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Everything posted by bickster

  1. You think they changed all the toilets as soon as the wall fell? We must remove the scourge of the communist shelf!
  2. Don't get the Brioche hatred myself, the bread holds together much better than a traditional shitey whitey burger bun
  3. So Paul's Boutique was expensive at £100 then
  4. Yes, there is a very common misconception about what multiculturalism actually is. In it's basest form, it is very much a challenge to Liberal Democracy as it challenges the equal representation / opportunity for all principal. There are an awful lot of people who talk about multiculturalism without actually understanding what it means What Braverman is saying isn't the attack people think it is, nor do they understand what they are defending A traditional liberal like Braverman would find Multiculturalism, with its ideas that under-represented cultural groupings should get extra assistance / protections etc very challenging. It's why the more the Tories have veered towards traditional liberalism the more opposed to multiculturalism they've become.
  5. You might have more of an idea if you read the reports from VT's attendance at FCGs, in this instance specifically the ones about the badge / design in which we dispatched something of a world leading expert in the field
  6. It's believable just because of the sheer volume of his ex-colleagues that also seemingly had the same opinion
  7. Your political opinions are not a protected characteristic, nor can they be as some political opinions are illegal Equating say race or religion with politics is a false premise If I owned a pub, known Nazis wouldn't be allowed to drink in it. That is perfectly legal and allowable
  8. Check out the recent documentary on / featuring him on Sky Arts. Embarrassing doesn't do it justice he's that coked up
  9. I think I've posted this before but as a former hairdresser, Mike used way too much hairspray He's a workaholic, must do close to 300 gigs a year. I'm shocked they came back to the UK tbh, always more popular in US and Canada and earns far more over there than here I went for a drink with him after a Liverpol gig a few years ago because my mate was their TM. Nice enough bloke but then I left when Ian McCulloch turned up as.... well Mac is just a wee bit of an arsehole these days
  10. On a personal level I agree but people obviously don't and insist on paying me with cash, therefore I have to get rid of cash by spending it or occasionally I have to spend it to get some change for a float, usually fivers I'm short of, need a fiver, go to a garage and buy the cheapest bottle of water to get a fiver in change. £2 coins all the way, gits Then there was the time the pub I drink in had no internet and the bar was cash only....
  11. bickster


    iirc they were brought to PWEI's attention after the work they did for their hometown band Age of Chance (and before that Chakk). I know Jeff form AoC was really proud of the work they did for them Then went on to do stuff for Warp Records, Pulp and The Orb etc. The Orb stuff was particularly memorable Didn't they also have something to do with Grand Theft Auto too?
  12. I can still find shops that give them to me by the bucket load because of a lack of fivers £2 coins are nonsense
  13. could have been better Wordle 830 3/6
  14. Amok Sharma can’t face the embarrassment of defeat so he’s quitting at the next GE
  15. Great tour to support the album too, I might just have worked every date
  16. Yes I am Kurious Oranj by The Fall and the Michael Clark ballet company, a modern ballet about sectarianism and William of Orange. Performed at the Edinburgh Featival and if I’m not mistaken Saddlers Wells dates back to 1988
  17. Also, the important staff, the ones with an operational practical brain, not the admiral will have been in that building. These are far more valuable assets to take out
  18. Yeah diesel in a petrol engine is much worse than the other way around I think
  19. A long time ago cab drivers used to put a gallon of petrol in and top up with diesel about once a week in winter, well before unleaded and all these woke petroleum products came along. I can't for the life of me remember why they did it though
  20. bickster


    Oh I remember that coming out and it coincided with Cream making the major move from the cool but bijou Nation Annex to the full club (which at that point only had one promoter capable of filling it regularly *ahem* that would be me).... any how just after the launch Cream had a big tie in with Wipeout with Playstations set up in the club for people to play it etc. the tie was obvious from the games soundtrack and it being developed by Psygnosis in Liverpool but it also seemed to be a little strange, clubs & games didn't seem like natural bedfellows at the time so it was also quite jarring too. In retrospect it was obvious but it also kind of marked a complete culture shift in both gaming and clubbing that were seemingly occurring simultaneously and independently It was a real standout out cultural moment I think
  21. I think it's been discussed quite recently on VT but all four of those McCallum albums are the work of David Axelrod, who has been sampled by Hip Hop and other artists an extraordinary amount of times. Check out his first two solo albums, Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience and play spot the sample as you enjoy their magnificence
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