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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Yep, me for starters, it's just tidy
  2. He's better at choosing the music for his films.
  3. Bus £2 Cab £12, bus stop outside venue. But don’t start me on trying to find an ATM to get cash out (because the pub I was going to was cash only because their POS machine was broken) - impossible!
  4. You know that Jasper Carrot sketch about the looney on the bus? Yeah well I’m in that sketch right now
  5. Given his political stance (centre - left) it would have taken someone to complain about it for it to come to the Party's attention. Now there's two obvious types of people who would report it, either someone he's annoyed in some shape or form personally or someone from the “other side” (whatever that may be) Now imagine the fuss that would be kicked up if the reportee from the other side saw that nothing happened after they'd reported it… So purge or due process? Get rid of him and it's a purge, do nothing and it’s one rule for one etc. Labour can't really win. Complaint made, due process being followed. It’s all Labour can do
  6. DO we really live in a free country? Yes the banks are free to not want you as a customer
  7. I think they stopped the recruitment from jails, not sure if it actually happened though
  8. I know of people that live in Formby and own static caravans either in Formby or the other side of the airfield n Ainsdale and they go to those caravans most weekends in the summer absolute mentalists
  9. I love the bat house at the zoo, the missus and the daughter won't go in with me I could sit there for ages just watching themfly with them just brushing past my head, not a problem. The females of this family would just scream the place down
  10. There is also Alistair Campbell on the other side of that coin This bloke hasn't been expelled yet either. He may not be, who knows EDIT: Also the likes of Luciana Berger left first thenhad activities with other parties, which is a different situation.
  11. Same for me, I have a bit of a reputation for being able to sleep anywhere but the whole idea of camping is just one big f*** that!
  12. He retweeted a LibDem MP's call for their supporters to vote Green. I'm not sure what expected tbh, it's always been against the rules of the Labour Party to show support for other political parties. All his talk about Labour being founded on pluralism, whilst true, that pluralism was internal to the Labour Party I'm really not sure what he expected would happen.
  13. Why? Any official investigative body, be that the police / fraud etc will require that the person supplying the information does so without telling the suspected party. The only way any body like that would give financial information out is by means of a court Production order or similar instrument. It will be a condition of the order that the suspect isn't informed of the interest from the investigative body. However, once the bank are aware of the issues, they are perfectly entitled to distance themselves from that individual. There is no banking law that says you have to have a reason given to you when the bank close your account
  14. That bit is most likely true. They can't tell you that you are under investigation, nor do they have to even if you aren't for that matter.
  15. Bah, so close but lacking in cigars Wordle 741 4/6
  16. So it's a camping moan then
  17. I've worked at a fair few awards ceremonies
  18. It's a bit like me complaining that The British Soap Awards are shit
  19. This is the universal rule for most gigs over a certain size but tonight I will be seeing House of All in Jimmys and I have no idea where the sound desk even is in the weird L shaped basement room but the venue is small enough that it doesn't matter
  20. Circular rooms will definitely have the sound bouncing all over the place so the only place worth listening to a gig is near the mixing desk
  21. Or maybe you've stocked your freezer with free samples for testing of the worlds shittest ice-cream that has a freezing point of -10 celcius
  22. This is Lord Zac Goldsmith, Johnson ally, friend of Johnson's wife, recently enobled in Johnson's honours list and yesterday named in the Privileges Committee report as trying to interfere in the Johnson partygate probe in a co-ordinated attempt with other former ministers (Patel, JRM et al) As much as what he says is true, this government (as pointed out by an audience member on QT) is uninterested in doing anything about absolutely most things, apart from small boats unless they really have to He was absolutely fine with it two days ago but the day after he was named by the PC he's resigning.... hmmmm But yes, carry on fighting you bunch of arseholes, keep digging a bigger hole
  23. Is there anything that isn't possibly carcinogenic? Have they actually ever ruled out a substance or product as absolutely not carcinogenic?
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