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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Another one with a huge haul - 96 after tonight. Already sold Haaland, brought in Watkins, should give me a full 11 for the next week even if it is 5 at the back and 2 in midfield and still rolling a transfer
  2. Yeah but do you prononce it like I do? The Spanish Car manufacturer way
  3. bickster


    I think you and I are reading the post differently. What you've said is perfectly rational and obvious. It's hard to disagree with I'm reading the post as saying that rulers of land trading land shoud be ignored as they aren't legitimate
  4. It is still the muddy season but... Could be something, could be nothing
  5. bickster


    Might as well go back to stone age tribes then. Ridiculous perspective.
  6. C'mon, he's clearly Scottish, he could have been wearing a check skirt.
  7. Pete Waterman would be in if it was powered by steam
  8. Just change the titles of the D side to I'm Not Ashamed of My Horse and he'll lap it up
  9. Other way around I thought. Opta originally awarded it to March, 3 man panel gave OG, then the panel proper regave it to March days later. Opta changed their decision to match the game panels. Definitely came up in my FPL feeds as a March goal first then was changed to OG. FPL uses opta as far as I'm aware
  10. What are on discs 2 and 3. I still have a copy that dates back to the early 80s Is it the 5 dub mixes released in 2007? (15 tracks in all?)
  11. I thought I post about Carragher yesterday. Absolutely a nice bloke, he's been a passenger more than once for me. He's one of those ex-footballers with a foundation that isn't just a tax dodge. He genuinely does care about Bootle where he grew up. So far today I've driven up Marsh Lane in bootle, three times, every time I pass a mural paid for by the foundation. Just beyond the mural is a local boozer called the Salisbury, the pub was due to shut down a good while back now, it's never been confirmed but there was a very strong rumour Carragher saved it as his family drank there (and so does he still occasionally) When he was an up and coming player he bought a penthouse flat in Blundellsands, then he obviously got a bit more money and he moved into a fairly big house to raise a family. He gave the penthouse to his parents and they still live there today and his house is just round the corner. Never moved since then, it's 4 miles from where he grew up
  12. Fish finger butty in a bun Whats wrong with that?
  13. The feral members as you term them had been running riot well before Johnson. The referendum was an attempt to appease them, that had the opposite effect and empowered them and the constituencies to select an ever increasing amount of lunatics Cameron failed to keep a lid on them, so did May, they've just been growing in number since then
  14. The problem here is the single source for the allegation and that the allegation hasn't been proven true in court or admitted to by Stanley Johnson. There is some corroboration but they are anonymous "friends of Johnson." BBC lawyers will have drafted that statement in advance, knowing the subject was going to arise, so as not to give Johnson a right to reply in future shows (and obviously avoid the potential lawsuit) It's nothing to do with balance and impartiality, it's to do with not being sued. In reality its clumsily worded and the "only once" bit should not have been in there. It could have been worded more neutrally to achieve the same result
  15. Isle of Man is not part of the UK, nor are the Channel Islands (which are much closer to France than UK) both are UK Dependancies but are also independently governed
  16. bickster


    It really isn't. Napoleon conquered huge swathes of Europe, that became France after that time and a few of the Louis' conquered quite a lot too Nice for example didn't really become part of France until the treaty of Turin in 1860 (it had a couple of French conquests before that for a sum total of about 10 years, prior to 1860 it was nearly always part of Savoy or Sardinia. Even now the locals speak Nicoise and the roadsigns are bilingual. Even after WWII they lost Saarland, which became an inependent country for 6 years and even played in the qualifiers for the World Cup in 1954, then it went back to Germany France definitely hasn't been a remotely stable border since the 17th century, that is nonsense. There's plenty more too, Alsace, Lorraine....
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