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Everything posted by bickster

  1. That is part of the reason why you put the BBQ sauce on the bun and separate it from the burger with a slice of cheese for flavour separation
  2. The air fryer seals the burger really well, the fats don't run out so it retains its original size and shape and it full of flavour due to the retained fat. Honestly, its a complete game changer.
  3. They've been doing that since day 1. When the Kadyrovites were on the battlefield before they got reduced to sod all and the prick had to run back to Chechnya, that was their job. They are called barrier troops, you run forward as told and take your chances or definitely get shot dead if you retreat. Standard Russian military doctrine.
  4. The Chef is now claiming that Putin has "cut him off"
  5. No, I really mean it, they don't shrink very much at all, still very moist inside and full of flavour due to the retained fats We've only had the air fryer a couple of months and it's been an absolute revelation for stuff like burgers. Best thing we've bought for the kitchen for years, we use it probably three times a week now and definitely more than the conventional oven If someone else had posted what I said, I wouldn't have believed them either
  6. Lettuce, tomato or any salad prouct. A burger is a sandwich and salad ruins any sandwich For the sake of doubt, onions are fine At home my current preference is Brioche Bun, quality burger done in the air fryer (absolutely the best way to cook burgers), BBQ sauce, slice of Ementhal. Job done
  7. There's an app for bird identifying, even does it from a sound recording as well as a photo Not got my phone to hand but its done by some US university, Cornell manybe
  8. Hmmm, that would actually leave cities like Liverpool abandoned to Express trains to the capital. It wouldn't be as useful as he thinks
  9. Yeah that'll go well considering they've been slagging them off for months and Shiougu has his own PMC gig going too
  10. actually like paying off a credit card with another credit card. The first price is paid for with bonds usually
  11. Definitely the Eurovision of biscuits
  12. It saves money temporarily on a year by year basis from the Govt budget, it increases the cost of the project overall
  13. If Wales has lost £5bil a year from its transport budget, over the last 12 years it's more than paid for phase 1 of HS2 on it's own. (£44bil cost)
  14. Coconut is the gravy of biscuits. Evil shit guaranteed to ruin a biscuit
  15. That is always part of the justification for large capital building projects and it's very true and relevant but this isn't an either or thing. There's no point in having a large scale infrastructure project like this if it isn't going to improve transport links, if it wasn't worthwhile it would be a white elephant, a pointless project. So yes, its about envigorating the economy but its also massively about improving transport infrastructure
  16. Yes you can, is anyone under the impression that Gary Lineker's views are the views of the BBC? If anyone thinks that they need help Even the BBC staff code of conduct allows it, because Lineker isn't involved in politics / economics programming. When you are involved in those its a slightly different story, that blurs the lines of impartiality Ignoring the Andrew Neil comparison for now, no-one ever complains about Deborah Meaden's tweets and she's very critical of the Government, yet she's on a very popular BBC TV Show. No-one complains about Carol Vorderman's tweets either and she presents on the BBC network too, she's also very critical of the Govt. But suddenly Lineker gets criticism because... what he said resonates with vast swathes of the population and its shockingly true. WHy shouldn't he be allowed to say it? He's a football pundit, he has opinions, he shouldn't be silenced. If your workplace discriminated against you because of your views, you'd at best feel hard done to, why should Lineker be treated differently
  17. There you go again, not reading what others have posted before you (more than once). You will find upthread comments from historians and Germans that explain why the Government rhetoric is exactly like that used by the Nazis in the early 30s. This isn’t so much an opinion, it’s demonstrably true. So in your humble opinion, you can’t compare things to the Nazis even when they are just like the Nazis
  18. XTC because they actually were from Swindon
  19. I think Meg was proficient in both forms of bullshit
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