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Everything posted by bickster

  1. SA and other African leaders are there on a peace mission not to supply arms
  2. Firstly, the 25 wards (out of 69) were selected because they have over 20% of the housing stock in the hands of Private Landlords. One of your properties is in one of those areas. It's safe to assume that the other wards will be included at a later date, they are targeting the most likely areas for problems first. I'd expect this to become nationwide law eventually Secondly, they will inspect the properties, that's what the licence fee is for, to pay for the inspection regime. You can't send out inspectors that don't exist because the money to pay for the scheme hasn't come in yet. There is nothing unreasonable in that As an aside, just wait until you need to enter a tax code from HMRC to qualify to hold a licence. That will be the next move. Already happened in my industry.
  3. I'll shut up now, for England's sake
  4. What???? I firstly never said go complain to the council, quite the opposite and as for not on here, I never said that either. I really have no idea what on earth you are talking about in this sentence Its a third home surely? And you've been talking about this every now and again for a while, so it's hardly the shock you are claiming. It was announced back in September 2022, so you've had 9 months notice since the schemes approval and a prior 6 months to that when the council made their decision and awaited Government approval for the scheme
  5. yeah seems quite leisurely atm
  6. US Bud tasted like watery piss in the first place, watering it down was an improvement
  7. Yeah but some things need to be pointed out to avoid future confusion on your behalf
  8. This is bizarre, absolutely nothing in this conversation has been posted in red text or could be considered to be anything other than my opinion. No moderation has taken place
  9. It's happened many times in the last 30 years and no, my trade body / representatives do that. For this licence in particular, it is an extra £140 per year minus the CGT write off, as a business expense its absolutely minor... less than £3 a week
  10. In the spirit of fairness, it isn't just Tory councils that do this. I may have posted before about some ludicrous investments in Liverpool before. I'll not elaborate in this thread other than to say...The Cunard Building debacle.
  11. You realise this is an internet forum and not the council? He shouldn't complain to the council. It would be like a pub landlord complaining to a magistrate (or the council) that he has to pay for his licence. Its going to fall on the deafest of deaf ears
  12. Wordle 727 3/6 Pleased with that as it could still have gone a bit pear shaped
  13. Anyone remember Woking going bankrupt last week? Thought not. Well the Boris circus is burying another story about Tory Councils in the land of milk and honey. BBC
  14. bickster

    80s Party!

    Both on Korova and they toured with the Bunnymen. There is an argument that they might have made it on another label because Korova's budget and time was used up on the Bunnymen. If you like it I'd thoroughly recommend checking them out further. Such a shame they never made it to the next level.
  15. Ah the memories of Coney Island, faggots from the butchers and the smell of old people, it's all coming back to me.... (enjoy!) (Oh and cheap records in the Woolworths because punk never really hit Portcawl )
  16. Take earplugs, seriously loud when I went to see them (but very good)
  17. I'd have thought it was obvious that being a member of this forum where nobody has stopped that person having an opinion, is irrelevant to the discussion.
  18. Nope, the £5 in Westminster is for the distribution of free copies of The Internationale song sheets to the masses these days
  19. And a subsequent demonstrated that he knew exactly what it was for Basic fallacy here is that this is an individual, it isn’t it’s a business. Businesses don’t take part in the democratic process, they don’t have a vote. The idea that they should is a sign of democracy failing
  20. Well a little bit yes and a whole lot of no. Firstly, no one was questioning what the money was for as it was clearly demonstrated that it was known what the money was for. What was occurring was that person saying they shouldn’t have to pay it. Can yo also imagine a situation where an individual involved in a licensed business is allowed to dictate to the body responsible for the licence, what they should and shouldn’t pay or do? That’s quite frankly a ridiculous notion. Licensing in this country is generally done so there’s a regulatory framework with a regime of inspections to ensure compliance with the law. The licensing generally pays for that to keep their industry safe and the money generated is ringfenced to ensure that compliance checks are undertaken regularly to keep people safe. And in this instance it’s their homes we’re talking about. An individual really doesn’t have the right to question that nor should they. Now the other thing that generally happens is that the will be an industry body where elected or co-opted representation from that sector can put forward the case for the licensing body to change various parameters around they way they operate and make suggestions accordingly. If that fails then representatives of the trade can choose to come together and test whether the licensing body is acting lawfully in a court of law and that is where the little bit of yes is. But writing to the licensing body moaning about having to pay the licence fee? That’s just going to get filed under B
  21. I don’t care about other people's wealth, I was just pointing out that if someone wants to have a business, then they really shouldn’t complain when they have to pay for a licence to operate that business. I have to do it, market traders have to do it, pubs have to do it. It’s a cost of the business, deal with it. It’s a very very me me me thing to complain about. And if you can’t afford the cost of the business, get rid of he business.
  22. And looking very relaxed, Adolf Hitler on vibes
  23. I am a danger to myself, just out on a high street for work. My internal monologue is doing everything it can to stop me going to the record shop above the bookstore So anyway I'll be listening to these when I get in... Bonzo Dog Doodah Band - Gorilla. For some reason Intro / Outro has been popping up on my Spotify AI thing a couple of times, makes me laugh every time and this was just staring at me with Bonzo puppy eyes... 90s repress, looks unplayed - £15 Salvatore Mercatante - SM Synthesis. Pretty obscure NY electronic artist, downtempo stuff. I already have one of his on Castles in Space but this one is on another label I look out for Werra Foxma - Brand New - 200 copy ltd edition - again £15 Now shoot me
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