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Everything posted by bickster

  1. is that what they say in Caaaaeeerdiff, it's half Irish like Scouse
  2. Oh and here's the Culture Secretary (note nothing to do with her brief) sent out to bat for he defence.
  3. Oh and here's another one of the arrests from yesterday, this time a journalist (with professional accreditation) arrested whilst filming a protest
  4. Like this wasn’t predictably what was going to happen
  5. So forgetting the Republic protestors for a minute. Not much has been said about the the Westminster Council night time volunteers arrested for giving out rape alarms in Soho at 2 am. Now these people were wearing council emblazoned high viz vests and giving out rape alarms in a programme that is done in conjunction with… The Met Instead of admitting their mistake they kept them in a police station for hours on end and released them on bail pending further enquiries, they’ve since doubled down on that and claimed hey had justification because hey’s rcieved information that people were going to disrupt the procession using rape alarms to frighten the horses… presumably these are the same horses that are looked after by the military and are trained to be used to unusual and sudden sounds like you know… gunfire and artillery from all those 21 gun salutes etc The Met are trying to improve their image, especially with respect to sexual misconduct and the reporting of sexual assault / rape perpetrated by both serving police staff and the wider public. Arresting people for giving out rape alarms in clubland at 2am in a volunteer programme that the Met is a partner of is just so insanely stupid in he first place but then to hold them for a considerable number of hours and try to justify it after the fact just shows that so far they've learned he sum total of f*** all and that the current measures and people put in charge of carrying them out aren't fit for purpose.
  6. They won’t tell you how much it’s costing but it’s taxation that pays for it. I’ve seen estimates of £250mil
  7. And that is where Bicks comes from
  8. I do wonder how he new law will affect the fascists that try to march in Liverpool. They should have the right to do it just as we should have the right to do exactly what we normally do, chase the f***ers out of the city I do wonder which side the police would see as the victims. The 12 virgins filled with hate or the hundreds and thousands that turn up to prevent them marching It would take an awful lot of police to stop the counter-demonstration, I'm not sure they have the manpower
  9. Parliament as it currently is constituted, absolutely. Get rid of the Lords, get rid of FPTP, reinstate a second elected chamber with real power…. Also f*** the CoE off as state religion AND make all religions actually pay tax on their income It’s all part of the same argument as abolishing he monarchy in reality
  10. Pretty much sums up the new protest bill too
  11. Royals in the Royal Family thread please. State of Policing in here. Ta
  12. So was Dallas and Dynasty
  13. I suspect there will be a court case, either because the CPS bring one against the arrested or because the arrested sue for wrongful arrest You'll then have an absolute media circus. On the left, you'll have the Guardian / Indie / James O'Brien types (don't be shocked if he has a show on it this week btw) softly supporting the right to protest and on the right you'll have the usual suspects Mail / Express / GBNews going at it from a culture war angle of woke judiciary / lawyers etc But in short, it'll be lead by the relevant court case not the media It would have absolutely been forgotten by now even if they just been allowed to have their protest
  14. Protesting is about campaigning for change, it doesn't bring about change in itself. Protesting is about publicising a cause
  15. Recent polling suggests 25% of the population already supports the abolition of the monarchy
  16. Accepting differing opinions is supporting the right to protest
  17. The hilarious thing in the Met’s actions today is that they’ve furthered the republican cause. If it hadn’t been for their arrests the protest would have got much much less publicity and have been forgotten by dinner time tomorrow Now it’s going to trundle along for weeks and months
  18. How on earth do you think that’s a credible analogy?
  19. How would you know? The Royal finances aren't public knowledge and given how much the public purse finances them there should at least be transparency Just imagine if all the other dysfunctional refugee families on benefits adopted the same approach, the Daily Heil et al would be up in arms
  20. Fat chance of that,, have you seen his sausage fingers and red face
  21. Who are "they"? If the they you are talking about is Republic then why on earth would you imagine they'll be on the pitch at VP? Republic are a fairly benign campaigning organisation, they do not use disruption tactics like Just Stop Oil for example Is Trafalgar Square Villa Park? How on earth does this analogy work?
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