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Everything posted by bickster

  1. In fairness, while it was meant to be that, it did bear more than a passing resemblance to the Last Supper, It bore a passing resemblance to a painting that the nutty appear to think was a photograph of an actual event It bears no resemblance to the actual story in their good book any more than it does to me sat in the school canteen aged six Are people never to use straight long tables as a cat walk ever again?
  2. Total number of people in this topic that have said this - 1 Thats you by the way
  3. Yes, hence why I hid my post after about a minute
  4. Bastards, this was what was feared the other night. There’s a reason they’ve picked this mosque. This is recognised as the first ever Mosque in England Its named after Abdullah Quilliam whose birth name was William Henry Quilliam, he was a Liverpool solicitor who converted to Islam after a trip to Morocco - yes, he was white! He also converted the Quran into English and converted a considerable number of people to the faith, they were mostly white too, some of them quite prominent people at the time. There’s another reason too, the main Mosque is in the middle of Toxteth and…
  5. I'd rather take them to the tip to be honest (obv a charity shop really) Now we have one of these parasite shops in town I went in and looked at their 2nd hand section. Overfrigginpriced isn’t an exaggeration. I'm checking the prices on Discogs App as I go. If they are paying low too they are making an absolute killing on S/H. Records I own and know the rough price and are in much better condition than their item were being charged at prices that quite frankly were embarrassing. If I was selling my copy on Discogs I'd be embarrassed to charge that much. Copies with covers I’d grade at G+ at best and they are charging median Discogs price plus about 30-40% I prefer HMV and I bloody hate HMV
  6. Lat/Long of their location please. I need to arrange something
  7. Well here we go again, IT WASNT THE LAST SUPPER It was pagan gods on Mount Olympus, based on a famous painting, the central (blue) character was Dionysus, the Greek God of celebration The scene was inspired by a painting not Da Vinci's The Last Supper but Jan van Billert's "The Feast of the Gods"
  8. Is this a bunch of splitters from the Church of Kraftwerk? Is every disciple of the wider movement a Plank?
  9. Hmmm I'm not so sure. Speaking for my atheist old self, the separation of church and state is something I want and that goes to the fundamentals of what I see as my version of democracy. It underpins the whole political system in the UK and from my POV it quite obviously shouldn't. Religion is even massively allowed to indoctrinate the young in schools, religion aided schools are a fundamental wrong in my book. We need to start at the very bottom and remove enforced religion from every aspect of governance. Until that point religion / politics will be tied together and I do think there's a corelation in this country between left / right and religious and not, regardless of the age aspect.
  10. No, if he’s genuinely mentally ill he'll be incarcerated in a secure mental health institution such as Ashworth or Broadmoor for the rest of his life. Ian Brady the Moors Murderer was never let out for example
  11. As you can imagine, I really couldn’t give a toss about the hurt feelings of an imaginary deity But as he's supposedly omnipresent and everything ever is at his will, then I guess he both knows and doesn’t give a shit because he created everyone and everything. If he’s angry, it'll be with himself
  12. Because it’ll piss Wes Streeting off for staters
  13. I’m just glad Dem didn’t post that but I suppose he could have been talking about Sutton
  14. The Republic Protesters were never going to be violent so that is completely different, it should have been a perfectly peaceful protest. The Tories didn’t want to see them, so enacted a law to criminalise a democratic right. I'm still against that pre-emptive guilty by assumption of future acts. It’s just not democratic.
  15. And most of those will be people with complex needs who are either elderly or live in some kind of hostel for recovering drug addicts / homeless and they’ve been taken or send there by the staff. Says someone who ends up being paid to take them there or would be if he didn’t have every hostel / halfway house etched in my memory so never accept the jobs any more
  16. Waiting to be called as witness at court pisses me off Boring, can't see what's going on inside the court, just waiting And my evidence because of its nature is usually last
  17. Its an underlying principal of law. You are confusing definitions to be the same, they are not Yes we all think he's guilty but in the eyes of the law, he isn't until it's proven. Thats how the law has to work to ensure the fairest of trials, not just in this case, in every case. If people were deemed guilty before trial we wouldn't be living in a democracy.
  18. It would never happen, not intelligent to realise... its not an island... incoming....
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