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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Sounds like a rumour not based in reality. He's no longer in the Conservative Party, why would Pincher be doing them favours? Not sure there is an appeal process, if there was Johnson would probably have gone down that route.
  2. Nah, need 2 phones because the missus needs a new one more desperately than me
  3. Suggest you go and actually read them.
  4. No not really, I don’t run much data through my phone apart from Spotify and general browsing. Probably use between 5-10 Gig a month. It’s years since I had new contract but I'm waiting for the new iPhone and will be getting a new contract then, so it’s useful to know I can get it cheaper by limiting the data. Even when I went out of contract and went into a monthly rolling contract, it was just unlimited data. That seemed to be the deal, there was no offer of smaller data amounts
  5. That’s why I was asking because I’ve had unlimited for years, I didn’t realise most contracts were no longer that.
  6. I think you should look up the word pedantic in the dictionary. It’s important that you know the meaning of the words you use. My comment wasn't in the slightest pedantic. I was criticising your imbecilic post. This post is pedantic though, just to help you out with what the word means. And you want me to be really pedantic, you meant to use you're not your. The last bit also makes no sense whatsoever
  7. I haven’t watched a single episode of Coronation Street since I moved out from my parents in about ‘85. I don’t watch very much TV, when I do, it’s rarely ITV, even then it would absolutely not be Corrie Very much me this bit.
  8. Yeah I presumed you were talking about mobiles. I’ve had unlimited data for years, doesn’t everyone on a contract have that?
  9. Do you ever read back what you've typed before you hit send? I mean did you just think to yourself that we have an ageing population, that needs such facilities. Older people obviously aren't part of the community
  10. The missus is watching the tennis. I'm having to feign at least a passing interest I'm deliberately calling the world number one Alcatraz to get my own back
  11. How do you double unlimited? Ive had unlimited for years, doesn’t every company basically do unlimited these days?
  12. You know, bigger and more powerful than a laptop, can run 4 screens at once
  13. Yep, I just went through and put current top 1-4-4-2 players owned in each category then added the most players owned from the cheapo options available for the subs. Just as a sort of exercise in looking at current thinking. Not perfect obviously as formations will play a part, as will new signings and their prices as they come in and obviously people are just dicking about right now too. I thought Ramsdale was interesting as from my POV I’d consider using an Arsenal defensive slot on a keeper as a bit of a waste, rather have Gabriel for the same money, especially if I'm going with Saka / Jesus as those three are probably the three most nailed on right now, rest of the team has a much bigger rotation risk than last year.
  14. They are getting the signups though, claiming to have 70 million as of earlier on today, which considering they haven’t opened it up to the EU yet over GDPR concerns is pretty impressive in numbers
  15. Current state of all the pollsters. Not one pollster has the Tories above 30% Pollster Con Lab LD Grn RUK Con lead Fieldwork Omnisis 25% (-1) 51% (+3) 8% (nc) 5% (nc) 5% (-2) -26% 6-7/7 Techne 26% (-1) 47% (+1) 10% (-1) 5% (nc) 6% (nc) -21% 5-6/7 YouGov 22% (-2) 47% (+1) 9% (-1) 7% (nc) 9% (+1) -25% 5-6/7 Redfield & Wilton 28% (+2) 46% (+2) 11% (-2) 5% (nc) 5% (-1) -18% 2/7 Savanta 28% (-3) 46% (+3) 11% (+1) 4% (+1) 4% (-1) -18% 30/6-2/7 Deltapoll 25% (+1) 48% (+1) 10% (-2) 5% (+1) 5% (-2) -23% 29/6-3/7 BMG 29% (+2) 43% (-1) 11% (+1) 7% (nc) 6% (-1) -14% 27-29/6 Survation 28% (-1) 45% (-2) 11% (nc) 3% (-1) 4% (+1) -17% 23-26/6 Opinium 26% (-3) 44% (+3) 8% (-3) 7% (nc) 10% (+4) -18% 21-23/6 More in Common 28% (-3) 47% (+5) 10% (-3) 4% (-1) 6% (+1) -19% 15-19/6 Ipsos 25% (-3) 47% (+3) 13% (nc) 8% (+2) 3% (+1) -22% 14-20/6 Kantar 29% (+1) 42% (-3) 11% (+2) 5% (-2) 5% (nc) -13% 18-22/5
  16. Its not really the finished product, it's been rushed out, there's lots of features missing, basic features like hashtags
  17. Personally I'm gearing up to play 3-5-2 most of the season, so I'm likely to have 2 cheapo defenders and spend a little more in midfield. Also that team has no early season financial Wiggle room as it comes in bang on £20mil I'm also of the opinion that if Kane does indeed go to Utd, then Rashford becomes incredibly overpriced
  18. They aren't mine Those are the currently most selected in a 4-4-2 with the subs taken from the most selected cheapos
  19. So the early template appears to be: 4-4-2 Ramsdale TAA, Shaw, Estupinian, Tripper Saka, Mitoma, Rashford, Mbuema, Haaland, Jesus Subs Areola, Botman, Baptiste, Surridge
  20. I'm getting a new PC at work, it'll even have flashing lights
  21. I'm not talking bout near Kherson and the Dam itself, I'm talking about the wide expanse that acted as a natural front line, say from Beryslav across to Khakovka Google Maps Link
  22. Did you miss the whole discussion where I realised I used to know him
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