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Everything posted by bickster

  1. He takes it up the dirt track, takes it up the dirt track, takes it up the diiiiirrrrt track….
  2. True, forgot about County Councils as we now have a Metro mayor to replace them
  3. That would be insane, not only does it have the ill designed rolling stock issue but its also adding distance to the route. There's a reason Birmingham is only on a branch of the WCML and not the WCML proper If they are doing that, what happens to the current Cross Country service between Manc and Brum? One of those routes becomes utterly pointless
  4. Devolved to council responsibility apart from Motorways and a select few A roads. Nailed on that the councils won't see much
  5. Oh yep, definitely needs a proof read but if all you are doing is preventing it looking like "a cut and paste" then it'll save you hours
  6. Have you never heard of Chat GPT Rewrite this "...Insert text..." so that it reads differently Seriously, I use it all the time to rewrite my stuff in plain English
  7. There is no Virgin Railways. It's Avanti West Coast but that does raise a completely different issue. Also why would they have to run trains designed for HSR on non-HSR tracks? The trains won't be going to Manchester / Euston via Birmingham they'll continue to use the WCML as now and probably continue with the same rolling stock and replace with similar The reason there is no Virgin is because the Virgin consortium lost the bid on renewal. The reason stated for Avanti winning was that Virgin had no experience of running a HSR network whereas the Avanti consortium did (Italian Railway Co). Can't imagine Branson is happy
  8. The only direct trains from Manchester to Birmingham are slow stopping trains, there is no fast express service. Takes an hour and a half minimum
  9. She based her joining of the party on the years 1906 to 1908. Very f***ing strange
  10. There seems to be absolutely nothing new in there. It all seems exactly as you’d think it was. Thanks for sharing though.
  11. It is noticeable that talk of other small vessels appears to have been wiped from the collective Tory mind hive this week Immigrants are apparently reduced to coming over in WWII British fighter aircraft, the absolute cheek of it
  12. FTFY (They never claimed to give a f*** about Andy Burnham)
  13. A few months back I nipped into the Southport one for a packet of ciggies. Bloke behind the till did something really odd,”hang on I'll just check the price for you first”, pause from him, slight bewilderment from me…. “£18….”. Nah you can keep them mate, you realise Bargain Booze is 100 yards away. “Yeah, sorry, we're just really expensive”
  14. True story. In the Guild of Students at Liverpool university, there is, in the old part of the building a Masonic Temple. It's no ordinary level temple, it's a couple of rungs up the ladder. When I was a student there and very active in student politics, someone (someone from the Women's Group possibly) moved a motion to Guild Council... "To ban the Masons from the Guild". The university were outraged and sent messages to the student union threatening funding cuts etc.... Motion comes to council and is defeated (due to the threats from Senate) I quickly drew up a new motion, presented it as an emergency motion that simply said that "The Guild of Students welcomes outside hires of it's facilities wherever possible but all external organisations hiring any of the Guilds facilities must prove that their organisation does not discriminate against anyone on the grounds of sex, race, Religion (or lack thereof) etc... and that all external hirers would be required to sign a declaration that this is the case." To bring them into line with all internal societies and groupings. Council instructs the President to make all current hirers aware of this policy change within one week and to add the declaration to all future external hires. The Masons f***ed off the very next day. We we didn't ban them, they left of their own accord. There is now a very underused mid level masonic temple in the Guild of Students (they can't do much with it, I think it's listed), it's been that way for nearly 4 decades.
  15. Yes possibly. At least if we do get an infestation from France it's likely top be Surrey thats one of the first hit places. Should cheer @tonyh29up no end
  16. No, completely unlike Uber. Uber's model is to undercut the opposition and rely on their workers to take the financial hit or give freebies away from within their platform that has no intrinsic cost to themselves. Microsoft is giving away gift vouchers for other companies. They will have a cost. A huge cost
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