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Everything posted by bickster

  1. How are you getting 50 overs out of a 1 and 3/4 hour session, especially with the Aussies bowling?
  2. So in my example which way are Labour aligning? Towards the free market or towards nationalisation?
  3. He said in the Miliband / Corbyn years
  4. Well you could look at Energy suppliers for a better example The Left want full Nationalisation. The Right want full free market economy. The Labour Party's current policy is a bit of both, allow the current suppliers to exist as they currently are but set up a government owned one too which gives them the advantages of being able to have a subsidised supplier should the need arise, a supplier of last resort if a supplier goes bust and essentially be able to control the market by undercutting it if they need to.
  5. So for three and a half years say, you want the opposition to say they haven't got any policies because an election is too far away? How much support do you think they'd pick up to oust the government if they did that?
  6. Llanelli are the Turks not Neath and again the origins easily predate WW2. The big POW Camp in S Wales was near Bridgend somewhere iirc, I think it was the site of the only mass escape of German POWs during WW2 (there's a family story to do with my Granddad out shooting rabbits and alerting the police leading to the capture of a couple of them)
  7. They don't need to be, they get replaced by young people Its true but that age is getting higher and higher (exception 2019 - Corbyn etc)
  8. No it isn't. The Tory Party has been slowly dying, their average voting age has gone up and up (One exception 2019 - but I'd consider that an outlier) but what is happening now and their current levels of support will be huge. The biggest drop in one election cycle (by either Labour or Tory). Voters in the UK do not switch sides easily but once they do they don't switch back much either Also previously the average Tory voting age has gone up but so has life expectancy, life expectancy in the UK is currently falling not rising but the average Tory voting age will still rise. If the Tory share of the votes falls below 30% at the next GE, it's nose dive karma
  9. There's a bit of that but it's largely a myth, same in South Wales. The Italian communities of both were there long before WW2 (Late 19th Century) - there was an exodus from Italy around 1890 and people were fleeing famine and drought.
  10. Here's a not so bold prediction. The Tories will get their lowest ever share of the popular vote in the next General Election You want a bold prediction? We are witnessing the death of the Tory Party as we know it. They will drop from the second highest share of the vote since WW2 (and longer but that's not particularly relevant) to their way below their lowest ever (30.7% in 1997) It's actually quite hard to see how they recover given their voting demographics. In two elections time it is possible that a good chunk of those currently voting for them will be dead, Their policies will even be responsible for a number of those deaths prematurely but their actions during this term of office will be remembered by the vast majority of the voting public, especially in the age groups that they would traditionally target. Just as an indication of how bad it will be, Labour's worst post war share of the vote was 1983 (Michael Foot, 27.6%).That is their lowest share of the vote and the only time one of the two big parties has polled under 30%. It took Labour another 14 years and 3 more election cycles to get elected and they had demographics on their side I think the Tories will poll lower than Foot's Labour and demographics will be against them.
  11. 7. He had parties of his own at Chequers... (and his wife in No10 but that gets conveniently ignored) That where we are actually at
  12. I quite like the Portuguese cluster in Merthyr Tydfil but taking it wider, the Italian community of South Wales has had quite the cultural impact. I've posted about that before
  13. Unlucky, I'd book a holiday somewhere if I were you You even have that tit with his Fun Lovin' Criminals, this year and he's not even remotely the worst act on
  14. bickster

    Fallen Angels

    Kids sneak out and lie, sleep over at X's house, in fact X may well be reciprocating and sleeping over at Y's house to her parents too. Parent's can be blissfully unaware. Kids are clever.
  15. Why do you need it to be defined? It’s not a political philosophy as such. It’s usually a victory of pragmatism over ideology to achieve a defined end point.
  16. He’s saying that white people are telling him what’s racist when he's not white
  17. Yep absolutely, if I can’t be arsed walking it’s three stops on the bus and walk up Lark Lane But thunder and lightning doesn't make for a great atmosphere for African music no matter how legendary
  18. Was going to nip up the road tonight to Sefton Park to see Fela Kuti's son Sean Kuti lead Fela's band Egypt80 at the Africa Oye festival. It’s free entry and there’s no gates or anything but…. It’s currently lashing it down with added thunder and lightning. Off licence for wine and chocolate it is then
  19. They were never mates, they just happened to be on the same side over the B word. And having watched, I think he was sent out to say that. It wasn’t done in the way you suggest.
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