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Everything posted by bickster

  1. This was always about Murdoch vs the BBC. Johnson and Osborne are mere pawns in Murdoch’s game, expendable and of no real importance, not only that but both are really agents of media rivals and not Murdoch
  2. We’ve had confessions of far worse on here
  3. You bought the extras option with the framed NFT belly button fluff Suck it up or sniff it or whatever… see if I care
  4. You can also google Vylan and get the correct results
  5. It’s not something I have an issue with, it’s a discussion forum not a personal messaging service… which by the way I'm selling pictures of my belly button complete with its surrounding wide expanse on,for £2k an image, 50% off for first time VT readers
  6. Yep, that was exactly my impression listening to the news report.
  7. Yes, the law says so. You own personal worldview is just that yours and yours alone. Once it’s legal quite frankly, it’s none of your business
  8. It was definitely on the BBC news on the radio. one member of staff has claimed they were sent an email which they thought was inappropriate, BBC News has seen the email and declared it was flirty…
  9. Over 18, not 17. AND you have no evidence of any of it, none
  10. There is no requirement for MPs to attend Theres a Tory MP who has been bailed 4 times since May 2022 on charges including rape that has been told not to visit parliament but still does constituency work and has been re selected to stand at the next GE. Nada Compare that to the current Scum story
  11. That appears to have the front cover of the Double CD version but the back and spine card of the single. Is it a double CD as the front indicates or a single? The double should have an orange rear and spine
  12. Chripes, I never notice that after looking at it a few times. I'll check my copy when I get home
  13. Welcome to North West England, been like that for years here with Northern Fail
  14. It's not a quarter, they remove the don't knows and a lot of those could be don't know but not Tory
  15. It's as valid as most opinions. Girkin, is obviously a horrible scumbag but some of his opinions and rants have been very indicative or prescient, He's no fan of Prigozhin (they had a huge spat at the start of the year) but they have both been absolutely slating the military leadership, he currently has more in common with Prigozhin than he does with the military leadership
  16. They haven't got someone near half way sane, none of them are. It's a misconception that this is all down to Truss, they were sliding well before she was put in charge Even the immigration topic appears to be slipping away from them Just to be clear how bad they are, the last time they were this low in the opinion polls was 1994-95 in the build up to the 1997 General election. It took them 15 years to get re-elected. In 1995 they got a bounce when John Major was re-elected leader, it wasn't big enough tosave them, not by a long way. They already tried the new leader bounce trick twice and failed miserably This is what a death spiral looks like
  17. No good for you but there have been places over here offering that discount for weeks on the High Street. John Lewis certainly were because I bought the missus a pair at that price a few weeks ago for her birthday.
  18. Anyone with half a brain shortened that to the Roses
  19. Recorded in Liverpool that, a load of bikers I used to work with at the Royal Court used to be the local crew at the Stadium. They never used to stop going on about that night, I get the feeling it was the greatest night of their lives A rare live album worth having
  20. Well no, not really. Dylan Thomas and Bob Dylan are entirely different names and artists in entirely different fields of artistry. There is no confusing them Dylan (as in Bob) is known a lot for brevity by his chosen stage surname, this female artists has chosen that name as her stage name, they operate in the same field of art and are both currently active as musicians. It's entirely different and beyond stupid as a career move. Even if she'd spelled it Dillan, it would have been fine It's like calling a band The Stones (I presume some idiot has already done that) Also what goes around doesn't come around because Dylan isn't going to be harmed in anyway, its the much lesser known artist thats losing out here, It's an act of self harm
  21. Yep, just a coincidence IMO but my daughter nearly spat her drink out when she watched it last night
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