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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Imagine someone like Joe Pasquale not having a roadie to do that shit for him, sure he sets up and takes down all his stage props on his own Whats that smell? Are we near a farm?
  2. Nope, I don’t see the country lending the Tories their support even for that
  3. It wasn’t a drone and it wasn’t French. consensus is that appeared to be a British supplied Storm Shadow The French only started to deliver their version of the Storm Shadow (SCALP?) this week. Storm Shadow and the French version are made by the same manufacturer with the same parts, the Made in France thing is highly likely even in a Storm Shadow. Apart from that, what Mandy said
  4. I said a while back that I believed it possible that the LibDems could become the opposition in two election cycles. I seriously don’t see how the Tory Party gets out of the death spiral. They literally have nothing going in their favour. What they’ve done will not be forgotten in a few years, their demographics are stacked against them and their policies are literally killing their electoral base earlier. It took 13 years and global recession before the electorate forgave the Thatcher / Major years and their base demographic voting age was much younger than it currently is. Even Blair's foolish and illegal Iraq war didn't stop the country voting Labour Sure on the other side of the coin, Starmer has far less wriggle room policy wise than Blair / Brown to improve the lot of the country but that doesn’t mean people will suddenly switch back to Tory voting. I believe they will look for an alternative
  5. It would be good and bad in equal measure. No Tory government and their impending death as a party - good Welcome to the one party state with a massive majority that can do pretty much anything it wants and zero chance of electoral reform with such a large majority - bad
  6. Do they have similar conversations in Germany?
  7. Flat Iron (smallish chain) do a reasonable steak near Borough Market Also if you like Parmesan Cheese definitely get some from the woman who just sells Parmesan Cheese in BM to take home the cave aged vintage stuff is out of this world,
  8. Sunak as have been all the previous Tory leaders back to Cameron, is held to ransom by the Throbbers, hence 50p Lee being deputy party Chairman. he clearlt doesn't give a f*** either, he's probably all too aware that he's a gonner at the next election and he's just trying to shore up votes from the bottom
  9. Fine with whatever and I'm Ok for Thursday
  10. Wordle 780 4/6 Quite enjoyable that one
  11. Possibly, I only remember the 84, I wasn't paying too much attention to it at the time
  12. I doubt we'll ever know, especially on the Russian side Whatever Russia claims it is will be a small fraction of the reality The other one I posted about (The VDV one) was definitely Russia talking about Russian casualties iirc it was 84K in the VDV
  13. So you went out and were shocked that lots of people around your area had the same idea?
  14. Absolutely know what you are saying, until two days ago I had three Citeh outfield players in my draft, not worth the rotation risk apart from haaland and their prices are too high, I don't actually envisage having more than two outfielders with their prices. Never say never and all that but I have plenty of City spots available right now I don't think I ever had more than 2 at a time last season either
  15. She says that is exactly what they were talking about, her point is that they seemed to be using the actual figure for the Russian casualties as the figure for the Ukrainian ones It's one of two things, either she's attempted something, got called out on it and is bluffing or she's just shit at explaining stuff in English. I suspect the former but my generosity would extend to the latter
  16. There were lots of complaints about the stream on Saturday, I know people who've complained and been refunded. If you could get a picture the quality was dreadful. The Everton friendly earlier in the day also suffered from problem from what I could see. It may not be your equipment at all, there were definitely issues
  17. I suspect you're right tbh but I definitely disagree that he's the best keeper in the league.
  18. Apparently not, didn't play yesterday though, he was on the bench. In the Community Shield last year he played, it could be that Pep has switched first choice keepers as Ederson did get quite a bit of stick last season and Pep had to come to his defence but also saying that Ortega was pushing Ederson and that he liked the competition for places. I'm just thinking as a £4mil sub keeper it may be worth a punt if Ederson has been dropped. It's not like I'm going to play my sub keeper in GW1`anyway and I can always switch to Areola when I have a spare free transfer I've no use for (ha!) Nothing more than a punt really
  19. Second time in a week something like that happened. IIRC the senior officer of the VDV (paratroopers) gave out actual numbers of lost and injured VDV troops on Airforce Day last week. Speech mysteriously disappeared from media sites VERY quickly I think the numbers equated to 1 British army
  20. F***ed up guess 5 like a dickhead Wordle 779 6/6
  21. Here's the thing with Northern Soul, the original NS DJ really got to dislike the whole scene quite quickly. It was none other than Roger Eagle, who was the original DJ at the Twisted Wheel in Manchester, he often said, he was sick of calling ambulances for all the speed freaks and he found the whole scene quite limiting as he couldn’t play the range of music he wanted to. He moved on from it By the end of the 60s he was heavily into the underground psyche scene, by the 70s he moved to Liverpool and was running The Stadium, helped set up Probe Records and opened Eric’s the legendary punk club I worked for him for a while in the 80s, mainly back in Manchester at The Ritz Anyway, I'm wobbling way off the subject here. Roger Eagle, an absolute legend. Northern Soul just fast and obscure R&B that Roger used to play for speed freaks at all nighters
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