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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Being on a Question Time panel isn’t sharing a platform. There is no platform of common speakers there, there is no single issue the panel are campaigning on. Sorry but that isn’t the gotcha you think it is
  2. Here's a public order offence from yesterday's FA Cup Final SKY Is the man wearing that shirt a word removed?... IMO... undoubtedly yes Does wearing that shirt at a football match between Man Utd and Man City constitute a public order offence? I'm really not so sure Had it been at a Liverpool or an Everton game, then yes it clearly would be a public order offence, there really would be a risk to public safety and the idiot himself We're back in the realms of the police determining what causes offence based on social media outcry from people hundreds of miles away This is policing by noise on the internet, absolutely no chance they'd have done anything on the ground without that noise.
  3. If the Police didn't keep arresting him and news media didn't keep reporting on those arrests I'd be blissfully unaware of the dickhead
  4. I suspect if you ask anyone with no connection to India about Indian trains this is the picture in their head straight away
  5. Absolutely the industry fuels this. It goes back, way back to the late 80s when the Industry was really quite small. There was the Magical Mystery Tour and some shite on Mathew St. The MMT guide was one Paul Beesley, former president of Liverpool Poly Student Union and shite DJ known disparagingly as Cheesy Beesley. He seemed to have a knack of dropping mainly Japanese tourists outside our house on Hope St (some book somewhere once mentioned this address as somewhere Lennon used to bunk off school and go to - their school was just down the road) whenever I was hungover and it was like being papped every time I came out of the door. That word removed is probably talking shite on Radio Merseyside as I type this The city doesn’t have a love affair with them apart from the council and the people with a vested interest.
  6. Probably but nothing I said was untrue. And it’s still their best album. (because it contains my least hated Beatles song),
  7. Ah that old bollocks, musique concrete had been around since the 50s and one very famous TV theme tune, (Dr Who) composed by Ron Grainer and performed by Delia Derbyshire and the BBC Radiophonic Workshop was recorded 3 years prior to Revolver, reverse tape loops were nothing new. The whole Studio as an Instrument thing was Joe Meeks recording technique so they didn’t invent that either The other innovative recording techniques on Revolver weren't anything to do with the band, they were the innovations of the studio staff and the session engineer Geoff Emerick. ADT (Automatic double taping) was literally invented because Lennon didn’t like having to sing things twice to double track his vocals. Yep invented because Lennon was a prima donna. Close miked drums…. Geoff Emerick again… Vocals through Leslie Speaker… oh dear that’s one of the worst claims about Revolver, Brian Wilson did that on a Beach Boys single in 1963 The really is a lot of Beatles mythologising about Revolver and it’s revolution in recording. Those recording innovations, however, were nothing to do with the band and all to do with the Abbey Road staff and Geoff Emerick, the revolutionary stuff the band are supposed to have introduced were all things that had already been done years before. The Revolver session did revolutionise the whole recording industry massively from a technical perspective but it was shite all to do with the band and most of the claims made about the record just aren't true
  8. We aren’t talking about the most westerly, that’s in Scotland, I mentioned it above somewhere I think Lands End is most westerly point in England but England means nothing in terms of the Island of Great Britain
  9. It literally came on my phone as an alert when there were only 100 injured and no dead in the reports Edit: Just checked, that BBC newsflash was at 17:30 yesterday UK time
  10. Revolver is probably their best album, it’s got that tune Paul Weller wrote on it, shame they changed the lyrics to be about their favourite government officials the Tory bastards
  11. The point being that country borders esp in this instance have no relation to the landmass in question 2 miles further south 1:5 miles less West, It’s Gwennap
  12. If anyone had any doubts about Trump being a Putin asset, you really should stop your delusion right now.
  13. Is that for the same reason as most people go to weddings?
  14. The TikTok Brigade are back from Chechnya. It seems they learned absolutely nothing at all whilst they were away
  15. Agree with both of those. It doesn’t alter my point though. It’s all about Johnson vs Sunak and it isn’t about privacy (nor does it affect it) nor is it a defence of the government being allowed to have secret conversations (the people suggesting this need to give their heads a wobble). Sunak doesn’t much care for what Johnson's say as there will undoubtedly be some incriminating stuff in there but he does care about what his say because they will show he isn’t the person a lot think he is, the chancellor who gave us furlough etc and saved the country. They'll show he was against it but had to do it because he was forced to He’s put a lot of political mileage in the furlough scheme and it'll show he didn’t want to despite his subsequent claims.
  16. It’s not the most Southwesterly point in mainland Britain, that distinction goes to Gwennap Head If Lands End has a claim as anything it’s the most Westerly point in mainland England but as that definition would include an arbitrary political boundary it’s meaningless. So why was Land's end specifically chosen for the LE to JOG challenges? Well there was once an American Consul in Birmingham called Elihim Burrit who whilst doing his consulling also wrote two books in the 1860s. A Walk from London to John O’Groats and it’s sequel, A Walk from London to Land's End. Now it was these two books that influenced the Naylor brothers from Cheshire to pick those two points and absolutely nothing scientific at all. They were as Mandy says just picked for convenience. Hence why I said, Land's End has no real claim to be anything much at all
  17. Even charge you to have your photo taken by the sign these days
  18. As I saw someone on the twitty thing say…. I never thought I'd hanker after the Paul Young version but…. And for the sake of anyone without an once of sense, the Paul Young version of LWTUA is one of the worst cover versions ever made, until…
  19. 2022 - Sue Ellen resigns over misuse of personal emails. 2023 - Government refuses to release encrypted WhatsApp’s messages How did we get from one to the other with open and honest Rishi? Is the reason the government won't release the messages to its own initiated enquiry, that it will show Sunak in a bad light? I rather suspect that is what is at play here. Remember it was very much rumoured that Sunak as Chancellor was very much against the furlough scheme etc but was forced into it by Johnson, he hen took all 5e credit for it. I also suspect that that is exactly why Johnson is all to happy to release them anyway. This isn’t about the tittle tattle that the messages may contain, it’s about the actual government business that was discussed Also the idea that this about privacy and it’s erosion is utter nonsense, equating this to privacy issues us as subjects of he UK may or may not be losing is an absolute false equivalence. These are government ministers running the country on our behalf, there really shouldn’t be an expectation of privacy. The government finds it easy enough to seal records of certain events in the national interest. When the decision making is done you know in the accepted manner. But let’s be honest, none of this was done that way and also that this inquiry was started at their behest, it’s their own inquiry that they are refusing to cooperate with Also don’t think that this will somehow makes you WhatsApp messages available to any court in the land, hey already are and always have been as long as a judge orders it so The WhatsApp rumble is all about Johnson vs Sunak, the fight for control of the party and very little else.
  20. Not that easy, are we talking straight line distance or road distance, if road distance what are the rules for which roads you can take? But in general I think its Duncansby Head to Gwennap Head/Porthgwara Beach
  21. Letting them off gently, mojitos are relatively easy to make pick something with banded colours next time
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