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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Sadly, they all do that, election expenses rules (which are archaic in terms of allowed costs) force their hand.
  2. I deduce from that, that you can't count above 1
  3. Caveat: It's one poll (and I've seen others that contradict it) but it is quite recent and has some findings that buck the usual assumptions Keogh-Naughton School For Irish Studies
  4. The caveat to that is they do currently have a use in the few two way marginals they have with the Tories
  5. You're absolutely correct but the odd thing is, thats how I remember the pub I was talking about looking like. Odd
  6. I gave up reading that story in the intro when they described the Marquis of Granby Pub as being near Westminster. I'm familiar with 0.0009% of London pubs but that one is one of the few I do know (and like). It's on the corner of Charlotte St in what I'd describe as Fitzrovia, It's closer to Euston than it is to Parliament and is frequented by postal workers and music biz types from around Soho. If they can't get that right.... the rest of the article will be bollocks too
  7. The LibDems are in control of absolutely nothing apart from their own ability to talk bollocks, which has been a lifelong passion for most of them. You want to know what a LibDem thinks? Ask them a questions, waft the soiled knickers of power under their nose and ask the question again.
  8. Can't find it right now but I'm fairly sure there was polling done last year sometime that put the reunification question and the results were something like 43/39/18 Join/stay/don't know There was that along with the demographic changes including the growth of the population that don't identify as either catholic or protestant
  9. There's plenty of evidence to suggest that is now a minority view
  10. Wordle 618 4/6 Could have got nasty
  11. In all honesty, I didn't really consider Miiliband's position on anything because he didn't get elected. The comment has moved on somewhat since I made it and Milliband was cast aside in my thoughts in the original statement because he simply lost and to that end you can put him either way, it doesn't really make any difference to the original comment. The point really was, in the last half a century, left-wing Labour leaders don't get their party into government.
  12. No, didn't even think about it, I don't even think that is the original wording when I said it. Callaghan continued Wilson's response to the winter of discontent by doing a deal with the Unions to keep wages low with rampant inflation. I wouldn't have either Wilson's second term or Callaghan's term of office as more left wing than what I think Starmer would be like The point is more that he's to the right of people like Foot, Kinnock, Milliband, the C-word, who all failed to win elections and to the left of the others There is one caveat, John Smith but we'll sadly never know on that one I guess Starmer is actually closer to John Smith, thats a tough one to call
  13. A milestone (of sorts) yesterday. Ukraine claimed they've now downed 300 Russian aircraft (not helicopters, thats another 288) Thats a hell of a lot of metal to blow out of the sky
  14. I missed this last night, which has kinda peed me off but.... there's a good chance of it happening tonight too, so thats cheered me up. That beach is just across the golf course from our house Definitely going for a walk in the dark tonight
  15. Met Betty Boothroyd a few times, she was a good friend of a friend of my mothers, so as a teenager we'd sometimes be at the same social functions. She always remembered my name which always impressed me She did well for herself considering she started out as a dancer in the Tiller Girls
  16. He was one of the most rabid nutters. He called himself "The Hard Man of Brexit" Which just about shows how much of a weapon he really is. He was deputy Chair of the ERG Though to be fair, he does seem to have softened his view in the last few months
  17. I described Starmer as the most left wing leader that will get elected as PM since the 60s. That’s a fundamental difference
  18. He was criticising your language not Corbyn's. You were the one downplaying what happened to Berger. Maybe you should address that?
  19. At this stage in the election cycle, the lack of specific policies is absolutely standard behaviour across the political spectrum. You don't get specifics until the manifesto is published and the manifesto isn't published until there's an election. It absolutely shouldn't be a criticism at this stage. What he ius doing is laying out the groundwork for the way he want's to head, brief outlines of their direction. Again, this is absolutely the correct approach.
  20. But no-body has ever said that Corbyn was anti-semitic towards Berger. I'm not sure why you think people have said that. What Labour under Corbyn didn't do was deal with the people who were anti-semitic towards her, which includes one party member whose husband has been a friend of Corbyn's for over 30 years.
  21. This is a parallel universe to the one I inhabit. He wasn't even in step with himself on Brexit let alone the general public. It's a daft claim anyway given the 48/52 split in the general public, which half was he in step with? It's also fairly reasonable to assume that the Labour Party campaigning against Brexit would have been much more prominent and effective if Corbyn, a lifelong opponent of EU membership hadn't been the leader of the Labour Party You say that like it was a false claim, when it was demonstrably true
  22. It's a good cathartic start to a Sunday morning Prog starts, shout at telly box like you have Tourettes for a short period of time, get on with your day free of stress and completely forgetting what or who was on the programme Gotta be better than watching Little House on the Prarie and then waiting for Songs of Praise and Antiques Roadshow
  23. TIP: Birds don't like gravy unless they are dead
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