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Everything posted by bickster

  1. There's a road in the centre of Liverpool called Great Charlotte St Scousers of a certain age call it Sharlotty St Grates every time I hear it.
  2. Smoked or unsmoked is a choice I will make at the time. I like both Dry cured is preferable That injected shite can get to fook though Quite partial to treacle cured bacon every now and again (but for a sandwich not an FEB)
  3. I think yesterdays vote on the Windsor Framework shows where the vast majority of Tory NMPs allegiances currently lie. I wouldn't be shocked if they did for him tbh, he's a spent force, he could only muster 22 Tory MPs to vote against the Framework He's currently a has been.
  4. A functioning independent judiciary system is one of the essential checks and balances on power in any democracy. To consider that using the judicial system against a criminal who also happens to be a politician as weaponising the judiciary is beyond stupid, in any democracy and towards any party. Your statement sits well alongside accusing judges of being traitors and using terms like activist lawyers, just to put it in a UK context for a sec.
  5. streaky bacon is an ingredient and not a food item
  6. I previously posted a photo of a three line trench system RUssia were building along the Crimean coast line, today the Mayor of Crimea has announced that they have started building concrete pill boxes along the entire coast of the peninsula. They really do seem to be expecting a Normandy style invasion by Ukraine a country whose navy consists of zero ships and certainly no landing craft Or some Ivan with a concrete plant managed to convince someone with access to budget that it was a great idea. It'll be their last line of defence before they run into the sea and the firing slits will be looking the wrong way
  7. Expolsions reported at airbase near Kursk. You need sound on, explosion right at start of video .
  8. Ukraine announced an updated version of their sea drone by attacking a ship in Sevastopol Harbour
  9. If we're going to mention UK but not English ingredients, haggis is definitely worth a shout
  10. Great, I'm all for him "getting away with it", it'll take another ten MPs minimum away from the Tories at the next election. But if I was wearing a tin foil hat and I was Johnson, I'd be worried that Sunak had knobbled the Tories on the committee. What better way to get rid of the biggest thorn in your side than the PC getting rid of him for you
  11. He can't claim that with any seriousness, he literally read out the rules on national television to the rest of us
  12. Its the headlines that are important, most people won't watch this. He's hated, its hard to be unhated from where he is. As Mogwai would say... we're kicking a dead pig at this stage
  13. It seems Johnson wants to use Sue Gray's investigation notes that Tories were insisting were tainted because she's going to work for Labour in the future If only they could get their ducks in a row
  14. 199 more today and you might start your own aurora borealis impression tonight
  15. Like I said upthread, I don't care if they find him guilty or not, in fact I'd prefer it if they didn't The court of public opinion is far more important than the result of the Priv Ctte investigation. If they fail to do anything about it, all the better really
  16. Not when he misled parliament he wasn't Ignorance of the law is part of Johnson's defence for misleading parliament As a result, statements about ignorance of the law are extremely relevant
  17. Yep regardless of what its for, brown bread is only good untoasted
  18. There are levels of irony that have hitherto been undiscovered in this quote Guardian Steve Baker, current government minister and self styled "Hardman of Brexit" talking about Johnson potentially voting against the Windsor Framework Steve sodding Baker... Poundshop Farage I'm all for giving Johnson a kicking at any opportunity but has Baker forgotten who he actually is? (Yes I realise its because he's a minister now but all the same)
  19. Of course we aren't, the bean potters are just hiding
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