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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Absolutely agree but I was making allowances for..... 'muricans
  2. I was far less polite with them after the Liverpool Womens Hospital bomb. It may have included a threat to introduce the prick to assisted flying over an 8ft fence if he didn't run off company property sharpish "Can you tell me if the passenger wore a Burkha" was the first question They weren't the only ones... The BBC reporter actually said "...but we're from the BBC" Sky news got, "when I said leave the premises now, I didn't mean have a f***ing discussion first" Stupid sky News woman actually hit the kerb as she was leaving because she was driving past me pulling out her tongue at me (yes seriously!). I laughed very loudly as she completely mashed her tyre which she had to drive off the property and call a mobile tyre company
  3. Yeah but have the freedom to virtually say and do as you want, turn up when you want etc. Imagine, Nadine turns up, attends a few minutes of the session, Kerching!, now it's time to hit the subsidised bar, where she won't spend anywhere near as much as the attendance allowance. So she's had a few, time to go track down a couple of journos and spout shite in the hope of remaining in the news, the more shocking the better. Back to the bar..... Then on top of her Lords attendance allowance, she'll also be getting approx 50% (a tad under) of her final MPs Salary because of her 18 years as an MP as her MPs pension All that with absolutely no responsibility to the electorate. Who wouldn't want that?
  4. No, I'd be far more sweary, nearly crashed the car when I heard that on the news. McCarthorse is a danger to society
  5. Probably the best album to own for the early period hits. I used to have a copy... lost it somewhere along the way.
  6. £171 or £342 attendance allowance per day for starters. They can also still hold cabinet positions EDIT: Access to booze and food at heavily subsidised rates...
  7. They must be the only people in the country with a passing interest in politics that didn't know this was the case. It is genuinely incredulous!
  8. @Davkausgoing postal about Metallica's VIP mosh pit?
  9. Still didn’t prevent the important business of the day.
  10. You deserve it for storing tramp juice in there
  11. Yeah, Sennybridge Camp is still very much there, in the news not so long ago for the wrong reasons
  12. Reminds me of my summer holidays as a kid and me and my mates would co camping and swimming in the river, streams and waterfalls around Ystradfellta. Stay up there all week sometimes, the farmers didn’t care, our parents didn’t seem concerned, the sheep were amused and SAS soldiers were lost
  13. I used to be the same tbh, you definitely used to be able to taste the can. Not so much anymore
  14. It’s far easier not to comment than say “We have no idea why Sturgeon and her husband bought a motor home and stored it on his mothers drive, or where they got the money from, even though there are shitloads missing from the coffers…” This all started because members of the party were questioning the membership numbers which were apparently much higher than reality. So numbers were high but income was lower than expected. There are even quotes out there from higher up members where they claim they were told not to talk about membership numbers because the press would make far too much out of it…. But…. The motor home was supposedly paid for out of money raised for a specific campaign (2nd referendum AKA Indyref 2 iirc) and was meant to be used for that and that alone. Thats my understanding and it may be wrong. I don’t pay that much attention to it.
  15. bickster


    No clue what you are on about, maybe it’s a midlands thing, we have need for retirement homes ooop north, we die early from hard work, ciggies, beer and excess dietary fat Edit: Wring Sid, this Sid only has a normal number of sheds
  16. Nope, I'm more shocked it took this long. The shocking thing is that she wasn’t there long. It’s no longer shocking because it’s been rumbling in for a while since her husband got arrested. Theres no such thing as incompetent accounting, especially at this level. Motor homes bought as a campaign battle bus that never saw battle and was stored on the mothers drive, is not incompetent accounting
  17. bickster


    You lot are all so yesterday. We had all that thunder and lightning yesterday, today has just been coolish and cloudy, with bits of sun. Though I'm not having to consider air con because our living room in is the basement of a house with walls that must be 2 foot thick. Even in the height of yesterdays heat, our living room was cool. Our little courtyard (which is also at basement level) was roasting but just step inside and bingo, really quite cool.
  18. Because he (who holds ALL the cards) doesn’t need to Had his solo career not been successful…. Who knows
  19. Sorry but what is the relationship between Metallica and music?
  20. Our guests this afternoon brought round a bottle of this, which is amazing wine. We have a long connection with it as a group of friends and it isn’t easy to get hold of in the UK. It drank well. I'm scared to look how much it cost him because I know how much it cost me to buy a bottle about 15 years ago when I was the first one to to introduce it to the group Yes it came with a cork in @sidcow Longboard, Russian River Valley Pinot Noir. 2014 vintage. Marvellous !
  21. Yeah I’m not a fan of drinking blended vinegar
  22. Just gone to the wine rack 9 bottles 5 with corks including a Prosecco which always has corks
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