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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Wiki says 57 battalions, presumably 1 complete unit per battalion. They aren't as rare as claimed by some. China, India, Turkey and Algeria have some. South Korea was even developing their own system based on it with help from Russia There's far more than 20 of them
  2. You could just as easily say... "Exactly, Kiers strategy (and it's a good one) is moving the Labour Party to the right to regain the trust all of those former Labour voters that have been upset by seeing their party transform into an openly idiotic left wing shitshow It just depends as has already been said on where you think you're standing when you make the statement From my perspective, I've not seen anything to suggest Starmer has moved Labour to anywhere other than its modern political average stance, ignoring the Corbyn years, it's in pretty much a similar position policy wise to where it always was since Kinnock replaced Foot or going back even further, taking out the Foot years, a similar position to where it's been for over half a century. The idea that those 8 years of Foot / Corbyn actually represent Labour's natural / traditional position is farcical. Only yesterday, Labour was promising more unionised jobs and greater recognition for unions etc How does that fit in with this red tories / centre right idea?
  3. @ml1dchbringing the conversation here as it's more relevant If you want a giggle, here is an extensive list of who it won't be according to that latest MRP poll & Electoral Calculus (Current MP listed, some are already standing down)
  4. The latest large scale regression poll (August) is suggesting that the Tories will only win 90 seats and also that their biggest losses will actually come in some of their strongest seats. It actually predicts that Sunak will lose Richmond It will be an entirely different party and the lesson they will surely learn is that the moving to the right really isn't going to win them any votes. I appreciate what you say about being in Starmer world for a long time and I agree and think it's equally as dangerous but what I can't see is the Tories staying as right as they are, there's more likely to be a convergence towards the centre BUT it will not matter. The real lesson they should have learned is that the country will be wholeheartedly be rejecting Conservatism but I do expect the reaction to be a movement towards the centre ground again.
  5. Only ever happened once, Ramsay McDonald and he was removed as Labour Leader (and expelled from the Party) for forming a National Government which consisted of mainly Tories It would be a very extreme event like that which would cause the Labour Party to remove a sitting PM whilst in office On current polling, the required 20% to stand a candidate against the current leader is likely to be around 90, given that an awful lot of the party will be new MPs who will be mostly grateful to Starmer for getting them elected. I'd suggest getting near to the threshold will be next to impossible unless something really dramatic happens
  6. The Tory Party will be a very different party after the next election. An awful lot of complete throbbers will be gone. If he stands in London, Khan will win
  7. He had the whip removed, he didn't leave, also doesn't mean he won't be angling to get back in. His Tory ideals haven't changed, he just disagreed with a No Deal Brexit and voted against the Government. Credit to him for that but he's still a Tory as are his 20 fellow co-conspirators
  8. He clearly isn’t supporting Corbyn, he’s supporting himself and his own long term desire to be in the Tory Party again. He’s just using Corbyn to get himself in the headlines. Even the broad church argument he’s raising is very rapidly becoming nonsense. The broad church has held Labour back for decades, the Tories until recently kept they various factions in check but now it’s not really possible. In a proper PR democracy the supposed broad churches of the two main parties shouldn’t exist, they exist to attempt to keep the two party state intact. He's arguing to keep the status quo and he wants back in, f*** him!
  9. This Rory Stewart? Who said this? The JC He’s using Corbyn as an analogy to his own situation, the statement is nothing other than self serving in keeping himself relevant so he can sell more copies of his book Of all the straws to grasp at… Tory bloke, selling his book is a pretty desperate one
  10. So the story is that it was British Storm Shadows used on the missile attack on Sevastopol Navy Base, hence the Shiogu announcement today. They are clearly trying to claim that occupied Crimea isn't part of the conflict area Also the converse of what Shiogu said is obviously that they are ok with their use in the “conflict zone” Yes, the invading force gets to decide where the zone of conflict is in a war and expects the defending forces to respect that… erm what
  11. I've so far avoided ever looking at a tickytock. You are indeed a bastard
  12. The only times any party of Brexit Wankpuffery have had a genuine effect in the Tamworth constituency, they affected Labours share of the vote more than the Tories. I'm also not sure Reform are capable of obtaining the 18% of the vote UKIP managed in 2015. Every other year the Brexit Wankpuffers have polled less than 5%
  13. Probably what the small arms firing in Moscow was all about too
  14. Same day as Mid Beds, might as well bury double bad news in a single blow
  15. Yep, Ostankino Tower looks just like that at night
  16. The ability to launch satellites is the theory because NK have had two spectacular falures on that score in recent months
  17. Apparently the deal is more likely about weapons / space technology than oil / grain.
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