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Everything posted by bickster

  1. I don't think I've ever seen Dettol floor wipes rebranded for arse wiping in Europe either (babies bums may be an exception)
  2. The tweet states three different dams, the one for V’iazivka is the one just north of that village you've given the Lat Longs for But there is also a different Chornozemne in Zap but at 47.36130281897526, 35.47303085071507 which does have a large body of water There is also a different Peremozhne in Zap at 47.43162016853428, 35.52804827693406 which again has a body of water
  3. There are likely more than one village with those names, even in the same Region, I've found a potential one for the first and last listed places, but Chornozemne was the second one I found in the Zap Region and not the one in the Yakmivka District the untranslated caption on the photo states
  4. But at this stage in the election cycle that is again a reasonably difficult objective, until the GE timing becomes inevitable, revisions are always going to happen. The timing of a GE will become more inevitable in early spring next year I imagine, it's either going to be May or Sept/Oct. It will only be May if the Tories are doing well in the polls, (highly unlikely). If it goes past late summer / early autumn the electorate will not thank them for it, If it goes to the wire, i.e. early Jan the Tories will lose more seats than if they went after teh summer as no-one will thank them for a GE campaign over Xmas. But right now, it is still reasonable to expect changes, certainly in terms of costings / timings for policies.
  5. Well that's one way of looking at it, the other is that Labour have reacted to the current economic forecasts and amended their policy to fall in line with those. One set of people see broken promises others will see a willingness to adapt to changing conditions. In reality its a bit of both.
  6. I think bog roll is a bit of an outlier for a headline. I've never found any bog roll in Europe that you could say was the equivalent of Andrex, the rolls are always smaller and less tightly wound onto the roll. How many of those countries actually really sell ketchup and in what quantities? Same for butter really too, most european countries don't seem to go for that spreadable out of the fridge butter / not really butter stuff, they generally just use butter, so again I reckon what is classed as butter and and the consumption of it are totally different in the UK to that abroadia It's also noticeable they haven't put in any Scandinavian prices for comparison, it's like they are trying to prove a point and are selecting the data points to be the most advantageous to that
  7. Also worthy of reading this opinion, you'll need to expand the tweet to read the long text
  8. Available in B&M I think Talking of which McVities may have a challenger on the chocolate digestives front... someone is making Galaxy milk chocolate digestives and they really are quite nice, also available in B&M
  9. Yes, It was slightly in the news when the Govt had to send in the commissioners. That debt is 100 times larger than its annual budget. 100 times larger....
  10. Oh, how did this get overlooked? Guardian That's the biggest financial failure in local government history. Where is it in the news? If that had been say Liverpool or Manchester... I think we all know where that would have been in the media
  11. That would be true for 2019 certainly but I'm not sure it's true for every election, the effect of the leader will vary on the circumstances, it'll be a more prominent decision in one election than another In 2019, you had essentially two cartoon characters as leaders and the election was very much Blur vs Oasis or The Beatles vs The Stones Next time, I don't think the leadership will be as high a factor, we aren't dealing with cartoon characters, we're dealing with wallpaper salesmen. It's hard to like either of them but on the other hand its hard to see them as hate figures either. (though that won't stop the media trying) My opinion has been for sometime that the electoral switch has been flicked with the Tories, they will lose, it would take some sort of electoral miracle for them to win. The anyone but the Tories feeling will be the overarching decision making factor in the way the country votes at the next GE, essentially the leaders don't really matter right now, huge numbers of people will be voting Not Tory because the country really does feel the need to give the Conservative Party an absolute shoeing (and quite rightly so)
  12. I did see one report claiming that UAF were through the second set of Dragons teeth on the Southern front. Which if true would mean things maybe about to go boom
  13. Things are definitely hotting up again, regardless of the absolute accuracy of the Ukrainian figures they publish each day, the figures do show trends and the liquidated personnel numbers have shot up in the last couple of days, only a few days ago they were down in the 400/500 per day range, todays figures are up in 4 figures for the first time in a long time and, they've rarely gone much higher than yesterdays figure Here's a graph showing the historical figures, the uptick is very noticeable
  14. Hahahahahahahahahahaha Which country do you reckon that favours
  15. I thought it was "In Knob We Truss"
  16. There's the Dnipro-Kryvyi Rih canal but it's a little unclear if that is out of action or not. I'm also not sure if the Crimean canal is completely out of action either, I've seen claims it's level has dropped but is still flowing but they were Russian claims
  17. India that buys Russian military hardware and oil and is a joint member of BRICS? That India?
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