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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Currently 3 pts behind 2nd but I have Varane and Fernandes (also Captain) tonight and he only has Fernandes (not Captain) so I've a good chance of going into GW38 with a slender lead. I'm hoping for early team news. If Haaland plays, I'll be looking to move on Mitoma for Douglas Luiz If Haaland looks like he's benched, it'll be Kane in for him
  2. Yep seen that, the entire story originates from the Russian side, I don't think anyone's claimed they sunk it or even hit it but given its position just North of the Bosporus, the range of the attack might worry Russia if it actually happened
  3. You realise the chief crisp tester for Walkers posts here and his favourite drink is shandy?
  4. It's unlikely to happen though. Music Industry is quite happy to service multiple platforms because people often play their favourite tracks multiple times so get re[peat fee after repeat fee. Movies and TV - MOST people only watch things once so the model is entirely different, different platforms pay to attract that one watch, they also as a result pay for exclusivity as the content drives sales, in music, its the usability of the software that drives sales as the tunes are almost ubiquitous. Also the cost of making TV/Film is massive compared to music so the fees to recoup also rely on the large pre-sale fees for exclusivity to a platform
  5. We were talking about the Russian Dragons Teeth the other day, this is what a Challenger 2 Tank does with them
  6. Amputation is the only cure for what you have - Leg AIDS
  7. You gotta roll with it though
  8. The joys of not having to remember to put the bins out any more. Living in a flat, there's a man from the property owners that does that every week
  9. I tend to agree but I'd throw Nutbush in there too
  10. Having looked at a map of those roads, how are the police supposed to have caused the crash? They weren't in pursuit of the bike by the time it got to Snowdon Road, its 250m from Howell Rd to the bollards at the end of Stanway Road. They'd have had to negotiate those bollards at an extremely slow speed, then cross Wilson Rd to get onto Snowdon Rd, its like the end of that road was specifically designed to stop people on illegal e-bikes from going through the road, its not just bollards at the end of a road, it's bollards, that make a fence and two pedestrian gateways either side of the fence, impossible to do that at anything but a crawl. They'd have known they weren't being followed at that point and which way the police would have gone. They could have turned right onto Wilson Road and gone in the completely opposite direction to the police but they didn't, they went onto Snowdon Rd where the crash occurred. I don't see how the Police can be responsible for it
  11. I did say Birmingham was the first place to get them outside of London, @Stevo985s post at least make me think I hadn't completely invented my B'ham red routes posts of last week
  12. Even that bit is pure speculation at this stage. Police have doubled down tonight and say that van was half a mile away from the crash at the time If that proves to be untrue, all hell will let lose
  13. From that brief period when the band had someone who could play bass
  14. Imagine that happened overnight, and everyone from this point forward gets free education and everyone before is saddled with debt. That wouldn't be fair would it? You have to forgive the previous debt before you can make it free for everyone. To not do that makes it completely unfair
  15. Just to remind you of what you said and to which I was responding You asked a question. I answered it. I twisted absolutely nothing, I even quoted that bit. It's in plain sight. I do not search every opinion you've ever posted on a subject before I respond, no one does, now that would be a completely ridiculous expectation especially as you may have changed your mind in the intervening period. I take it that now you've stated your opinion again, you've once again changed your mind
  16. Just catching up with this thread but I see what you did there.
  17. This is bollocks, percentage don't work like that As an example A 20% rise on £100 iis £120 A £20 fall on £120 is a 16.6% fall You are back to £100
  18. 1. Its in the National Interest to have a highly educated workforce 2. That highly educated workforce will go on to be higher contributors to the income tax take by any government. They literally pay back the cost of their education over their lifetime in the higher income tax they pay. It's not even a zero sum gain WHat you appear to be saying is that if you are intelligent, you should be taxed twice.
  19. I don't need to find it, you do
  20. Not really at all, the next two tweets in that thread Firstly you are relying on a Labour MP live tweeting from PMQs as an accurate source of his exact words and secondly in the context of the question, he's not just talking about immigration but he is highlighting it because the latest figures are due out tomorrow And really, that is nothing like the BNP even at their softest and cuddliest. Just so you can see what a BNP Immigration leaflet looks like Is that really like anything Starmer has said I'd say they were pretty distinguishable from each other.
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