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Everything posted by bickster

  1. National day of mourning north of the border, incredulous looks from England
  2. Yep exactly they used to make units with the button panel blanked off for the types of junctions we’re talking about but I guess it actually cost more to blank the button unit off
  3. The only reason these lights have the push button is for blind people
  4. Cmon he’s hardly in the same league as Dennis Waterman
  5. Myth. Some temporary lights have light sensors on them, usually in areas with less traffic at night, others are just set to a sequence. Flashing your lights just makes the sensor react to you from a greater distance than it would is you hadn't put full beam on
  6. On the website you have to have a paid account to get access to it but I had 4 months free. It's just the bots analysis of that days wordle and how the bot would have solved it and the percentages of the words used by users on each guess that day, its quite interesting to stats nerds
  7. Ah, I used to get the wordle bot on a free account google gave me for 4 months for being an excellent "Google guide". It stopped this week. App it'll be from now on because I miss the Bot analysis
  8. He was also responsible for this monstrosity and for being Jim Davidson's musical director. At least he can't harm our ears now
  9. This was on the radio this morning, decided to give it another listen. The original that De La Soul sampled
  10. SO just wondering, was @Xelacoming back on a flight from Barcelona last night?
  11. By travelling South not from the southern border
  12. In this instance it's anything to stop the schools falling down. They are busy trying to forget boats unfortunately for them, the media haven't forgotten boats
  13. Get 4 part worns from a backstreet garage, they'll never notice
  14. Oh yes I forgot, the classifying of Nitrous Oxide as a Class C Drug against the advice of experts and making the mentally ill apply for jobs where they could work from home were another of the absolutely pointless policies they launched yesterday All be forgotten by lunchtime tomorrow. Absolutely desperate party scrapping the bottom of the lucky dip policy barrell
  15. Hilarious amount of nonsensical policies being announced yesterday. Proscribing Wagner as a Terrorist Group, just a bit late that one considering it's no longer active in Ukraine and it's leadership was blown to bits a few weeks ago Changing the rules on onshore windfarms, a good thing on the surface, until you listen to what they've done. They've removed the ability of one or a few people objecting being able to stop the whole thing BUT they've put it into the hands of local councils to approve or deny. The local councils in rural areas are generally run by... Tories, colour me shocked when the Tory Councils start denying the planning applications because of the NIMBYs. Yes Sunak managed to get the Green and pro-fuel wings of the party to agree on that because it'll change feck all Neither of those stories managed to cut above the crumbling schools stories, neither will have had the impact they desired, in fact the wind farm one will probably lose them votes because the NIMBYs mostly won't read past the headlines.
  16. I was already a fan of the original Sonic Boom / Panda Bear album, it was one of my favourites last year, so then chuck in the absolute genius of Adrian Sherwood and it's bound to be a winner in this house
  17. Any fool knows breakfast can be eaten any time of the day
  18. I have it on order for when they finally f***ing release in on vinyl, was meant to be out weeks ago
  19. Completely unrelated, I don’t get how my missus manage to burn this omelette so much, it’s actually black on one side, not a bit brown but actually black I will declare its loveliness and do the washing up shortly
  20. Anyway Baby on board sticker £200 fine and 3 points on your licence Superstar / princess / future rockstar etc on board = £400 and 6 points grandkids versions (or any other relative) £1000 fine and 3 month instant ban
  21. A slightly less informative version. Still attention and presents and booze whilst the mum to be has to stay sober
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