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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Are we sure it’s Metallica’s decision and not the promoters? I’m guessing as it’s a festival this is far more the promotors decision than the bands. It’s them that usually sell the Gold Circle VIP you paid extra bucks to get in here to look like a word removed but you’ll feel special tickets. But being as Metallica have always been far more about the money than the art I guess it could be them too
  2. So you don’t actually know but are defending him to the hilt because you like his films….. mmmm Kay. How informed.
  3. I think I have at least 5 Best of Lee Perry albums and three of them are triples and one a double and now I think about it it’s more like 6 I think Bad Weed is my Favourite version of P&Ts
  4. Did they not read the newspapers, or listen to the commons chatter about Boris' resignation honours list over the last few weeks and months? It was pretty much out there in the open, plenty of stories about it, even a list of those that were thought to be going to resign and those that weren't. IIRC Alister Jack refused a peerage precisely because he didn't want to resign early even though he's not seeking re-election. There was a whole debate as to whether it was possible to give someone a peerage but they not start it until the next General Election and constitutional experts said it wasn't possible Nah that one doesn't fly at all
  5. When did Ken Loach get cancelled? You really should stop using the language of the Conservative Party if you want people to take you seriously, especially as it hasn’t happened. Are their pickets outside any of his films? Has anyone refused to screen his films? No, they haven’t have they? Ken Loach has made a number of Antisemitic statements in his time, he's also made some good films. They aren’t mutually exclusive concepts. I don’t leap to his defence because he’s said some f***ing stupid things. I also don’t leap to his defence because he made some very good films If someone tells me Loach said something bad, I look at what he said and make my own mind up. He said antisemitic things.
  6. Well the Electoral Commission have just announced that they've received an application to for a new political party called the National Conservatism Party.
  7. 1995 any self respecting 20 year old only went to the pub to score some MDMA in the bogs
  8. I hope he does get the nomination, it's an absolute slam dunk that he'll lose and by more than he lost by last time. He doesn’t have a path to an upward trajectory, he can only lose more and more votes now
  9. Tip: Just nipping into town. I’ve just got to pickup A RECORD I ordered, won’t be long. Honestly, it works a treat, just picking up something you’ve ordered is far less concerning than, I'm going record shopping because to them it doesn’t sound like you will bankrupt the family for the week
  10. I think 40% is very high.Even at his peak he didn’t get 50% of the electorate that voted to back him and that was before his legal issues. 25% of registered voters didn’t even vote in 2016, so he didn’t even achieve 37.5% even then. He's likely down as low as 25% of registered voters supporting him now and even that is probably generous. These new charges are something else again, even worse than the insurrection. He literally stole the US nuclear secrets, he put the defence capability of the entire country they love so much at risk and there is every chance he was prepared to sell those on to another power I'm very curious as to how his polling figures get affected by this
  11. That’s just what they'll do though Especially if say Boris forms a new political party… Which I'd absolutely welcome
  12. Oh god did you have to... I used to live in a house that that single paid for (Same house the Magical Mystery Tour bus used to stop outside of) Pete Coyle owned the upper floor flat, which I rented off him because it was too big for him. (Love Pete, lovely lovely man) I used to play football with Pete and the Head Brothers and Ian Brodie and all that lot and thats how I came to rent the flat That tit playing the guitar, Jerry Kelly, owned the middle floor flat and still lived in it. He used to bang on the ceiling if we were making too much noise. You won't find many people that have a good word to say about him. A few years ago I was in a pub, a big group of us had been on a Brexit protest and I got talking to Paul Simpson (The Wild Swans), another mild mannered nice bloke but as soon as Jerry Kelly came up in conversation.......... rage. I think when the whole 80s nostalgia thing kicked off, Pete and Jerry reformed The Lotus Eaters and were doing the summer party / festival circuit, one day my facebook erupted with the story of Pete Coil sacking Jerry Kelly from the band because... ah I can't remember. Some of Jerry's mates were giving it the "He cant treat you like that, what a monster" bollocks and everyone else was just shocked that Pete had the balls to tell him to do one, he's that mild mannered, oh and of course everyone also pointed out what a word removed Jerry had always been. I think Paul Simpson was telling me a story of how Jerry left the Wild Swans and tried to claim all the songs were his. Anyway Jerry Kelly, now some sort of English Literature lecturer at some Uni down south, long may he stay there there absolute gobshite Always love the song though
  13. Yorkshire farmers are all Tories The best farm shops are the small ones. We had one by our old house, they'd have a farmers market on a sunday and you could by veg at a pound a bag and you could mix up anything you wanted out of the boxes, if it fitted in their brown paper bag it was a quid, it was embarrassingly cheap. Sure the carrots and parsnips weren't straight like in the supermarkets but they were all fresh. I do miss being near that place Eggs were always much cheaper than the shops too, so was the bacon / sausages and they were all their own and much better than anything you could buy elsewhere
  14. There is absolutely no way I would ever look at those on a shelf in a shop and think, Hmm yes they might be worth a try
  15. Nice glass of port, lights down, missus already in bed and ...
  16. And there's a good reason we don't talk about Oasis in that thread
  17. So technically speaking Johnson can apply for an appointment to a position of profit for the Crown (The Stewardship and Bailiff of either the Chiltern Hundreds... or Manor of Northstead) and will be disqualified from sitting as an MP He can then almost immediately resign that position of profit and then be free to stand for parliament again. Just saying because it is rather odd that Mad Nad and Johnson resign on the same day, it just seems rather conveniently timed. Especially as it was long rumoured that Johnson always fancied her rather safe seat.
  18. Bewildered and appalled that he can be forced out…. Eh? You just resigned you dickhead
  19. Well, firstly it wasn’t my Poly, I went to the university and secondly there was actually someone at Uni on the Tech cute when I was on the Ents cute that actually did have the same surname of very similar. Around 1990 I would have been drinking at the Poly SU bar most nights because it was important for business, my mates worked at the SU and I DJed there midweek as a prelude to another night I also ran that went on after the SU finished. I’d also have been working gigs there around the or my mates would have been. Sabatical Officers we’re there to be humoured then ignored
  20. Some of those counts are 20 year sentences on their own.
  21. I’m not sure that is right tbh. Blurs new single is absolutely everywhere, the album will sell by the absolute bucketload. Bold prediction but it may well be the biggest selling album of the year in the UK
  22. I wonder if the challenger who has vowed to pardon Trump will continue with that line now Trump increased his toxicity by massive amounts.
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