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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Of course there’s another good reason they didn’t turn up, most of them are likely to either get arrested or help in their future arrest by just being spotted there.
  2. That’s nothing, you should see Walthamstow, there’s about 10k there
  3. You can watch all kinds of court cases on a 30 second delay these days. I watched our Uber appeal on my PC in work whilst I was working but it doesn’t really happen for criminal cases. It’s particularly problematic for jury trials I think
  4. Judges summing up in a crown court has definitely been done before.
  5. It seems the court proceedings in Liverpool are going to be televised tomorrow
  6. Yep there’s a few photos around of the punks giving a few racists a bit of street justice
  7. Dem read the wiki page, go further down and you'll find contradictory figures. I really don't think it'll be easy to find accurate ones
  8. Go directly to jail, do not pass go. Easiest collar ever
  9. She is absolutely horrible but Braverman is still far far worse. You’d never know she was a member of a Buddhist cult most famous for its sex pests
  10. Read on further down that article and you'll find some very contradictory figures to the ones you’ve quoted. 3000 arrests by 10th Aug when the riots were still ongoing until 11th but only 3100 arrests by 25th. Smells a bit whiiffy, the claim made at the top of the article.
  11. Source please because I’ve seen a similar figure mentioned and it took over a year, some were still being arrested over year later
  12. Nkunku, I'm kind of convinced about ESR, I agree, he’s just a placeholder
  13. Bowen isn’t an upgrade on anyone in that midfield Absolute troll of a player for me Im not exactly convinced Ollie is going to play in GW1 and Isak should have pens and I really hope Ollie doesn’t
  14. You aren’t going to get that many in a small residential street, one side of the road is houses, a bloke I’ve known a very long time (and worked with him for over 20 years but known a lot longer) lives in one of them. The other side is the asylum centre building, a massive old sandstone church and a school. All three of them run the whole length of the street and all have 6ft metal fences. If it goes off the residents are in for hell.
  15. Me neither, some of the positions are just placeholders I couldn’t be arsed transferring out like Livaramento who will only be seriously considered if Trippier takes the petrol dollar and runs I'm also yet to be convinced that Sbozoszlai is the right mid for that price point Im not even convinced you need to WC out of it with the new 5 transfers rule. You should only need 3 for a fairly major rework Even 2 transfers takes Salah and ESR out for Saka and Gordon with 0.5 to spare Take Haaland out and the world is your lobster with £6mil between him and Ollie
  16. Update: the Asylum centre themselves have asked that there isn’t a counter protest as they have everything out of there and it’s boarded up To be honest as a previous participant in plenty of counter protests it kind of makes sense. It’s absolutely obvious that the Police are stretched and making them have two lines of defence is just counter productive. I see the point if it’s a one off, like they usually are but having battles out on the street between the Throbbers and the generally reasonable population on the other side is just going to feed the race wars narrative for the likes of Farage / SY-L / Musk / Putin (and all the others). Counter-protests and street battles is what they want, it’s feeding their narrative.
  17. Hmm, just pissing about to look at what a team containing Haaland, Salah, TAA and Gvardiol looks like This team gets 91/100 on that FFHub Ai team bollocks
  18. The much missed Trish Keenan Broadcast - Tender Buttons
  19. Tonight is a "protest" outside an asylum centre in Edge Hill It's also the first time I've seen the local Anti-Fascist group actually promote a counter protest. This lot are the ones that normally organise them It's literally opposite a very old friends house. He'll be deafened by the strains of the Benny Hill Theme and the sound systems the anti-fascist lot will bring with them But I seriously hope for his sake that it doesn't get ugly
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