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Everything posted by bickster

  1. It literally came on my phone as an alert when there were only 100 injured and no dead in the reports Edit: Just checked, that BBC newsflash was at 17:30 yesterday UK time
  2. Revolver is probably their best album, it’s got that tune Paul Weller wrote on it, shame they changed the lyrics to be about their favourite government officials the Tory bastards
  3. The point being that country borders esp in this instance have no relation to the landmass in question 2 miles further south 1:5 miles less West, It’s Gwennap
  4. If anyone had any doubts about Trump being a Putin asset, you really should stop your delusion right now.
  5. Is that for the same reason as most people go to weddings?
  6. The TikTok Brigade are back from Chechnya. It seems they learned absolutely nothing at all whilst they were away
  7. Agree with both of those. It doesn’t alter my point though. It’s all about Johnson vs Sunak and it isn’t about privacy (nor does it affect it) nor is it a defence of the government being allowed to have secret conversations (the people suggesting this need to give their heads a wobble). Sunak doesn’t much care for what Johnson's say as there will undoubtedly be some incriminating stuff in there but he does care about what his say because they will show he isn’t the person a lot think he is, the chancellor who gave us furlough etc and saved the country. They'll show he was against it but had to do it because he was forced to He’s put a lot of political mileage in the furlough scheme and it'll show he didn’t want to despite his subsequent claims.
  8. It’s not the most Southwesterly point in mainland Britain, that distinction goes to Gwennap Head If Lands End has a claim as anything it’s the most Westerly point in mainland England but as that definition would include an arbitrary political boundary it’s meaningless. So why was Land's end specifically chosen for the LE to JOG challenges? Well there was once an American Consul in Birmingham called Elihim Burrit who whilst doing his consulling also wrote two books in the 1860s. A Walk from London to John O’Groats and it’s sequel, A Walk from London to Land's End. Now it was these two books that influenced the Naylor brothers from Cheshire to pick those two points and absolutely nothing scientific at all. They were as Mandy says just picked for convenience. Hence why I said, Land's End has no real claim to be anything much at all
  9. Even charge you to have your photo taken by the sign these days
  10. As I saw someone on the twitty thing say…. I never thought I'd hanker after the Paul Young version but…. And for the sake of anyone without an once of sense, the Paul Young version of LWTUA is one of the worst cover versions ever made, until…
  11. 2022 - Sue Ellen resigns over misuse of personal emails. 2023 - Government refuses to release encrypted WhatsApp’s messages How did we get from one to the other with open and honest Rishi? Is the reason the government won't release the messages to its own initiated enquiry, that it will show Sunak in a bad light? I rather suspect that is what is at play here. Remember it was very much rumoured that Sunak as Chancellor was very much against the furlough scheme etc but was forced into it by Johnson, he hen took all 5e credit for it. I also suspect that that is exactly why Johnson is all to happy to release them anyway. This isn’t about the tittle tattle that the messages may contain, it’s about the actual government business that was discussed Also the idea that this about privacy and it’s erosion is utter nonsense, equating this to privacy issues us as subjects of he UK may or may not be losing is an absolute false equivalence. These are government ministers running the country on our behalf, there really shouldn’t be an expectation of privacy. The government finds it easy enough to seal records of certain events in the national interest. When the decision making is done you know in the accepted manner. But let’s be honest, none of this was done that way and also that this inquiry was started at their behest, it’s their own inquiry that they are refusing to cooperate with Also don’t think that this will somehow makes you WhatsApp messages available to any court in the land, hey already are and always have been as long as a judge orders it so The WhatsApp rumble is all about Johnson vs Sunak, the fight for control of the party and very little else.
  12. Not that easy, are we talking straight line distance or road distance, if road distance what are the rules for which roads you can take? But in general I think its Duncansby Head to Gwennap Head/Porthgwara Beach
  13. Letting them off gently, mojitos are relatively easy to make pick something with banded colours next time
  14. If we're doing this map stuff, Lands End has no claim to fame. It is neither the most southerly part of mainland Great Britain (Lizard Point) nor the most westerly (Corrachadh Mòr)
  15. Here's another one from a less globally known and more disposable pop act - Erasure. Released in 1992. Stuff like Prince's Greatest Hits album (would be at least a triple even back then, more now) was never and still hasn't been released on vinyl. Some compilations fetch money, I have some reggae ones both single artist and even various artists ones that always shock me and they aren't even from that golden period value wise Erasure-Pop-The-First-20-Hits
  16. Wasn't a big run, it was towards the end of the first vinyl era. Lots of the 91-95 vinyl releases are worth a shit load because of just that. CDs had taken over but vinyl was still being pressed on ever smaller runs. The Fall's Infotainment Scan album from 93 is similarly priced. Early 90s first pressings for stuff that still has a market, is always highly priced. Another factor in that is that a lot of the people that bought vinyl then were the diehards and they have sold their collections far less than the casual buyers
  17. Off to a great start here Wordle 713 3/6
  18. Part of the problem with Oil and gas for electricity generation is that they have to buy in months in advance so those prices are locked in for months ahead
  19. No see there’s a fundamental difference between “foreign legions” that are part of a countries regular army, another example being the Squadron of Polish pilots that flew for the RAF in WW2 and PMCs like Wagner and Blackwater. The former are part of the regular army and as such are bound and protected by the Geneva Convention, the PMCs are mercenaries and are not. Lumping them together as outside forces isnt correct.
  20. Anyone tried the new Spotify AI DJ yet? Currently got it on, not convinced they’ve done much but tweak their algo and stick a silly voice on every time you press forward but it is picking a lot of music I like and as Marc Riley is no longer on at this time and will be replaced by the two inferior Toms… this maybe a solution
  21. Most of us just though you were describing your day…
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