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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Ah rat story originates from the Daily Express. Princess DIana mustn't have cured cancer from the grave this weekend
  2. See, we keep apples in the fridge but I'm ok with that because the missus likes to eat them when they are cold and I hardly ever eat them and I guess if there's more stuff in the fridge its cheaper to run
  3. An awful lot of those aren't regular soldiers though. Wagner has been the main protagonist in Bakhmut. Not exclusively but probably heading towards 70% of those casualties. Russia will consider it a saving on prison food
  4. They also don't vaccinate their chickens, which is why they wash the eggs
  5. The US is different, you don’t vaccinate your chickens
  6. The Constitution Society This is from 21st March, Labour doesn't appear to have smelt the coffee yet
  7. Anyway, can we get this thread back to the Tory Party please
  8. nope The cost of fuel entering the market is determined by the exchange in the Netherlands. The cost at the pump bears no relation to the current costs of what you mention. This is highlighted by a forecourt very close to my house (2 actually). AN independent (which means higher costs!) is selling petrol and diesel at £1:38.9. per litre Price parity between the two main types. 300 yards up the road is a main branded garage (though still technically an independent company but tied by brand to an extractor), diesel is $1:59.9 per litre and unleaded petrol is £1:45.9 per litre. The prices for both fuel types after refining at the market is roughly equal in the current market, the price at the pump is wildly different and well over what the raw markey price is The two cheap forecourts are selling fuel at just above the pre-war prices, which is just about correct for the market price of the refined product. What seems to be happening is that pre-war the supermarkets undercut the forecourts to encourage people onto their property, they no longer see the need to do that and have decided to increase their profits at the pump and the forecourt companies are just pricing their product a few pence above the supermarkets because that is what people are used to. They are both making much bigger margins than previously as a result. So, definitely a No
  9. Not relevant. I can legitimately buy fuel at almost pre-Ukraine prices. Fuel pump prices have little relevance as they are run by separate companies to the extractors. There is vast profiteering at the pump from the forecourt companies but that is an entirely different issue. Windfall tax doesn’t affect forecourt companies.
  10. Do you have any evidence to support this idea? I ask because we've already hit petrochemical extractors with a windfall tax twice and they had record profits each time
  11. I did.They are the reason the narrative you are using exists Anyway, wrong thread for this discussion
  12. I agree with you on that, which is one of the two reasons I'm not voting for them, where I disagree is that Labour are the same as the Tories or are Tory lite, they really aren't. They aren't remotely close to being that, they are fundamentally and significantly different. The idea that they are is peddled by the people who support Corbyn and his ilk, it's a left-wing insult and stands up to very little scrutiny (and is a typical tactic of said left wingers)
  13. Except there are about 10 more than 2010 (which was the previous peak under... ) They chopped 20k, then promised to add them back.. Thats just comparing the actions of Labour and Tory Parties in office The Tories aren't saying that are they? It was always a one off windfall tax THAT WAS LABOUR POLICY that the Tories argued against until the very last minute when they enacted it How are they doing with that? Are the Tory Party committed to scrapping their own Trade Union laws? Thought not Are the Tory Party renationalising the railways? It really isn't
  14. Such a successful act but most people in the UK wouldn't be able to name 2 of their songs (I know I can't)
  15. He must have taken the other 5 sheds with him
  16. So you clearly still haven't read the policies on their webiste then If you have I don't see how you reach that conclusion
  17. Ah, so you have a wifi connected porn shed too
  18. On current projections, Labour don't need the SNP collapse
  19. yeah I even won the don't put bananas with other fruit and especially not in the fridge one too
  20. first twofer for ages! Wordle 681 2/6
  21. It’s tomatoes in our house. They taste shit from the fridge. I won the war with eggs though
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