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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Ah some comedy retreating... I'm guessing the officers were in the truck
  2. Bollocks It was going to be a simple March out for Mitoma Now Rashford's injury has made me take -4 to do Rashford to Fernandes. If we weren't three weeks from the end of the season, I'd have benched rashford and hoped for the best but if he's unlikely to play this GW, he must still be a doubt for the next...
  3. Rob has ginger spotting issues, he says I'm ginger too (I'm not either)
  4. This is the ground lost as of yesterday evening around Bakhmut according to one Russian military blogger
  5. Going back to the Storm Shadows, impressive kit, here's an image that shows the basics of what it does.
  6. They obviously knew and there was nothing subversive about it. It was a standard comedic element for the time. Politically correct comedy hadn't hit the mainstream at all by then The jokes are probably more shocking now than they were then
  7. Not really something I know much about tbh, also needs to be in a different topic to this one. Probably worthy of a topic in it's own right.
  8. Ukraine soldiers on the ground tell a slightly different story to Prigozhin
  9. South Africa helping Russia should come as no shock, they are one of the Brics nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) who are going to attempt to destabilise the Dollar with a new cross border trading currency Also, the South African Government begged Putin not to visit SA for a conference on BRICS because they'd have to arrest him as an International Arrest warrant had been issued. They begged Putin to attend by video conference and not in person (because they obviously didn't want to arrest him but would be duty bound to)
  10. It’s not meant to help anyone, it’s meant to help the economy by persuading some people to save and not spend, which means demand for certain goods should drop, which will lead to lower inflation. The elephant in the room this time is that the driver for inflation is the price of oil because of the Ukraine situation. That’s a global phenomenon but on top of that we still have a global Covid hangover with prices (esp with cars and tech) and in the UK there is additional Brexit pressures on prices plus sky high property prices Raising interest rates like they are doing might affect the property prices but as there is such a shortfall of property and few can afford to get on the property ladder, it’s doubtful whether raising interest rates will even touch the sides even with the property market and it will have next to no effect on the other pressures
  11. You'd have to suspect a far greater chunk of Leave voters didn't actually work at the time (and yes I know its a massive generalisation)
  12. Probably the most interesting thing they've ever done I'd have paid to watch them split up onstage for sure.
  13. It may well be propaganda, I'm not sure there is any way of currently verifying the claim
  14. Has anyone told them they've been using their long range missiles for 14 months and they are running short of them? Also in related news, Ukraine are claiming they shot down a Khinzal hypersonic missile with the Patriot System, which if true is both the first time anyone has achieved that and secondly makes Putin's boast that his new Wunderwaffe missiles can't be shot down seem a lot like bollocks
  15. There's a photo out there in that there facebookland of me doing front stage security at a Voice of the Beehive gig at the State in Liverpool. The sheer boredom on my face is plain to see (I'm clearly more interested in my ciggie), the crowd have also left a big gap between the stage/barrier and themselves. I am the only person doing front stage. None of that is an endorsement of the band
  16. Many remain voters are quite frankly dead Many remain voters have changed their minds / didn't understand what they were voting for. New younger voters are prominently more pro-EU In short, you should know this because its Demographics
  17. Won't happen, honestly. They did a NI deal because it directly affects a member country in a rather unique situation. The rest of the UK and the Tory party? It's not really in their interests to help them get out of the hole they've dug, they'd much rather deal with a different party where there is more trust.
  18. Not a chance, it takes two to tango and the EU are seriously not going to help the Tory Party. If we elect a different party who is less hostile to the EU then change may happen but even then it will be slow because it's the EU and they have no reason to rush anyway because they got the best of the Brexit deal
  19. May got trounced in the local elections in 2019 (obviously Sunak got trounced harder as that was the election cycle repeated this year) but Johnson won a GE later that year. Having said that, the situations are very different. The Tories changed leader in between and the chances of them doing that between now and the next GE are minimal (but never say never) and we still had the spectre of Brexit negotiations which is a kind of unique situation, oh yes and the extremely unpopular/media hate figure of the C-word was Labour leader. That pattern of events is unlikely to be repeated
  20. That’s exactly what it is designed to do. Encourage saving not spending. If spending reduces, inflation comes down. Trouble is, this inflation isn’t caused by the public overspending so the traditional economic models really don’t apply to this situation but they'll keep doing what they are doing because they know no different
  21. Even worse. A song about helicopters in the style of Mark E Smith
  22. Erm I was playing around with ChatGPT and I asked it to write me a love song in the style of Sonic Youth Complete and utter bobbins
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