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Everything posted by bickster

  1. She doesn't have a job description, there are no performance parameters for an MP. It is up to the individual how they best represent their constituents Sinn Fein currently have 7 elected MPs who have never sat and have no intention of sitting in the HoC, I'm not sure you could even introduce rules such as people are suggesting in relation to Dorries without causing mayhem in NI. You can't have one rule for one, one rule for another. Now admittedly, the SF MPs are always elected on the understanding that they will never sit but all the same, you still be having new by-elections in NI every few months in those 7 constituencies
  2. Yes but the longer the time she carries on not resigning the better it is for Sunak What he says in public and what he actually wants are not the same thing
  3. Yeah I've read that before, absolutely hilarious tale of woe
  4. Yes but secretly he will be hoping she doesn't resign at all. That would be one monumental loss of a safe seat
  5. But this particular Trump crime happened in DC not Florida
  6. Don't be stupid, they've even released a picture of the new design
  7. No I think the whole idea stemmed from the Russian Armata Tank numbers first
  8. Putin announced on Navy Day recently that Russia will build 30 new ships for the Navy (unspecified classes) Firstly you'd have to question the numbers and secondly even if they do, their recent Naval designs have been mostly spectacular failures.
  9. Those purported ships are very modern, both belong to the Project 22160 class of which 4 have been built (out of 6), they were designed specifically for the Black Sea Fleet and the Sergey Kotov was only commissioned on 30th July 2022, the Vassily Bykov was the first of the class to be commissioned in 2018. Vassily Bykov was the other ship involved in the famous attack on Snake Island Russia was going to order more of these to be built but decided against it due to recent events, concluding that they were lightly armoured, lacked seaworthiness and had weak air defences And these are some of their most modern ships and even Russia decided they were shit
  10. Bit of a head scratcher that one, enjoyed it Wordle 774 4/6
  11. Its about 100 km further away than Sevastopol is from Ukraine, Ukraine has hit ships in Sevastopol harbour before today and quite a while ago. Ukrainian Naval Drones have advance a lot in that time. They recently unveiled a new design in May that comes in a number of sizes. Naval News
  12. I'm up working in the middle of the night doing some laborious system programming at a time that causes minimum disruption and one of the last songs I heard on the radio before bed was Fake Plastic Trees, so that has prompted me to play The Bends in full for the first time in many years. It still stands up
  13. McCallum might drop his gob on it but it's pure David Axelrod. Which takes us to…. Say hi to Baxter Dury. Not a sample as such but an entirely stolen melody anyway
  14. Magnificent, they has a man more useless than Bez, I mean come on double tambourines and his legs are out of time
  15. Well apart from the fact it seems to stop in the middle of nowhere in the East Midlands on the Eastern branch. It was going on up North after that but hey ho. I agree but stopping the next phase was idiotic (as was not including Liverpool as a destination. Population of Merseyside is 1.5 million ie half of either Manc or Brum that will be absolutely dicked for travel to London when HS2 starts
  16. Obligatory Delia Smith made that cake comment
  17. Even better in Liverpool, they did away with all the non-city centre bus lanes but the markings are still there, years later they still look like bus lanes and if you miss the single bus lanes not active signs.... My absolute favourite of these is the one leading to the airport. People in the outside lane doing 30 or below because the 40 repeaters are badly spaced, meanwhile those in the know shoot down at 40 on the inside lane with a big thick white line between the lanes
  18. 50/50 went wrong again Wordle 773 4/6
  19. I knew there was a Sinead O'Connor / On-U Sound connection, I have a few of these but the connection is bigger than I was aware of
  20. It's to everyone's benefit according Jacob Rees-Mogg. Win / Win
  21. I can remember the very last time I played Subutteo (The Hobby - hence the logo fact fans) It was the day after Derby County got smashed 7-1 by Liverpool in 1991. Three of us lived together, me, a Leeds fan and a Derby Fan. The Derby fan had been to the game and stayed over at his mums. In honour of his return we, being the arseholes were were had stuck up reviews of the match from the sunday papers. The Derby fan cam home in a fouler than foul mood, saw what we'd done and booted the table with the subutteo pitch on, he pretty much trashed all the players and subutteo was never played again. I still have the astroturf pitch but no players or goals or anything
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