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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Her set was great, she got grief on Twitter for not having band, posted by dickheads who didn’t realise she wrote, played and produced everything that was played. She can’t sing, dance and play all the instruments at once. The Glasto crowd seemed to really warm to her in the end, she was great, she's a real talent
  2. That’s all part of the act, always has been you have to remember he’s from Stoke so he's been disadvantaged to enjoyment since birth
  3. Agreed, Russia have more than one anyway but I was just curious as an aside really
  4. Here’s a question and I’ve seen absolutely nothing mentioned. Who is running the Internet Research Agency? For those that don’t know, Russia's most prominent troll far,. Prigozhin also ran that as well as Wagner
  5. I know, the solution to the problem is to bring back the person responsible for a good chunk of the problem to sort her mess out
  6. Apparently he's even lied in that article. Not read it but it's something do with diving to 33 meters on his very first scuba dive which people claim he wouldn't be allowed to do.
  7. meanwhile in regards to Belarus... Both the opposition leader in exile and the Kastuś Kalinoŭski Regiment have made announcements today both saying that the time to overthrown Lukashenko is close. The regiment have appealed to its supporters and it's secret reserves in Belarus, to wait for the signal...
  8. Alan Partridge isn't very funny, makes me cringe not laugh
  9. Generation Sex, oh my non-existent god, just f*** off. John Lyndon must be laughing his ass off Billy Idol and Generation X were always garbage, he was a poseur and now he's trying to be Lydon's substitute It’s blindingly obvious the gulf in the two bands when they play the songs, the Gen X ones are just shite in comparison to the Pistols tunes and Idol can only wish to have the presence of Lydon. Mixing a pastiche in with the Pistols numbers is bad enough but Idol just doesn't even have the venom to attempt to deliver a Pistols tune
  10. Lots of commuters do, free newspapers for trains but I'm with you, these days even TV News is hours behind events, the internet is where the news is.
  11. I'm a fan, the latest album is a return to form too. Looking forward to watching that at some point. Up there with the Chemical Brothers for electronic artists in my book, how can you not love this? Or this Or even this off the new album
  12. WTF are you doing watching Grease you saddo
  13. Nah, It’s a really really odd place for him to be “exiled” to. Luka is a bit of a joke, he's only in power because of Putin, the country is never far from revolution. The military have quite obviously told Luka they'll keep him in power but they will absolutely not be joining the war. Russia really needs to have a military presence there to keep the country from revolution and the events of the last few days have shown how weak the Russian military is outside of the conflict zone. They have nothing, that will only empower the Belarus opposition and let’s not forget, there are three whole battalions of battle hardened Belarus opposition troops fighting for Ukraine right now. They will turn their attention to home eventually and the Belarus military really have nothing. Prigozhin wil, be plotting his next move and Luka wants his support
  14. Apart from it being a bonifide early 80s Indie classic covered by the Weddoes. As an aside, one of the few bands where I own every single record they brought out when they were together as a bad. All the 7” singles and the album. There could be stuff that came out after they split like compilations and rarities etc but all their regular releases I have 'em all
  15. Is this a hunch? Or give us your reasoning? If Prigozhim was a dead man walking, he wouldn’t have stopped
  16. Those closest to Putin? Shiogu et al? They are about to be replaced. Putin is about to lose his closest advisors as part of the deal. Right now, it’s Putin that needs to be careful. He’s essentially a puppet
  17. Funny you should mention them, without going into the whole rant about the new 6Music. The Manics artist is residence shows this last week have been great. Mainly great tunes and the complete opposite of pretentious. I really warmed to them as people. They were completely under rehearsed and just winged it. They played Ironmasters by The Men They Couldn't Hang (a personal favourite of mine) and I thought they’d go on about the song being about the history of Welsh Industrial rebellion and they didn’t really know that much about the song and what it was saying. “I think there may be a nod to Merthyr in there”.. The song is pretty much ALL about Merthyr and the wider rebellions (even going back to the Rebecca Riots from Welsh farmers) but it specifically name checks William Crawshaw who was THE iron master responsible for the Industrial Revolution around Merthyr and Hirwaun and the revolt against him even produced the first time a red flag was raised as a symbol of the workers on Hitwaun Common. Anyway none of that, they seemed utterly clueless about it which given their reputation, I found utterly refreshing Soz for the long post
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