went on to become St Che, who only released one album and single but they were produced by Adrian Sherwood so again... Anyway.... Modern Eon - Fiction Tales, their only album. Bought for a few quid 2nd hand and is a remarkably clean copy
  4. Wunderwaffe Speeder Bikes. He's sending in the Imperial Stormtroopers
  5. Let me spell it out for you. Its a very small organisation. They found a Policeman was a member and jailed him. They found him because the entire membership list was leaked by someone who turned. If there were others at that time, they would have suffered the same consequences. Alongside that, since the organisation became proscribed they will be being heavily watched by the anti-terrorism police. I wouldn't be shocked to find out that the Police had undercover officers inside the organisation or very close, not only that but groups such as Hope Not Hate also have very active informants embedded among the fellow travellers of this and similar groups. In fact there's an ex-member who turned that provided evidence to the Police via Hope Not Hate in one of the prosecutions already secured against the members of this group. I think it very unlikely that in such a small organisation that there will be current serving police officers. If there are officers involved in this fascist terrorist stuff, they will more likely be involved in Patriotic Alternative, a non-proscribed fascist organisation to which most of the members ran to when National Action was proscribed by the Government. Patriotic Alternative is currently the largest and most active fascist group in the country and includes some known former National Action members, PAs leader Mark Collet is thought to have once tried to take over National Action, Sam Melia a regional organiser for PA, is known to have had contact with NA after the proscribing, Jake Bewit was also in NA as was Kris Kearns from Liverpool and he was their fitness instructor, he's currently facing up to 15 years in jail for being in NA after being extradicted from Spain. If any serving police officers are active in this, it will be in Patriotic Alternative not National Action
  6. I'm talking about the posts in this very topic, nothing to do with Twitter
  7. It's strange because they already found the policeman in the ranks when the entire membership list was leaked, thats why there won't be others I'd say it was strange not to read what had already been posted in the thread
  8. That's why the behind the scenes battles between the big players is interesting. There's only really one non-establishment player and that is Prigozhin but right now it seems like the military / government players are trying to edge him out of the picture but no-one really knows what is going on and what cards they have up their sleeves EDIT: But yes I agree what comes in his wake could be much worse.
  9. Vast majority will not have a stake in this. Russia is a democracy only in name Putin will be replaced by Putin Mk2
  10. Please read above. He's not a policeman, he's in jail.
  11. The anti-terror Police will know who all the members of National Action are, they will be heavily monitored. At no point did I say anything resembling the second part of your sentence. The comments are specifically about this proscribed terrorist group, who in real terms right now probably number less than 100.
  12. It's possible I guess but as he was identified through a leaked membership database, I can't see why they'd have left others alone. National Action itself, since being proscribed is a very small organisation of hardcore nutter neo-nazis. It's quite likely the Anti-terrorist teams are aware of everyone involved. Most of the more casual members have drifted across to Patriotic Action (The knobs who organised the protest in Knowsley the other week) and if you told me there were Police officers involved in that organisation I wouldn't be shocked at all.
  13. Strange question. I suspect the answer is zero
  14. National Action is a proscribed terrorist organisation
  15. I did say I didn't use it, so it was always take it with a pinch of salt
  16. Who said being offended was wrong? There are clearly some topics that it’s right to be offended by. But it is still a choice, it’s not an involuntary action.
  17. And someone who already owns 79 properties will buy it to turn into shit flats
  18. Most have socials are fairly unique. There are alternatives to Twitter though but they just don't have the userbase to make them competitive yet
  19. Never ever fall for the idea that the SNP are some sort of utopian progressive party, they aren't. They are a raggle taggle amalgamation from across the political spectrum based around a single issue. They can be very Tory, whilst others can be quite left wing I'm not sure why her campaign team think she's f***ed it either, they must be under the illusion that Scotland outside Glasgow is also seething bed of socialism, it isn't
  20. You can't be in control of what other people find offensive Attempting to be offensive yes, being offensive, no not at all that isn't a personal choice its someone else's choice.
  21. Another 2nd hand purchase, this time from a shop called Sound Vinyl in Crystal Palace The Fatima Mansions - Viva Dead Ponies
  22. Not true with the exception of 2019 (where the age dipped to below 40 in a massive downturn - because Corbyn) the age at which there are more Tory voters than Labour has been getting older at each election for decades and there's no expectation of a recovery
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