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Everything posted by bickster

  1. The canal only services the left bank and Crimea. Ukraine doesn't currently occupy that area
  2. Do we have to churn out puns that have been used before?
  3. The trench lines were hilariously useless. Ukraine were never going to make an amphibious assault across the Dnipr, they had no way of getting armour across the river and no means to transfer large amounts of foot soldiers across the river. If the left bank was going to be liberated it would always have been from the Melitopol direction, the trenches would have been the last line of defence before the Russians jumped into the river (or surrendered). In reality Russia knew this, Ukraine have been sending small Special Ops teams across the river for a couple of months, they've never encountered any resistance, the whole area wasn't exactly chock full of Russian troops to begin with The trenches were mainly just a propaganda tool and a token defence line for show mainly
  4. Seems to be pretty standard for his recent outbursts
  5. They aren't actually in the luxury expensive bracket. No difference in price to a bag of Walkers, possibly even a few pence cheaper. They do them in the normal size 40g bags Unlike these, which always make me laugh EDIT: Crap pictures soz, himalayan pink salt crisps, ludicrous price for ready salted
  6. The amount of curry you eat you shouldn't ever need a gas exchange
  7. DOn't tell @Rugeley Villa for the doctor's sake
  8. That's exactly what he himself did everytime he attended the European Parliament as an MEP
  9. Struck out today. too many options still on the table despite getting the last four letters correct
  10. Why would they? That is absurd analogy, appearing on for example, Question Time, is not sharing a platform No, they didn't, you've made this bit up in your head. He's also not the elected Mayor of the position he's been blocked from. If this were Liverpool, it would be like saying the Mayor of the Wrral has been blocked from standing for the position of Mayor of the Merseyside Region (the are 6 mayors in the Merseyside Region plus the elected Regional Mayor) The argument put forward by Burham and Rotherham yesterday isn't valid otherwise Burnham might have 10 competitors next time the post is up for election. Rotherham might remeber from his initial selection that Barrie Grunewald, then Mayor of St Helens didn't make the Longlist for his candidacy election Here you are falling into the trap of equating small minority groupings of people who identify as Jewish as being representative of the whole Jewish Community. It's pretty much the same as blaming the actions of the Israeli State on Jews, except in reverse. The wider Jewish Community both inside and outside the Labour Party see AS in the Labour Party as a problem as did the EHRC, they don't see tackling the problem as a factional tool, they see it as an absolute priority
  11. Why is an absurd position? He's an expelled member of the party, he belongs to one or more proscribed organisations. That’s the whole point of him being expelled. That the left complain about being pulled up for sharing a platform with an expelled member of the Party when the whole no platforming thing is entirely a mechanism of the left is somewhat rich. No one mentioned AS in this until Loach did, so in answer to your question, Loach did. It doesn’t irk the Jewish community because they don’t consider the issue to be a made up political football, they perceive it to be real. Imagine you telling a black man that he shouldn't use peoples racism against him as a political football - you effectively just said that.
  12. Not a criticism of you but you (and that Sky video posted above) reminded me, that its often been said that the canal was Crimea's water supply and people imagine that this means all the water is cut off to homes etc, it isn't the case. The canal supplies water for agriculture not domestic use On the Kerch Bridge. I'm not sure they can take it out now, they need to give Russians an escape route when they take the peninsula back otherwise Ukraine will end up with a humanitarian crisis. EDIT: Also has there been confirmation that the canal is out as the Dam isn't fully breached only the top level, so the canal may still be serviceable
  13. I'm really not... it really was Ken Loach that talked about antisemitism being the issue The Indie So saying nobody mentioned Israel or Antisemitism was a falsehood because Ken Loach did
  14. Another one I'd assumed was long gone tbh
  15. Not sure what your point is? Here's a topographical map of Kherson and the Dnipr, You'll notice the right bank is a hill and the left bank is a flood plain. Man in video doesn't understand basic geography and physics
  16. In other news Margaret Ferrier (Ex-SNP) has been suspended from the commons for 30 days for her breach of Covid Lockdown rules It's in this topic because her majority in Rutherglen and Hamilton West is only 5k above Labour. IF (and it is still if) a recall petition is enacted and it reaches the threshold then a by-election will be called and a change for Starmer to test his popularity in Scotland.
  17. 885 people needed to be evacuated, it's already been done. The Right bank, the city of Kherson, is located on a hill. It was always going to be the Russian held left bank that flooded
  18. The one place the counter offensive was never going to be, was across the Dnipr Ukraine had absolutely no way of getting armoured vehicles across the river
  19. Your use of the word some is highly important, neither Livingstone nor Loach used it and neither wished to correct it either. It wasn't badly worded, bad wording can be corrected
  20. This is wrong, he was given plenty of opportunity to reword this and absolutely point blank refused. As it happens Ken Loach is guilty of the saying the same thing, that ZIonism collaborated with the Nazis on the FInal Solution. Livingstone was suspended from the Labour Party under Corbyn, even Jon Lansman (Momentum) said he should leave politics altogether.
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