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Everything posted by bickster

  1. The Home Secretary… the Monday after a weekend of social disorder across the country… she isn’t there to discus home furnishings
  2. or puddings from Yorkshire And definitely not gravy
  3. Any other Labour politician, no. His wife.... that really does present a conflict of interests
  4. Yeah you just copy
  5. I’m sure Mike Stuchbery sees the amusing side of this more than most (thread)
  6. Robinson / Russia / Cyprus - its all just coincidence
  7. Brought in from neigh-bouring forces I expect
  8. Already outed as being in Cyprus down to the hotel he’s staying at. Unfortunately we don’t have an extradition treaty (which is why he went there)
  9. Even if it’s just the arson it’s clearly a category 1a offence where the starting point is 4 years with a sentence range of up to 8 years but here’s the kicker… in extreme cases the judges have the ability to go above that and can go as high as life imprisonment. Attempting to set fire to a hotel full of refugees must be in with a shout of being exceptional circumstances
  10. Don't know where you are but quite happy to help
  11. He may well think that, he'll have plenty of time to have a think about that over the coming years whilst he's worried about the soap on the floor of the showere
  12. I suspect some of the leading lights of the far right might be getting a knock on the door much sooner than that. Like this prick, for this tweet and others
  13. He was the DPP in 2011 the last time we had widespread riots, in that sense he’s the right man for this particular job. They were still making arrests a year later and a lot of people were jailed, many with very long sentences.
  14. Well as you mention it, I was literally about to post it an another topic but it’s just as relevant here.
  15. Appealing to the cougar vote?
  16. Arrests starting to happen on Merseyside after yesterday, they've picked up three now, first two were charged and already remanded in custody today, presume the third is in process
  17. Lord Davies of Gower is in the Shadow Cabinet. This tweet has been deleted. Dan Hodges is a journalist / commentator for the Mail on Sunday, he’s not remotely left wing No siree Bob, nothing to do with Tories…
  18. Slight change of narrative on the Sky News ticker, since Starmer’s announcement, they’ve started using the term anti-immigration rioters and not protesters.
  19. I’m talking about them, why is it the BBC getting your ire when the Catholic Church (and to a lesser extent the Boy Scouts) have had FAR MORE instances of paedophiles in their ranks and especially the Catholic Church have been covering it up for decade upon decade Yet it’s the BBC that you are most angry about To be clear you are entitled to be angry about the BBC but you should be MORE angry about the others
  20. Yes for the safety of the people in them. Funny thing is, the only boat I’ve heard mentioned this week is the Titanic.
  21. Read the bit you quoted from genie, it’s not talking about rioters per se, it’s talk8ng about who caused the conditions for this to happen. And that is most definitely on the Tories
  22. The post wasn’t about the rioters if you read the quote in the post I quoted.
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